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37 Cards in this Set

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What is the "building block" of carbohydrates?


What is an example of a carbohydrate (something found in food, but not a food)?

Glucose, starch, cellulose, fructose-- any one of these would work, but stick with glucose just to be 100% sure.

What is the use of carbohydrates?

To provide the body with short bursts of energy.

What foods contain a lot of carbohydrates?

Candy. (Contains lots of monosaccharides or simple sugars)

What is the "building block" of proteins?

Amino acids

What is the "building block" of nucleic acid?


What is the "building block" of lipids?

Fatty acids

What is an example of a protein (something found in food, but not a food)?


What is an example of a lipid (something found in food, but not a food)?


What is an example of a nucleic acid(something found in food, but not a food)?


What is the use of proteins?

Builds muscle, breaks down food, transports oxygen, etc.

What is the use of lipids?

Long-term energy storage

What is the use of nucleic acids?

Storing genetic information

What foods contain a lot of proteins?

Meats, dairy

What foods contain a lot of lipids?

butter, oils, fatty meats

What foods contain a lot of nucleic acids?

Raw foods like fruit

Compare an atom, an element and a compound.

An atom is one unit of an element, an element is something made up of entirely one type of atom, and a compound is several elements bonded together.

Ionic bonds vs Covalent bonds! Go!

Ionic-- one element gives valence electrons to the other.

Covalent-- both elements share valence electrons.

What particles are responsible for forming chemical bonds?


What are the elements that enter a reaction called?

What are the ones that exit a reaction called?

Reactant and Product

Compounds containing organic molecules are called...

Organic compounds

How many valence electrons does Carbon have? how many bonds can it form?

4 and 4

Dehydration synthesis is=

The process in which carbon is linked together by the removal of water.

Hydrolysis is=

The process of carbon bonds being dissolved by adding water.

What 3 elements are found in carbohydrates? in what ratios?

Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen


What is the storage form of glucose in plants? Animals?

Starch and glycogen

MAin groups in protein?

Amino group, carboxyl group and R group

What determines the function of protein?

The R group

What structures compose a nucleotide?

5-carbon sugar, phosphate group and nitrogenous base

Chemical reaction for photosynthesis?

6CO2 + 6H2O ------> C6H12O6 + 6O2

instigated by sunlight energy

What are the reactants in photosynthesis?

6CO2 + 6H2O (six carbon dioxide and six dihydrogen monoxide (water))

What are the products in photosynthesis?

glucose and oxygen

(1 and 6, respectively)

What structure absorbs light in photosynthesis? In what colors?

Chloroplasts contain the pigments chlorophyll A and B that absorb reddish purple and purple, and blue and reddish orange, respectively. Carotenoids absorb blue and green.

What is the function of ATP and how does it work?

ATP is used to provide energy to cells. Cells convert glucose into ATP when energy is needed, but they only convert as much as they need because ATP is unstable.

Where does the light dependent reaction happen in photosynthesis?

In the thylakoids.

Where does the light independent reaction happen in photosynthesis?

In the stroma.

What happens to water during the light dependent reaction in photosynthesis?

The water is broken up into one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms.