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100 Cards in this Set

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To affirm anything is to state that it is so, and to maintain this as being true in the face of all evidence to the contrary.
Conviction or feeling of the the truth of a proposition or condition.
Constructive thought directed toward anyone or any condition.
The outward form. The entire manifestation of Spirit.
That which produces an effect. The reason, motive or occasion.
The Law of Balance in the mental world, cause and effect. As you sow you reap.
That which follows cause; the effect of Law.
Conscious Idea
No two ideas are alike.
Conscious Mind
The Self-Knowing Mind in God or in man. The intelligence in the universe.
Mental awareness. Consciousness is both objective and subjective.
To know within the self. To become one with.
The act of convincing or compelling the admission of a truth.
Correspondence Law of
The Law of Correspondence works from the belief to the thing. The demonstration we make corresponds with our ability to provide a mental equivalent of our desire.
Creative Mind
World-Soul; and from the individual sense, it is the subjective state of a man's thought. The Creative Soil.
It is that something which impels us to reach out and take our own. This is the Divine Urge, which operating as Law produces energy.
Any thought of duality. Anything that would deny the Oneness and Allness of Good. Any idea which dilutes Truth.
There is no room for doubt in a treatment.
The belief in duality has given rise to the idea of a God and a Devil. Each with equal power.
That which follows cause.
Mental energy set in motion through feeling. Any of the feelings of joy, grief, fear, hate, love, awe, reverence.
A divine and unfailing attribute and consequently there is never any lack of it.
Alike in significance and value. To make a demonstration we have to have a mental equivalent of our desire. As much as we can embody.
That which seems destructive. Evil is an experience of the soul on its journey toward the realization of Reality.
The passing of Spirit into form.
Faith means a belief in the presence of an invisible principle and law which directly and specifically responds to us.
The antithesis of Faith. It is the negation of confidence. As in faith, fear may be couscous or subjective.
As man realizes his Oneness with Creative Mind, he is released from the bondage of false thinking.
Grace is the givingness of Spirit to its creation.
Any act which has become a part of the subconscious mentality.
A state of well-being or enjoyment of good of any kind.
to meal means to make whole. Healing is the result of clear thinking and logical reasoning.
A state of happiness. Heaven is within.
A discordant state of being. A belief in duality. A sense of separation from God.
Mental concept. Any object of the mind existing in apprehension, conception, or thought. A theme.
Inspiration reaching a Cosmic State. A direct contact with Reality or God. A complete intuitive perception.
Images which are false. The result of man's erroneous conclusions.
The mental likeness of anything. The Soul or subjective mind contains all of our thoughts as mental images or pictures.
Mind in action. The Law is a blind force, and whatever goes into the subjective state of our thought tends to return again as some condition.
Love is the self-givingness of the Spirit through the desire of Life to express Itself in terms of creation.
To show forth or to make evident. As we make conscious use of the Law, planting an idea in Mind and watching it come forth into form, into objectivity, we are producing a manifestation.
Any form which substance takes in the world of sense and objectivity.
Contemplation or continuous thought.
Subjective retention of ideas. Thoughts today dropped by our conscious mind into subjective mind, tomorrow become memory.
Mental Attitude
General tendency of our mind. A position assumed, as indication action, feeling or mood.
Mental Atmosphere
The mental emanation of anything, any person, or any place. Everything has some kind of a mental atmosphere.
Mental Equivalent
Having a subjective idea of the desired experience.
Mental Image
Subjective likeness
Mental Law
Universal Subjectivity is the avenue through which God operates as Law. The Law of mental action
Mental Science
The Science of Mind and Spirit. A systematic knowledge of the laws governing the Mental and Spiritual World.
Mental Treatment
The act, the art, and science of inducing thought in Mind, which thought operated upon by Law, becomes a manifest condition.
Creative Medium of Spirit
The great Mental Law of the Universe. It is the One Medium through which all Law and all Power operate.
As we make conscious use of the Law, planting an idea in Mind and watching it come forth into form, into objectivity, we are producing a manifestation.
Methods of Treatment
There are two distinct methods of treatment; one is called argumentative and the other realization.
Argumentative Method of Treatment
Argumentative Method of Treatment is one in which the practitioner argues with himself about his patient, bo bring himself to the point of complete affirmation.
Realization Method of Treatment
The Method of Realization is where the practitioner realizes within himself - without any argument - the perfect state of his patient.
Purpose of Spiritual - Mental Treatment
The purpose of Spiritual-Mental Treatment is to induce an inner realization of perfection in the mentality of the practitioner, which inner realization, acting through Mind, operates in the patient.
Multiplicity (Many)
From One come many. All come from the One, and all live in, and by, the One. From Unity comes multiplicity, but multiplicity does not contradict Unity.
Natural Man
Natural Man: Instinctive or Spiritual Man
Nature of God
The Nature of God is "Triune" - Spirit, Soul, and Body. (Read Part One of SOM - "The Nature of Being." P.63)
Neutralizing Thought
The act of mentally erasing thought images
Objective-- Objetified
That wich is external to the mind.
The All-Powerful One. God
The All-Knowing, All-Perceiving Mind of God.
The Constant presence of the Undivided Whole. (read chapter on Unity)
It is not our business to outline, to say how our good shall come. Our work is to specifically set the Law in Motion.
An active acceptance of God Highest Willingness. Through prayer we recognize a spiritual law, that has always existed, and put ourselves in alignment with it. Prayer is its own answer.
The Source of cause from which a thing results; a truth wich is unchangeable.
Physic World
The world of subjectivity
Determination with incentive.
Purposefulness of Spirit
It means that conscious mind has the ability to know what it wishes to express, and the power to express it.
The race-mind is the subjective thought of the race.
Human beliefs operating through the mentality of the individual. The tendency to reproduce what the race has thought and experienced. This race-suggestion is a prolific source of disease.
This is another way of expressing race-suggestion.
The truth about anything. Reality actually menas that which is indestructible, incapable of decay. Reality is unchanging and everlasting.
Perfect Realization
When we speak of "a perfect realization," we are referring to a realization of our Oneness with Good.
The mental ability to analyze, determine and form an opinion. The Human mind can reason both inductively and deductively. The Divine MInd can reason only deductively, since inductive reasoning is an analysis, which is always an inquiry into truth and God IS TRUTH.
That wich depends upon something else.
Free from restrictions, unlimited, unconditioned.
Knowledge of laws and principles; organized knowledge
The Creative Medium of Spirit; the subjective side of life.
God, with Whom all spirits exist. The self-Knowing One.The Conscious Universe. The Absolute
Spirit of Man
That part of him which enables him to know himself. That which he really is
That which treat of the nature of God. That which men have thought about God and formulated into creeds and doctrines and given to the world as reliable principles by which men should live.
The movement of consciousness.
The act, and the science of consciously inducing thought within the Universal Subjectivity, for the purpose of demonstrating that we are surrounded by a Creative Medium wich responds to us through the Law of Correspondence.
The three-fold Universe. A trinity of being appears to run through all Nature and all Life; example of this is: the seed, the soil and the plant; Spirit, Soul, and Body; The Father, The Son, and The Holly Ghost.
The Oneness of God and Man
Law in execution. All phenomena are determined by their rate of vibration. All are made of of the One and Only Substance. The difference in the form is determined by the vibration. The highest vibration which man experiences is from love.
The highest vibration which man experiences.
The thing our thought causes us to do
The power to act independently. The power of conscious choice.
The Word of God
Self-Contemplation of the Spirit. "...He Spoke and it was done." "...The Word was with God and the word was god."
Where do we get our Mental Impressions?
That which is apparently outside can become known to the individual through intuition, because the perception and the perceiver must be in one and the same Mind. (SOM-p.76)
Life or intelligence conceived of entirely apart from physical embodiment. It is vital essence, force, energy.
Spirit is the active and Self-Conscious Principle. Spirit is the First Cause or God -the Absolute Essence of all that is. It is the Great or Universal I AM.
Things are ideas in form. There is nothing from which to make things except ideas.
One MInd
There is no such thing as your mind, my mind and God's mind. There is only Mind, in which we all live and move and have our being."
Creative Medium through which Spirit operates.
Cause and Effect
Effect is that which did not make itself but must have a power back of it, causing it to be. All manifestation, all body, is effect, and is subject to its cause!
Divine Mental Picture
In the subjective world, there must be a correspondent of everything in the objective world.