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20 Cards in this Set

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What is forced out of water when it freezes?
Water that melts from _______ in the ocean is pure enough to ______.
Icebergs, drink
As ocean water freezes, the salt "squeezed out" makes the water ____________?
When the water becomes saltier, it becomes more _______ and this causes it to ________?
Dense, sink
Water tends to evaporate from oceans at the _______. It leaves the _____ behind causing the salinity to ______.
Surface, salt, increase
When the salinity of the surface water _______ (increases/decreases), it becomes ______ dense and _________ (rises or sinks)
increases, more, sinks
Surface currents temperatures affect the ________ in parts of the world especially the _________.
Climate, poles
The Gulf Stream, a _______ temp current prevents _______ _______ from being a frozen waste.
Warm, North Europe
The cool California current keeps the West Coast temp ______ even in the summer
Winds blowing _____ _____ the shore push _______ temp surface water out to sea.
Away from, warm
When warm surface water is pushed out to sea it causes _____ temp water to rise and replace it. This is called ____?
Cool, Upwelling
During upwelling, the water carries many ______ with it which helps tiny food organisms called ____ to grow.
Nutrients, Plankton
What is the period called after El Nino when Pacific Coast temps become unusually cool?
La Nina
What does El nino mean?
Little boy
What does La Nina mean?
Little girl
Most ocean waves are called by?
The highest part of a wave is called the ______ and the lowest part is the _________.
crest, trough
The distance between one crest to the next is called the ________.
Wave length
The distance from the bottom of the trough to the top of the crest is called the ______ ______ or __________.
Wave height or amplitude
The time between waves passing a given point is the _____ _____.
Wave period