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62 Cards in this Set

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Why was the food pyramid constructed the way it was?

Because Carbs have the biggest bit, because we need the most, sugary foods have the least, because we need the least and everything else is in the middle


Why would a young baby need lots of calcium?

Because their bones are developing

What two categories does cheese fall into?

Dairy and protein

Why are vegetarians less likely to get constipated?

Vegetables are full of Fibre, which stops it

How does Fibre prevent constipation?

It adds bulk to the food whilst digesting so it goes down quicker

Why is it better to eat fruit for vitamin C over tablets?

The fruit also contains fibre. Fibre helps the body in many ways

How can junk food make us ill?

It can cause heart disease

Which vitamin is in fruit

Vitamin C

Why does salt overdose create foot swelling?

The blood gets clogged up in the veins

Why is it a good idea to eat fruit for breakfast?

It gives you slow release energy

Why are slow release energy foods good?

You have continuous energy

Who needs more energy: pregnant woman or labourer worker?





What happens to a heart pulse when you exercise?

It increases

What does the heart do?

Pumps blood around the body

How do we measure energy?


Are lungs like plastic bags?

Lungs are. Yes

Do enzymes help with digestion?


What do antibodies do?

Neutralise the bacteria and stop it reproducing

When someone gets a disease and it goes, why does it go away quicker if they have it again?

The first time would've created a memory cell, so the body knows exactly what type of antibody to create

What precautions Are taken when keeping dangerous diseases in laboratories?

It is contained securely and everyone around it wears special clothing, including masks

What is biological warfare?

Use of microbes to kill the enemy?

Why are vaccines treated versions of the disease?

So the body can create memory cells

Why are there alcohol hand washes in hospitals?

Because the alcohol kills the disease

Why is hospital waste material usually burned?

To ensure any microbes are completely gone

What is in the food pyramid?

Back (Definition)

Where are starchy foods in the food pyramid?

The bottom

Where are fruits in the food pyramid

Fruit and veg are in the midfle

What did Jenner realise?

Milkmaids who got cowpox didn't get smallpox

What can we use salt for?

To preserve food, to give food taste, we can use it to make sodium chloride, to make chlorine (stops bugs in swimming pools)

How does sea water prove salt dissolves?

There is none in the water, and if we evaporate the water, we can see the salt

What are the changes of state in distillation?

Luigi to gas. Gas to luigi

What is distilled water?

Pure water

Is it correct that salt and sugar dissolve in water?

Yes, it is correct

Water disappears from a puddle on the floor because it


We use chromatography to seperate


Water vapour can ___ on the inside of a cold tube in a condenser


What happens when sugar is stirred with water?

It dissolves

If something dissolves in water, what is the water categorised as?


On the beach, how do we know the sand is insoluble?

There is lots of wet sand that we can visually see

All metals can ___ electricty


Water goes away from a puddle because it ___


Is it correct that sugar and salt both dissolve in water?

It is

Water vapour can ___ on the inside of a cold tube in a ___

Condense, condenser

A ship where a disease broke out is in quarantine. Why?

So it can't spread

Scientists investigate a ship on which a disease broke out. How do they stay safe?

Masks, special clothing and things like that

Scientists find a sample of a microbe and want to find if it caused a disease. How can rats help?

We can sample it on them

WHO discovered pasteurisation?


What happens when sugar is stirred with water?


What do we call liquid that things dissolve in?






All metals can ___ electricity


Most elements are either metals or ___

Non metals

Are there two states of matter?


Are there 3 states of matter?


What are the three states of matter?

Solid, Liquid, Gas

Who first heard of magnets


Where did the name come from?


WHich of these is a use for magnets? Phone charger, contactless, camera


On many phones, the box states 'KEEP AWAY FROM MAGNETS'. Why?

The magnetic field can damage the device's internal storage

Why does it matter?

Why does it matter?

The magnets are attracted to the north pole of the magnet