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40 Cards in this Set

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What is the name given to different energy levels electrons are found in?

Electron Shells

__ electrons are needed to fill the first shell.


__ electrons are needed to fill the second shell.


An __ is formed when an atom gains or loses electrons.


An oxide ion is formed from an oxygen atom. Explain how it is formed.

An oxide ion is formed when an oxygen atom gains 2 extra electrons in its outermost shell.

Does Oxygen form positive or negative ions?


Does Boron form positive or negative ions?


Does Chlorine form positive or negative ions?


Does Lithium form positive or negative ions?


The ion formed from a zinc atom has the symbol of Zn2+. Does the zinc atom lose or gain electrons to form the ion?

Loses electrons

How many electrons does it gain or lose to form the ion?


Sodium Atom (Na)

Sodium-ion (Na+)

Explain why the sodium ion carries a positive charge.

The sodium ion has 10 electrons which each carry a negative charge, but 11 protons which each carry a positive charge.

How many electrons are there in:

a neutral carbon atom with 6 protons?


a neutral neon atom with 10 protons?


The difference between the mass number and the atomic mass of an element?

The mass number is the total number of protons and neutrons of an atom whereas atomic mass is the weighted average of naturally occurring isotopes of the atom.

As you go across the periodic table from left to right, the metallic character of the elements _____


True or false? The period number tells us the number of electron shells around the nucleus.


If an element has seven electrons in its outer shell, it is a __________


What's special about elements that already have eight electrons in their outer shell?

Elements that already have eight electrons in their outer shell have a full outer energy level which means that they're very stably and rarely react with other elements.

An ___ is an atom that has gained or lost electrons and therefore carries an electrical charge.


Describe how ions form

Ions form when an element either receives or loses a positively charged (proton) or negatively charged (negative) particle.

A positively charged ion is called a _____


A negatively charged ion is called an _____


Recall some properties most ionic compounds have in common

High melting points, soluble in water to form conductive aqueous solutions.

True or False? Metals and transition elements combine to form ionic compounds.


Identify how many electrons have been gained or lost:

Pb4+. __ electrons ____

4 electrons lost

Br-. __ electrons ____

1 electron gained

Cr3+. __ electrons ____

3 electrons lost

True or False? Non-metal elements combine to form covalent compounds.


A _______ bond occurs when two atoms share their outer shell electrons


What does an element's dot diagram represent?

It represents the symbol for the atom and the arrangement of valence electrons.

What properties do covalent compounds have in common?

They exist as solids, liquids, or gases with low melting points. They usually don't conduct electricity and are insoluble in water.

In a single covalent bond, ___ electrons are involved


In a triple covalent bond, ___ electrons are involved


One Triple bond, two Double bonds

Why don't noble gases usually form covalent compounds?

The full valence electron shells of the atoms make noble gases extremely stable and unlikely to form chemical bonds as they have little tendency to gain or lose electrons.

A _______ formula is a shorthand way of writing the name of a compound or molecular element.


e.g. NaCl (Chemical formula for Sodium Chloride)

The _______ formula is a way of describing the number and type of atoms that join to form a molecule.


e.g. H2O (Molecular formula for Water)

How is the valency of an element determined?

The valency of an element is equal to the number of electrons each atom would need to gain, lose, or share to fill its outer shell.

Things In the Exam:

Draw an Atom

Memorize how to draw the first 20 elements

Electron configuration

Combine Elements

Replace electrons (Single, Double, Triple)

Neutralization Reaction

Properties of metals and non-metals

Ionic and Covalent Bonding

Atomic Weight = Protons + Neutrons

Blue Litmus --> (Red) Acidic

Red Litmus --> (Blue) Base

Acid + Base --> Salt + Water

Good luck!