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10 Cards in this Set

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A unique molecule that allows for a variety of life processes

Waters three atoms

One oxygen, two hydrogen

Water polarity

The unequal distribution of charge. A negative charge near the oxygen atom and positive charges near each hydrogen atom. Gives water its shape.


Water's ability to bond with other water molecules. Create water droplets that allows smaller insects to get the water they need to survive.


Water sticking with other substances. Allows water to stick to leaves which provides a water supply to small insects.

Surface tension

Water's ability to resist external forces. Allows water to use the surface of water as a habitat.

Capillary action

Water's ability to run up against gravity. This is how plants not only transports water to the tops of plants but nutrients as well.

High specific heat

Water's ability absorb thermal energy. This is why the air near ponds or lakes feels warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

Solid less dense

The density of solid water is less than liquid water because it captures small pockets of air between molecules.

Water molecule

A particle made of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom bonded together.