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17 Cards in this Set

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What is the only fertile hybrid?

The Mallard Duck is the only fertile hybrid.

Name a plant hormone.

There are different ones, giberellins, auxins.....

To figure out the wave speed, I must?

Times the frequency by the wave length.

What is the difference between alkenes and alkanes?

Alkenes are unsaturated and alkanes are saturated.

If an alkene has five carbons, how many hydrogens would it have?

It would have ten hydrogens as it has a double bond.

True or false: Alkanes turn orange in bromine water?

True! Alkenes however turn colourless in bromine water.

Explain why reflecting telescopes are more efficient than refracting telescopes.

Refracting telescopes aren't very mobile and are incredibly huge and heavy.

Describe iron seeding.

Iron seeding is where small amounts of iron is dropped into the sea to prevent carbon dioxide being produced by helping plant growth.

What does VHF and UHF stand for?

Very high frequency and ultra high frequency.

Explain the heliocentric theory.

The theory that everything around us orbits the sun, this replaced the previous theoy, the geocentric thory - the theory that everything orbits the Earth.

Name three EMRs than can mutate cells.

Ultra-violet light, X-rays and gamma rays.

How are ions made?

Ions are made when atoms have their electrons removed. the atom then turns into an ion.

Name the three types of radiation?

Alpha, beta and gamma.

What does S.E.T.I stand for?

Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence.

Name three reasons why we should use charcoal.

It's renewable, it's efficient, it lasts a long time.

A tamborine creates __________ energy

A tamborine creates kinetic energy.

What ingredient in alcohol slows down your reaction time?
