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32 Cards in this Set

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Energy (4)
- ability to do work
- hear as sound
- see as light
- feel as wind
Types of Energy (5)
- mechanical
- heat
- chemical
- electromagnetic
- nuclear
Mechanical Energy (3)
- energy associated w/ motion

- water in a waterfall
- blood flowing through blood vessels
Heat Energy (3)
- internal motion of atoms
- causes changes in temp & phase

- causes ice cream cone to melt and drip down in your hand
Chemical Energy (3)
- energy that bonds atoms/ions together, when bonds broken, energy is released

- start a fire
- digest food
Electromagnetic (3)
- energy associated w/ moving charges

- light
- power lines carry electromagnetic energy
Nuclear Energy (3)
- energy found in nucleus of an atom

- sun's energy
- nuclear power plant
Kinetic Energy (3)
- energy of motion
- faster an object moves, more kinetic energy it has
- if mass of an object increases so does its kinetic energy
Potential Energy (2)
- energy of position
- energy is stored energy acquired by work done on object
Gravitational Potential Energy
- potential energy that is dependant on height
Energy Conversions (3)
- potential to kinetic
- kinetic to potential
- all form of energy can be converted into other forms
Law of Conservation of Energy (2)
- energy cannot be created/destroyed by ordinary means
- it is transformed from one form to another and in the process, the total energy of system is conserved
Force (2)
- push/pull that gives energy to an object
- can make objects move, stop moving, or change direction
Unbalanced Forces
- cause objects to move
Balanced Forces
- no movement occurs
Friction (3)
- force that acts in a direction opp to moving force
- will cause object to slow down/stop

- ice skating
Newton's 1st Law (2)
- object at rest will stay at rest
- object in motion will remain in motion at constant velocity unless acted on by an unbalanced force
- prop of matter that tends to resist any change in motion
Newton's 2nd Law (2)
- shows how force, mass, and acceleration are related

Force = Mass x Acceleration
Newton's 3rd Law (2)
- for every action, there is an equal & opp reaction

- Newton's Cradle
Gravity (3)
- force of attraction between objects due to their mass
- acceleration of a falling object is due to force of gravity between object & earth

rate = 9.8 m/sec
Mass (2)
- amount of matter in an object/ amount of space an object takes up
- constant
Weight (2)
- measure of force of gravity on an object's mass
- not constant, can change depending on gravity
Energy appears in many...
Energy is measured in...
Energy associated w/motion is called...
mechanical energy
An object gains energy when...
a force acts upon them
The internal motion of atoms is called...
heat energy
Nuclear energy is released when...
nucleus of atom splits
Light & electricity are forms of...
electromagnetic energy
When atomic bonds are broken, _______________ is released.
chemical energy
Sound is a type of __________ energy.