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31 Cards in this Set

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How are viruses and parasites similar

They destroy us all they enter

what does a virus need energy for

To multiply

the genetic material of a virus is found in its what


Viruses proteins are important because they do what

help the virus attached to a toast

What is the ability of virus makes them useful in genetic therapy

The ability to enter cells

What is the shape of a bacterial cell


Where is the genetic material found in a bacterial cell


What process results in genetically different bacteria

Asexual reproduction

When do underscores form

Harsh environmental conditions

What rules do bacteria called decomposers play

Return basic chemicals to the environment

How's vaccine work

It activates the body's natural defenses

What the characteristic of our archebacteria

There are able to live in very extreme environments

binary fission reproduction

Asexual reproduction

viruses are considered to be nonliving because why

they are not cells

What is the name for organisms that infects


How big are viruses compared to cells

they are smaller

Do viruses have genetic material

Heck no

A hidden virus does becomes part of what

Becomes part of the host cells genetic material

What structure is always found in bacterial cells


What is the term antibiotic resistance refer to

A bacteria that can survive in the presence of an antibiotic

How do you contract chicken

Inhaling droplets

Country are classified into two kingdoms based on their what

Chemical difference

What does a bacterial cell never have

new keyless

What is the optimal structure of most bacterial cells

Cell wall

Scientists think that today is what closer is resemble earth first life forms

Archie bacteria

What occurs when bactrium transfer some of the genetic material on to another bacterium


What kill bacteria


The shape of what in a protein coat allows a virus to attach to certain cells


What's the term for cells that do not have a nucleus such as bacteria


Bacteria swelling in the roots of peanut plants convert what kind of gas into the air


Some bacteria cause disease by producing poisons known as what
