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19 Cards in this Set

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Current electricity Measuring Formula

I = C, over S

I =

Current (Amperes) (A)

Q =

Number of electrons (Coulombs) (C)

Static Electricity

- Don't move

- Friction

- Contact

- Induction

Current Electricity

- Does move

- Nuclear (40%)

- Hydroelectric

- Wind Turbines

- Solar

- Coal/Natural gas


Hydroelectricity is the term referring to electricity generated by hydropower; the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water


Conducting wires

Electrical Load

A device that converts electrical energy to another the light bulb converts electrical energy to light and heat.

Electrical current

The measure of the rate electrons move past a given point in a circuit.

Electric Circuits

- Source

- Electrical loud

- Electric Circuit control device

- Connectors

Electrical Energy

- Battery

- Electrical generation stations

Ohm's law

The Electrical Potential Difference (V) between two points in an electric circuit is proportional (equal) to the current (I) times the resistance (R) flowing through the conductor.

Resistance in a circuit

The greater the resistance of a component the smaller it’s conductivity


The degree to which a substance opposes the flow of electric current through it.


Objects that allow the flow of electrons more freely and have low resistance


Object that electron flow greatly and have High resistance values.

Short Circuits

If a battery is connected, with no load to use up the, electrons energy, it can become very hot and start a fire.

A full Circuit reacquires

A switch, Energy source, Cell.

Primary Cells

Electric cells that can not be recharged because the chemical reactions that produce the flow of electrons are not reversible.