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50 Cards in this Set

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what are the layers of the atmosphere?

troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere

water cycle

evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and run-off

name all the air masses

mP (maritime polar), mT (maritime tropical), cT (continental tropical), cP (continental polar)

maritime tropical (mT)

form over water, warm, moist

maritime polar (mP)

form over water, cold, moist

continental tropical (cT)

form over land, warm and dry

continental polar (cP)

form over land, cold, dry

cold front

heavy, brief precipitation and storms, afterwards air is calm and cool, warm air rises above it

warm front

brings hours of steady light rain or snow, warm air follows, pushes into and over the cold air mass causing a warm air mass

stationary front

when two air masses push against each other without moving

high pressure

clear skies and calm air, rotates clockwise

low pressure

causes stormy weather, cloudy, cool, wet song winds, rotates counterclockwise


a violent disturbance in the atmosphere


heavy rains accompanied by thunder and lightning, forms at cold fronts, warm humid air rises rapidly


forms over low pressure systems, gets energy from warm humid air

blizzard hurricanes

similar to hurricanes with strong winds but at colder temperature with blowing snow (basically a colder hurricane)

eye of the storm

the center of the hurricane, winds are calm and the sky is clear in the eye

how do hurricanes move?

they rotate around the eye in a counterclockwise direction

what are some things you can do to prepare for a hurricane?

-evacuate if necessary


-non-perishable foods





rapidly whirling, funnel shaped cloud that reaches down from a storm cloud and touches Earth's surface

when do tornadoes from?

in the spring and summer in the late afternoon

what front does a tornado form at?

cold front

where do tonadoes form?

by the Gulf of Mexico and meet cold, dense air

what should you do if a tornado is going to approach your city/state/town/

-get away from and doors or windows

-lie under a heavy piece of furniture

when does a tornado get weaker?

when it touches land

where does a tornado get its strength from?

the ocean

what is the instrument used to locate and identify storms that might produce tornadoes?

doppler radar

are tornadoes occur common in New York?

no, because we are not that close to the tornado alley

what are 2 states in the mid-west that are located in the tornado alley?

kansas and nebraska


the condition of Earths atmosphere at a particular time and place

which layer of the atmosphere does weather take place in?


which layer of the atmosphere contains the ozone layer?


which layer of the atmosphere is where most meteors burn up in?


which layer of the atmosphere is where the space shuttle orbits?



the process where plants absorb water through the roots and then give off water vapor through pores in their leaves.

as a person climbs a mountain the pressure of the air will...

decrease (will have less air)


liquid to gas

what is a direct result of evaportion and transpiraton?

moisture enters the atmosphere


any type of liquid or solid sleet that falls to the earths surface, such as rain, snow, or hail

what is air pressure measured with?


what leads to global warming?

when Earths temperature rises above average

what travels faster, light or sound?

light travels faster than sound


elevation above sea level

greenhouse effect

gases in the atmosphere that trap in heat and keep the Earth at a comfortable temperature

carbon dioxide comes from the burning of...

fossil fuels

what could we do to decrease the effects of pollution?

-not litter


-use renewable energy sources

-plant more trees when you cut them down

warm air is less... than cool air.


everything ... as you go farther up anywhere.


before it is called a hurricane, it is called a ...

tropical storm ( a weaker hurricane)

where do tornadoes come from?

Gulf of Mexico north to us