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16 Cards in this Set

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What are hormones?
Chemicals that can speed up or slow downcellular processes.
Pineal gland
In brain. produces melatonin(regulates sleep patterns)
**Pituitary gland
Attactched to hypothalamus of brain. affects many body function
Hormones here stimulate production of infection-fighting cells.
Thyroid Gland
Below larynx. Hormones here regulate metabolic rate, control uptake of calcium by bones, + promote normal nervous system development.
Parathyroid glands
help regulate calcium levels
Adrenal glands
on top of kidneys. help stabalize blood sugar levels. + help body adapt to stress.
Produce female sex cells.
Produce male sex cells. Prodeuce testosterone(helps with prduction of sperm)
Negative-Feedback System
1. A meal is eaten.
2. Intestines take in glucose during digestion.
3. Glucose level in bloodstream decreases.
4. Pancreas responds to high glucose level by producing insulin.(hormone)
5. Insulinreleased into bloodstream, causing liver and other tissues to take up more glucose.
6. Blood glucose level decreases to normal level in bloodstream. Homeostasis restored.
Head, tail and nucleus.
Head- contains DNA
Tail- moves sperm
Produced in greater #'s at lower temperatures.
Mixture of sperm and fluid
Leaves through urethra
Once a month, an egg is released.
Enters oviduct.
Sweeped into uterus.
Hollow, pear-shaped muscular organ w/ thick walls
Lower end-cervix.
Menstrual Cycle
Phase 1: Blood and tissue cells flow out(menstrual flow). 4-6 days.

Phase 2: Uterus lining increases. Ovulation occurs.

Phase 3: Uterus continues to increase. uterus lining breaks down and menstruation begins
45-60 years of age.
ovulation+ menstrual peropds end. Eggs gone or almost gone.