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12 Cards in this Set

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How are energy transformations in a refrigerator used to cool food?
The electric motor squeezes the refridgerant gas inside. This raises the temperature of the gas, causing it to lose thermal energy to the outside air. As the gas loses thermal energy, it becomes a liquid. When the liquid evaporates, it cools. The cold gas is pumped through into the refrigerator, cooling it.
the really long answer
List 3 advantages fusion would have over fission.
Fusion produces more energy, the fuel, hydrogen, is plentiful, and it is less polluting.
no hint
Explain how insulation increases the efficiency of heating and cooling systems and saves money.
The insulation blocks transfer of heat, so less energy must be used to adjust the tempurature between the inside and outside.
no hint
Give two examples of ways to conserve energy.
Two ways to conserve energy are only do a full load of laundry and turn off the lights when you leave the room.
no hint
Oil. Coal, and Natural Gas are all what?
Fossil fuels
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True or false: Wind is a nonrenewable source of energy.
no hint
What is a petrochemical?
a compound made from oil
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What is nuclear fission?
splitting of an atom's nucleus
no hint
What is gasohol?
alcohol and gasoline
no hint
hydro power is getting energy from what?
moving water
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What does E=mc2 represent?
relationship between energy and matter
What is nuclear fusion?
combing 2 nulei to make a nucleus