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31 Cards in this Set

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the path that one object in space takes around another object in space.
Everything in the solar system does this a round the sun
The force that pulls objects towards each other.
Ex: Us walking on the ground.
The moon has gravity (T or F)
False. The gravity fromthe sun holds all tof the planets in orbit
The moons ___________ causes high tides and low tides
gravitational pull
A bowl-shapd structure at the top of a volcano or on a planet or moon _______
The moon is considered a natural____________
The air that surrounds the Earth__________
The condition of the atmosphere at a place for a short period of time_________.
The spining of a planet or moon on its axis_________
How many days does it take the moon to rotate once
28 days
How long does it take the Earth to rateate once on it's axis?
24 hours
An imaginary line that passes through the moons center________
The moon has a North and South Pole (T or F)
The bouncing back of light rays from a surface
Reflection Ex: The moon has no light of it's own. The light we see is sunlight that hits the moon and is reflected to earth
The regular changes in the way the moon looks from the Earth__________
How many phases does the moon have?
8 (Must know the main 4)
Phase I
Phase II
Full Moon
Phase III
Full Moon
Phase IV
Third-Quarter Moon
When the moon looks cut in half & the left side is black and the right side is white
First Quarter (Phase I)
When the moon is all white (or yellow)
Full Moon (Phase II)
When the moon looks cut in half & the left side is white and the righ side is black
The reverse of a first-quarter (Phase III)
Third-Quarter Moon
When we can not see the moon because it is black.
New Moon (Phase IV)
Happens on the last day of the Lunar Cycle every month
New Moon
All of the phases that the moon goes through each month
Lunar Cycle
What are the 4 seasons?
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
What direction is the Earth tilted in the warm months?
Towards the sun.
What direction is the Earth tilted in the cold months
Away from the sun.
When the moon looks like a fingernalil pinting to the left_________
Waning Crescent
When the moon looks like a fingernail pointing to the right__________
Waxing Crescent