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48 Cards in this Set

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Where is the Pectorals located?
Your chest
What is the muscle found in the upper part of your upper arm (the humerus area)? (when you flex)
What is the muscle found in the lower part of your arm
Name all the major muscles of the body
Pecs, Abs, Biceps, Triceps, Trapezius, Deltoids, Quads, Gastrocnemius, Achilles Tendon, Gludeus Maximus (Butt)
What does the clavicle articulate with?
Sternum, scapula
Name the functions of the skeletal system
1)Give shape and support to body
2) Protect internal organs
3)muscles are attached to bones and help them move
4) Blood cells are produced in them
5) Calcium and phosphorus are stored here
What is the periosteum? what is it's function?
tough, tight fitting membrane that covers bone. It carrys nutrients to the bone and cells that help grow and repair bone are found in it
What is the spongy bone and what is its function?
its the "spongy" and porous part of the bone under the compact bone. Inside of the spongy bone's holes are marrow. Also makes bones lightweight
What is the compact bone and it's function?
The compact bone is the hard part of the bone that gives bones strength. it is under periosteum. (contains calcium and phosphate). Keeps the bone from beking too rigid, brittle, or easily broken. Bone cells and blood vessels found here.
What is the function of marrow?
The marrow produces rbc and wbc
Where is the marrow?
Inside the bone in cavities(large openings in bone) and in the holes of spongy bones
Name the parts of the bone
Haversian canals
Compact bone
spongy bone
What is the function of cartilage in the bones?
Its a shock absorber. makes movement easier and reduces frictiojn.
What are the Haversian canals?
small holes in bones that provide a passageway for blood vessels
What are the bones that form the axial skeleton?
skull, vertabrae, ribs, sternum
What is the function of the axial skeleton?
protection of vital inner organs like the lungs and such
What bones make up the appendicular skeleton?
Shoulder, arms, hips, legs
What is the function of the appendicular skeleton?
movement? protects reproductive organs
What is a joint?
any place where two bones come together
What is a ligament?
tough band of tissue that holds bones in place
What is a tendon?
the thingy that holds muscle to bone
Where is the cardiac muscle found and what is it used for?
the heartbeat, only in the heart
Where are "smooth" muscles found and what are their functions?
found in internal organs, and peristalsis and vasodilation
Are smooth muscles voluntary or involuntary?
what is the purpose of skeletal muscles?
to move bones
What is a flexor?
a muscle that decrease the angle betwwen bones
What is an extensor?
a muscle that increases the angle between bones
What is articulation?
the joining.. like when two bones meet
What is a bursa?
a fluid filled sac in joints that prevent friction and cushion the joint
What is synovial fluid?
lubricating fluid in a joint (fluid inside a bursa)
What is the origin?
the part of the muscle that is attached to an immovable bone( the bone that doesnt move-
What is the insertion of a muscle?
the part of the muscle that is attached to the movable bone (the one that moves)
What are antagonistic muscles?
muscles that have opposite functions (ex. biceps and triceps)
What are the types of joints?
Pivot, Ball and Socket, Hinge, Gliding
What is an example of a hinge joint?
your knee.
What is an example of a immovable joint?
your skull
What is an example of a pivot joint?
your neck and your radius and ulna rotating around
What is an example of a ball and socket joint?
your shoulder
what is an example of a gliding joint?
your vertebrae
What motion does a hinge joint help preform?
a back and forth motion (1 direction)
What is a pivot joint?
its when one bone rotates in a ring of anotherbone that doesnt move
What is a ball and socket joint consist of?
a bone with a rounded end that fits with a cuplike cavity on another bone.
What happens when you use a gliding joint?
one part of a bone slides over another bone
What is an exoskeleton and what are the perks?
a skeleton on the outside of the body. They don't molt and more protection
What is an endoskeleton and what are the perks?
a skeleton on the inner part of the body. more movement, unrestricted growth
What are sutures?
spaces between cranial bones in an infants skull; its a joint, and its where bones in head meet
How many ribs are there?
How many floating ribs are there and what does floating ribs mean?
4; they dont articulate with the sternum; just the vertebrae columm