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149 Cards in this Set

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What are disease states that involve altered trasncription
1. Cancer
2. Inflammation
3. Obesity/Metabolism
What does mRNA encodes the information for
polypeptide synthesis
What does tRNA DO?
reads teh mRNA during transLATION
What is rRNA
made of ribosomes
Are there many additional specialized RNAs that have regulatory or catalytic activity
RNA polmerases copy DNA
into RNA
How many RNA polmerases in euks
How many RNA polymeases in PROKS
THe synthesis of RNA involves what 3 stages
initaiton, elongation, termianation
What are 3 parts that makes the sturucture of a gene
1. Regulatory sequence (PROMOTER)
2. Coding Sequence
3. Termination sequence
What items are required for RNA synthesis
Ribonucletide triphosphates, Mg+2, and a single stranded DNA template stands, adn RNA polymerase
How are NTP connected in RNA syntehsis
thorough a phosphodister bond in a step wise fashion
Are you building RNA one base at a time?
In RNA synthesis only ONE strand codes for RNA --which is it
DNA templates the 2nd strand--must
THe template strand must be read in what direction
3'-5'----making RNA in 5-3' direction
What are 4 major subunits of RNA polymerase structure in PROKS
alpha B,B' adn sigma70
What consists of the RNA Holoenzyem subunit
alpha2 BB' adn sigma 70
What consists of RNA core enzyme subunit
What is sigma70 do?
recognizes promoters
What does alpha do
Scaffold for B subunits
What does Beta do
forms phosphodiester bonds
What does Beta Prime do
binds to DNA template
What is the 1st step of iniation
RNA polymerase holoenzyme binds NON-specially to DNA and "SCANs teh duplex DNA for specific sequences
What is 1st step of iniation called the Scanning model
b/c RNA polymerase holoenzyme binds NONspecially to DNA and STOP when it finds the PROMOTER sequence
What happens after RNA polmerase holoenzyme binds to promoter
STOPs, adn unwinds 17 base pairs of the duplex DNA
Where does transcription of DNA template being
at the promoter
What are 2 major interation site for sigma region of RNA polyermases on the promoter for PROKS
The 2 promoter regions sigma recognzies is -35 sequence, and -10 sequence
What is the consensus sequence, and role it plays with promoter
consensus is Average sequence, the closer the promoter sequence matches the consences sequence the STRONGER the promoter
Strong pormoters match the consensus CLOSELY and can iniate transcription
as often as every 2 secs
Weak promoters differ in ONE or MORE consesus nucleotides, weak promoters can iniiate transcription
once every 10 minutes
Do different sigma subunits recognize different promoter sequences
Can Core a2BB' enzyme iniate RNA synthesis
What is sigma 70 subunit of the holoenzyme responsible for
main simga factor and respsonsible for specific recognition of promoter
Does sigma 70 subunit induce transcription of all genes necesary for normal state
What is the sigma 32 holoenzyme responsible for
trascribing genes during heat shock
When is sigma 32 synthesizes
high concentration at made at elevated temperatures
Does sigma 32 rezognized different -35 and -10 sequences
Transcription begins what are the 1st "early genes" transcribed
RNA polymerase holoenzyem a2BB'o70
So what happens when a virus "Hijacks the gene transcription machinery"
the first genes transrcribed is a viral simga 70 subunit
What does the viral sigma 70 subunit do
HIJACKS the RNA polymerase to recognize VIRAL promoters
Once the viral sigma 70 subunit binds it codes for
another sigam subunit (33/34), which iniates a totally different set of genes
What does Rifampicin block
bacterial iniations---by inhibiting the 1st phosphodiester bond by RNA polymerase
Is chain elongation affected by Rifampicin
NO--no effect on RNA all ready in processs-only inhibit 1st phsophodiester bond formation
Does elongation require the sigma factor
NO--ONLY iniation
So shortly after RNA synthesis begins what happens
the sigma subunit FALLS of the holoenzyme complex
RNA synthesis contiue until
the end of the gene is reached (termination)
What composes the "transcription bubble"
RNA polymerase CORE enzyme, DNA, and the newly transcribed RNA
In iniation the RNA polymerase bind to the promoter but is not UNWOUND--this is called
the closed promoter complex
Onces the DNA begin to unwind it forms what complex, and what phase
Open promoter complex--DNA MUST be unwound for elongation to occur
Is the open promoter complex the first step in the transcription of a gene
How does Antibiotic Actinomycin work
inserts or INTERCALATES between double stranded DNA
What doe Actinomycin Block,
RNA polymerase elongation,
What does Actinomycin do at low concentrations
at low concentration specifically inhibits RNA sysnthesis with NO effect on DNA or protein syntheisi
How does newly RNA exit?
through a pore in RNA polymeraseq
The end of a gene contains a "stop signal" this constists of
a palindromic region
Palindromic regions forms
a stable hairpin stem loop structure
This RNA hairpin cannot fit through the channel so
RNA polymerase pauses, adn the DNA/RNA hybrid melts, and RNA polymerase is relased, and DNA strands reannel
Once the RNA is relseased can transcription ever continue again
Is Euks trasncription is much more complex it contains 3 polymereases
What is major Euk promoter and is analgous to in prok
TATA box (-25), similar to Pribnow box
What are 2 other major regions
-40 to -100 contain GC box, and CAAT box
Consitutive genes (genes that are always turned on vs regulated genes tend to have
GC elelemtns
In Euks can RNA polymerase initate by itself
NO--several factors help get things started
RNA polymerase cannot binds by itself--what factors provide a docking site for RNA polymerase II on RNA
Where does transcription factors TFIIA,B,D,E help RNA polyermase II bind to
TATA box
What helps RNA polymerase II bind to GC box
SPI protein
What helps RNA polymerase II bind to CAAT box
CFT binds
General trasncription factors are involved at
inination of all genes
Where does transcription occur in PROKS
have no NUCLEUS--so transcription and translation OCCUR in same compartment
Where does transcription occur in EUKS
have a nuclues--so transcription occur in NUClues, and translation occurs outside nuclues
What are 4 major unique to prokarytic transcription
No nuclear compartment, RNA polyerase has access to all promoters, RNA holoenzyme can indenpently iniation transcription and regualtory elements are small and simple
What are 4 major unique to EUK transcription
EUKS have a nuclear compartment, RNA polmerase have to small number of promoters, and Holoenzyme cannot iniate transcription at high level, and high regulation
In EUKS vs PROKS which ground state is more on than off
PROKS--ON MORE--more acces to promotes
EUKS OFF more--less access to promoters
Regulation of iniation involves what 3 types of proteins
1. Specificiy factors,
2. Activators
3. Repressors
What are specificy factors in proks vs euks
1. Proks--sigma factors
2. EUKS-general trasncription factors ie(TFIID)
What are activators, and what in euks
increase affinity for a site, in euks called inducible transcription factors
What are Repressors in proks vs euks
Proks-factors that block access to promoter
Euks-regulate chromatin sturcutre
What do operons allow for
coordinated regulation of genes
What are 3 genes of the lac operon
B-galactosidase,Galactose Permeases, adn Transacetylase
Is polycystronic (contain information for ONE type of protein) mRNA unquie to proks
Can E. coli use lactose as a sole energy source
The genes required to utilize lactose are regulated at the level at the level of
How is lactose broken down
Lacotse is allowed in cell by Glalactose permease, then its cleaved by B-galactosidase to form Galatose and Glucose
What does B-glalctosidase need to function
acetyl group, from tranacetylase
Transcriptions requires energy, so to conserve enegy is lac operon REPRESSED in absense of lactose
What is LAC I gene code for, and location
codes for repressor protein, upsteam with its own separate promoter and NOT in operon gene set
Once the LAC I gene is transcribed what happens
it produces the lac repressor protein which binds to the operator and PREVENTS RNA POLYMERASE FROM TRANSCRIBING LAC GENES
What does lactose act as
an inducer
A inducer is a metabolic substrate that is recognized by what
regulatory protein, adn a metabolic enzyme
How does lactose act as an inducer?
When lactose is present, some it converted to the isomer allolactose, which bind to the lac repressor changing its shape so it falls off
The repressor protein is a tetrameric proteins, each subunit binds
an allolactose
In the absence of the inducer, alpha helicies are extened which interact with
the major groove of the DNA, and the DNA loops around tetramer
There are 3 operators in Lac operon, how many does the tetramer bind to
2 operators at once
How many allolactose molecules are necessary to release the repressor from the complex
Can changes in lactose concentrations cause massive changes in affinty
Is the lac operona promotoer deficient for a binding a sigma factor, and which
EITHER -10 or -35
How can RNA polyermase bind to promoter is LAC operon
other proteins bind to DNA, and help sigma factor bind
What do protein-protein ineractions provide synergy to
increase the binding affinity of RNA polyermase to promoter of lac operon
Is Glucose is E.colis favortie energy chocie
What is Catabolite repression
Glucose is the perferred energy source, so even it lactose is present, operon is turn off, b/c of presence of glucose--its used 1st
What is basal trasncription defined as
transcription that occurs without activiation or AN INDUCER
How many permease channels are found under basal trasncripion, vs activated or induced
activated 100s or 1000s
Does Basal expressesion seen in both pros and euks underscore the dynamic, and how does it occur in lac operon
Basal transcription--means that a LOW level of transcription is alwasy occuring so a few lactose is always being transcribed, why is this?
the ressport do not JUST BIND and STAY....that are always binding and unbindnig
How do transcription factor proteins recognize specific DNA sequences
recognize feautures of the DNA--such as major groove
What are features of major groove
hydrogen bonding acceptros, and donor groups
Does teh protein alpha hlexi fit perfectly into major groove of DNA
Can transcription factors synergistically bind with each other
What is an example of a minor groove binding protein
TATAA Binding protein
TBP is one of the 1st factors to bind
to bind to euk promoter during iniation
What does TATTA Binding protein do to the DNA, and importance
causes the DNA to bend, makes it a functional transcription machine
IS DNA an active particpant in transcription
Not all transcription factors use an alpha helix to bind to DNA, what is an example
NF-KB--interactions with DNA through Beta sheet
EUK DNA is packaged into
What is open chromatin
DNA is wrapped twice around a complex of 8 histones called a nucleosome
The 1st level is nucleosome, what is the 2nd level
nucleosomes are wrapped into 3nm FIBER
The 2nd level in 3nm fiber, what it be further wrapped to to make
CLOSED chromatin--PREVENTS transcription
What type of chromatin does transcription occur
OPEN chromatin
Constittively expressed "housekeepign genes have what type of chromatin
open chromatin--always on--so always being transcribed
during CELL division "DNA is naked"
What are 3 classes of proteins involved in Transcriptional activation in EUKS
1. General Basal Trancription Factors
2. Enhancers
3. Coactivator proteins
General basal trasncription factors are required at EVERY
RNA polymerase II promoter
Can Trancription factos also bind to enchancers to falcilatre transcription, and they are similar to what is proks
YES, euk version of operators
The enhancers can be very far away from the promoter, but still help RNA pol II bind more efficently, how
DNA can loop to bring components together
What does coactivator proteins do
act as intermediateries between the DNA binding transactivators and the RNA polyermase complex
Do coactivtors BIND
NO--they interact with trasnscription factors through special activation domains
What does iniation do to chromatin
causes remodeling
The core histone are rich in what, and how removed for iniation
lysine residues--acetlayed
Does transcription 1st require the remodeling of nucleosome to allow acces to promoter
What do TBP and general transcription factors bind to
CORE promoter
What can transcription factors be regulated by
extracellular signals
What are 3 types of extracellular singals that ACTIVATE transcription factors
1. ligand activation
2. phosphorlation
3. release from an inhibiotry complex
What is an example of ligand activation
transcription factor can be activated by steriod hormones which pass directly through cell membrane
Do we have hundreds of genes by just a few biding sites
The making of a protein can be divided into 7 processes
1. Transcription
2. mRNA processing
3. mRNA degrations
4. Translation
5. Post translation modifications
6. Protein degrations
7. protein targeting
Immediately after transcription, mRNA is process what happens 1st
5' cap added to 5' end
What is importance of 5' cap and poly A tail
mRNA transport, stability and translational efficieny
What is 2nd part of mRNA processing
3' Poly A tail is added
Are the poly A tails encoede by the GENE
NO, added by a complex of protiens
Since mRNA gets translated in cytoplasm, it has to get transported there, how is it transported
by 5' CAP
mRNA is a BIG deal, the more stable the mRNA, the more times
it can be translated into a protein
Can proteins be both regulated at the level of transcription, and at the level of mRNA stability
Must a rbisome bind to the mRNA at the right place to start translation
What is role of 5' cap with ribosomes
the presence of the 5' cap increases the affinity of the ribosome for the binding to the right SPOT on mRNA
After the 5' cap, and poly A tail is added its transported into cytoplams, and what happens
INTERVENTING introns are removed by splicing, and EXONS are joined together
What are spliceosome made of
6 different snRNPS as U1-U6
What is ATP required for in splicing
ONLY the assembly of spliceomse, but NOT for cleavage or ligation
What does alternative splicing increase
the number of gene products
DO proks have introns or 5' caps or tail