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59 Cards in this Set

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Organization of life pyramid (Top to Bottom)

Atoms, Molecules, Organelles, Cells, Tissues, Organ, Organ System, Organism


Smallest particle of matter, examples are carbon and nitrogen


Made up of 2 or more atoms chemically bonded together, examples - H2O, CO2, Glucose


Many molecules working together to performance function inside a cell, examples - Nucleus, chloroplast


The smallest unit of life, can be multicellular or unicellular, examples - skin cells, brain cells, stem cells


Made up of many similar cells, examples - Muscles, connective tissues


Made up of many tissues working together to preform a function in the body. Examples - Heart, lungs, intestines

Organ system

Made up of two or more organs working together to perform a function in the body, examples - digestive system, respiratory system, reproductive system


An individual capable of maintaining a separate environment and carried out all the internal functions of life. Example - humans

What is the cell theory?

The science of biology is built on 3 ideas that form cell theory - all living things are made up of one or more cells

-cells are the basic unit of life that can carry out functions of life

- all cells come from pre - existing cells

How many cells are humans made up of?

100 trillion

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions that occur in living organisms to maintain life. These processes are carried out by the individual cells that make up the organism.

What essential tasks must cells perform?

Obtain food and energy, construct and maintain the cell structure, carry out chemical reactions, eliminate waste products, and reproduce

Prokaryotes definition

Pro means no. Cells that are very simple in structure do not have a nucleus or other membrane bound organelles. Examples - archaea, bacteria (single cell life forms)

Eukaryotes definition

Eu means do. Cells that have a more complex internal organization containers a nucleus and other organelles. It can form single called or multicellular organisms, and are much larger than prokaryote cells. Example - Amoeba, cat, whale, banana, tree


The control centre in a cell, directing all the cells activities. In both plant and animal


Chromatin is a thread like material inside the organism, if contains genetic information. Called DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), a substance of chromosomes that makes up a genetic code

Nuclear Membrane

Separates the nucleus from the rest of the cell


Thread like material inside the nucleus


Produces and assembled the cells ribosomes


Proteins are made in this organelle

Cell membrane

Allows some substances in, but also keeps some out


Mostly water, but also contains other substances that the cells store up until needed

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Three dimensional network of branching tubes and pockets, also extends throughout the cytoplasmic nuclear membrane


Provides energy (ATP) from glucose throughout a process called cellular respiration

Golgi bodies

Collect and process materials to be removed from the cell, and also makes mucus


When full of water, tugor pressure keeps the cells plump which keeps the plants stem and leaves firm


Break down excess or worn out cell parts

Cell wall

Right outside the cell membrane, and provides support and protection from injury


Absorbs chlorophyll to keep the plant green, also absorbs light and energy for photosynthesis

What are the differences between plant and animal cells?

Plant cells have a cell wall in addition to the cell membrane, animal cells do not

What is similar about the plant and animal cells?

They both have some structural elements

What is cell division?

Cell division is a process of dividing cells so it allows organisms to grow, reproduce, and heal

What are two kinds of cell division for reproduction?

Asexual reproduction - one parent, and offspring clones of the parent (genetically identical)

Sexual Reproduction - one parent’s cell joins another parent’s cell, these cells are special because they only contain half the genetic information of one full cell

Gamete definition

Half cells because it only contains half of the DNA of a normal cell

Stage 2 of cell cycle

Cell division - Mitosis (4 phases)

- 1, Prophase

DNA compacts into visible form as chromosomes, each containing two strands called sister chromatids, that are held together by a centromere, as the nuclear membrane breaks it down

- 2, Metaphase

Chromosome lines like up in the middle, and centrioles migrate to poles

- 3, Anaphase

Then Centromere splits and the sister chromatids separate, and now are called daughter chromosomes. They move to opposite side of the cells, pulled by spindle fibres

- 4, Telophase

Final phase of mitosis. The chromosomes stretch out and are no longer visible. A new nuclear membrane forms around each group of daughter chromosomes

Stage 3 of cell cycle

Cell Division - Cytokinesis

This is the final stage of cell division. The cytoplasm divides and two genetically identical cells are formed.

In a plant cell, a plate developed into a new cell wall

In an animal cell, the cell membrane is pinched of at the centre

Cell division for growth

As organisms grows the number of cells increases. The size of cells do not because chemicals and water must be able to move into and throughout the cell quickly enough for the proper function of the cell.

What happens when the cell is too large?

Chemicals, waste and water cannot be transported quickly enough

How do chemicals move?

They move by diffusion. They travel from higher concentration to lower concentration. Concentration is how much of a chemical exists in a given volume

How does water move?

Water moved by osmosis. H2O moved towards an area of high concentration

Cell division for repair

- All organisms must repair themselves to stay alive by the division of the remaining cells.

- skin cells are being replaced everyday

- each red blood cells last 120 days

- new cells are made to fill in gaps due to injury

The cell cycle

As eukaryotic cells grow and divide, they pass through a cell cycle that consist of 3 stages - Interphase, Mitosis, Cytokinesis

Cell cycle diagram

Cytokinesis(cycle begins), cell grows, cells receive instructions regarding division, DNA replicates, cells prepare to divide, mitosis.

How long does it take for the cell cycle to be completed?

Embryonic cells divide rapidly, adult nerve cells may never divide at all

Stage one of the cell cycle


- longest stage of the cycle

- the cell performs it’s normal functions, preparing for the cell to divide

- as it’s preparing, the strand duplicates so there are two strands of genetic information

Gamete definition

Half cells because it only contains half of the DNA of a normal cell

Stage 2 of cell cycle

Cell division - Mitosis (4 phases)

- 1, Prophase

DNA compacts into visible form as chromosomes, each containing two strands called sister chromatids, that are held together by a centromere, as the nuclear membrane breaks it down

- 2, Metaphase

Chromosome lines like up in the middle, and centrioles migrate to poles

- 3, Anaphase

Then Centromere splits and the sister chromatids separate, and now are called daughter chromosomes. They move to opposite side of the cells, pulled by spindle fibres

- 4, Telophase

Final phase of mitosis. The chromosomes stretch out and are no longer visible. A new nuclear membrane forms around each group of daughter chromosomes

Stage 3 of cell cycle

Cell Division - Cytokinesis

This is the final stage of cell division. The cytoplasm divides and two genetically identical cells are formed.

In a plant cell, a plate developed into a new cell wall

In an animal cell, the cell membrane is pinched of at the centre

Cell division for growth

As organisms grows the number of cells increases. The size of cells do not because chemicals and water must be able to move into and throughout the cell quickly enough for the proper function of the cell.

What happens when the cell is too large?

Chemicals, waste and water cannot be transported quickly enough

How do chemicals move?

They move by diffusion. They travel from higher concentration to lower concentration. Concentration is how much of a chemical exists in a given volume

How does water move?

Water moved by osmosis. H2O moved towards an area of high concentration

Cell division for repair

- All organisms must repair themselves to stay alive by the division of the remaining cells.

- skin cells are being replaced everyday

- each red blood cells last 120 days

- new cells are made to fill in gaps due to injury

The cell cycle

As eukaryotic cells grow and divide, they pass through a cell cycle that consist of 3 stages - Interphase, Mitosis, Cytokinesis

Cell cycle diagram

Cytokinesis(cycle begins), cell grows, cells receive instructions regarding division, DNA replicates, cells prepare to divide, mitosis.

How long does it take for the cell cycle to be completed?

Embryonic cells divide rapidly, adult nerve cells may never divide at all

Stage one of the cell cycle


- longest stage of the cycle

- the cell performs it’s normal functions, preparing for the cell to divide

- as it’s preparing, the strand duplicates so there are two strands of genetic information

Name three differences between plant and animal cells.

Animal cells have a more rounder shape whereas plant cells have a square shape, plant cells have a larger vacuole and have both a cell wall and a cell membrane. Plant cells also has chloroplasts.