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51 Cards in this Set

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process of arranging animals or other things into groups according to their similarities


all living things may be classified into large groups called what?


name the 2 kingdom divisions used in the classification of living things

plant kingdom and animal kingdom

which 2 divisions of the classification system are used to form the scientific name of a plant or animal?

the genus and species names

what do we call animals that have backbones?


what do we call animals without backbones?


what do we call invertebrates that have external skeletons, jointed appendages and segmented bodies?


the tough material that makes up the anthropod's exoskeleton is called what?


what are the 3 body regions of an insect?

the head, the thorax and the abdomen

what helps an insect to feel, hear and taste?


what helps and insect see light and shadow?

simple eyes

what enables and insect to see in many directions at once?

compound eyes

what do we call the openings in the abdomen of and insect that are used for breathing?


the strong, lightweight covering that protects an anthropod while giving its body strength and support

external skeleton or exoskeleton

how many pairs of legs and wings does an insect have?

3 pairs of jointed legs and one or more pairs of wings

the transformation in appearance of an insect during their life cycle is called what?


what are the 2 kinds of metamorphosis?

complete metamorphosis and incomplete metamorphosis

list the 4 stages of complete metamorphosis

egg, larva, pupa, adult

list the 3 stages of incomplete metamorphosis

egg, nymph, adult

scientists who study insects


what are the body regions of an spider?


what order do crickets, grasshoppers, locusts and cockroaches belong to ?


what order do dragonflies and damselflies belong to?


what order do beetles belong to?


what order do aphids, tree hoppers, leaf hoppers, cicadas, scale insects and the lac insect belong to?


what order do bees, ants, and wasps belong to?


what order do butterflies and moths belong to?


what term describes an animal that is active at night?


what order do true bugs belong to ?


what order do flies, gnats and mosquitoes belong to?


in what class do spiders belong?


what are the two body regions of a spider?

abdomen and cephalothorax

how many legs does a spider have?


what body section of a spider consists of a combined head and thorax?


what do you call the feeling hairs of a spider?


what do spiders use to breathe?

book lung

what term describes the action of young spiders sailing through the air on silk strands?


what do you call the tubelike structures that squirt out the spider's silk when it is needed


spider with keen eyesight; pounces on insects

jumping spider

the largest tarantula

Goliath birdeater

spider that lives its entire life underwater in its specially built "house"

water spider

poisonous spider recognizable by the dark violin-shaped mark on top of its body and its six eyes grouped in three pairs

brown recluse

spider that weaves cobwebs in the corners of a house and destroys tiny household pests

house spider

spider that makes silk-lined trap from a hole in the ground

trap-door spiders

spider that spits out a pair of strong, sticky threads to catch an insect

spitting spider

spider that shapes its web like a funnel with the narrow opening pointing toward the ground

funnel weaver

spider that blankets a small section of the ground with a sheet web

platform spider

largest spiders in the world


spider that moves easily across the water's surface to catch insects

fishing spider

spider that makes tiny silk net to catch insects

ogre-faced spider

poisonous spider recognizable by a red, orange or yellow hourglass on its abdomen

black widow