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26 Cards in this Set

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what is the XY system
it is the gender system of humans and all mammals
what is an autosome
an autosome is one of the first 22 pairs of chromosomes that code for regular traits where the last pair determines the gender
what is the XO system
the gender system for grasshoppers, crickets, and cockroaches.
what does the O in XO stand for
what is the ZW system
it is the gender system of birds, fish, and bees. in this system boys are ZZ and girls are ZW
what is the Haploidiploidy system
gender system for social insects such as ands, bees, and wasps.
what is a haploid, diploid.
a haploid is a cell that has 23 chromosomes and a diploid is one that has all 46 chromosomes.
in the Haploidiploidy system why are sisters more related to each other than their parents
they are more related to each other because they share 3/4 of their DNA with their sisters rather than the normal 1/2. this is because they are eusocial.
what does eusocial mean
it is the way of life where there are designated jobs for each individual and there is cooperative care for the young
what is a sex-linked disorder
the sex-linked condition refers to traits that are controlled by genes found on the sex chromosomes.
why is it easier for men to get sex-linked disorders than women
it is easier because the disorders occur on the X chromosomes. since men have only one, they are at higher risk because they only need one allele to have the disease because their sex chromosomes show XY. females need two recessive alleles to have the disease because hey have two X chromosomes.
what is hemophilia
a disease where the body is unable to clot blood.
what is muscular dystrophy
a degenerative decease of the muscles where you can not maintain muscularity.
what is a sex-influenced trait
a trait that is found o the Y chromosome rather than the X
what is a sex-limited trait
a trait that is limited to a specific sex and found on an autosome.
what is nondisjunction
when chromosomes do not divide equally in meiosis (the making of gametes)
what is trisomy 18 and where does its name come from
trisomy 18 is Edwards syndrome where there are usually heart malfunctions and brain dysfunctions. Babies only live for 2 to 4 months. it gets its name, trisomy 18, because it means that there are 3 copies of chromosome 18 instead of just 2.
what is trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome)
it occurs once every ten thousand live births. most with this syndrome have a cleft palate and lip. characteristics include eye defects, brain disorders, heart irregularities, and extra fingers or toes.
what is Turner's Syndrome
this is when an individual has only one X chromosome. because there is no Y chromosome the being is a woman. Characteristics include low to moderate IQ, good verbal skills, and lacking in mathematical and spacial skills.
what is Klinefelter's syndrome
this is when a person's chromosomes are XXY. they are always male.
what does it mean to have multiple alleles
hen there are more than two options for a certain allele. like eye color.
how is a persons blood type determined.
the proteins that are around the red blood cells determine the blood type. If there are only A proteins than the blood type is A. if there is only B proteins then it is B. if there are both, it is AB. if there is neither A nor B, it is O.
how do we determine whether the blood type is positive or negative
if the Rh factor is present then it is positive. if absent it is negative.
what is the law of independent assortment
it states that alleles of different genes assort independently from each other during meiosis.
what does it mean when a gene is recombinant
it refers to a combination of both of the parent's alleles to create a trait that is neither that of either parent.
who discovered linkage
William Bateson and Reginald Punnett