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48 Cards in this Set

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The breakdown of which of the following begins in the small intestine?

A paradigm shift

In geology which of the following is considered a significant departure from previous ideas?


Which of the following terms describes the increase of alleles that permits a species to survive and reproduce better in an environment from generation to generation?


Which of the following nervous systems directs the body's fight-or-flight response?

Numerical information

Which of the following is used in quantitative investigations?


Which of the following taxonomic ranks is the most General?

High specific heat and high heat of vaporization

Water undergoes relatively minor temperature in Phase changes compared to other substances do to both its?

Neurospora novus

A new species of bread mold that is generally similar to the red bread mold neurospora crassa is discovered; however it is physically similar to the mold aspergillus nidulans. Based on the current classification system which of the following is the proper classification for this new species?


Which of the following is an example of hydrocarbons containing double bonds?

Hypothesis, data, analysis

Which of the following represents the correct order of the scientific process?


Which of the following organ systems supplies the body's cells with oxygen and nutrients?

Pulmonary artery

Through which of the following does blood pass after leaving the right ventricle during contraction of the heart?


Which of the following organ systems supplies the body with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide?

Smooth muscle

Which of the following is responsible for the peristalsis that occurs in the digestive tract?

An opposite charge and a larger Mass

A proton should have which of the following two characteristics when compared to the charge and mass of an electron?


The spine is part of which of the following systems?

Gas B is a higher density than Gas A

If two gases A and B that have detectable orders and the same temperature are released simultaneously on one side of the room, and the odor of gas A is noticed 1 minute before that of gas B which of the following conclusions can be made?

Strong acid

Which of the following describes a substance that is completely ionized in its solution and has a pH of 2?

Bone marrow

In which of the following organs are immune cells produced?


The heart is located [?] the sternum?

Multiple decimeters squares for one morning and one afternoon

Research student is determining the pollen camp for a 24-hour period in a given location. The students data would be most reliable if he decided to count pollen in?

Greater than

When two closely related species of flour beetles T. confusum and T. castaneum, were placed in a culture in equal numbers, T. Castaneum increased in numbers while T. Confusum experience population decline. The growth difference in the changes of population most likely indicated that the energy consumption efficiency of T. Castaneum is [?] T. Confusum.


Exchange of oxygen occur in which of the following structures of the respiratory system?

They are higher in less developed countries

Which of the following is true of fertility rates?

+1; 17

Consider an atom that possesses 8 protons, 9 neutrons and 7 electrons. This atom will have an overall charge of ___ and will have an overall mass of approximately ___ AMU.

Amino acid structure

Enzyme activity is driven by which of the following internal factors?


A new organism that has been recently discovered in the ocean. All that is known of the organism cellular structure is that it lacks a membrane-bound nucleus. Which of the following indicates how this organism will be classified in terms of cell type?


In which of the following do mutations in human DNA originate?


Which of the following organelles found in heterotrophs is similar to the chloroplast?



? ? ? ? Gene


Which of the following organelles gives rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) its signature rough characteristic?


DNA is to genes as amino acids are to?


Atoms having ___ bonds complete one another by the donation and acceptance of electrons to form stable outer electron shells. Which of the following correctly completes the sentence above?

Germ cells

Mutations in which of the following cells can be passed on to Future Generations?

2 KOH+H2SO4-->2 H2O + K2SO4

Which of the following equations balances the acid / base reaction given above?

___ KOH + ___ H2SO4 -> __ H2O + ___ K2SO4

Amino acids

DNA condones include which of the following?


During cell replication which of the following materials is duplicated by polymerase enzymes?


Which of the following nitrogenous bases is unique to RNA?


The difference of two units on a pH scale above represents a concentrated difference of?

Formulating a hypothesis

A research student predicts the rats raised in a stimulating environment will learn faster than rats raised in an isolated environment. This prediction corresponds with which of the following steps in the scientific method?

20 protons; 22 neutrons

The electron configuration for a certain neutral atom is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2. Does Adam also has a mass number of 42. Which of the following indicates the number of protons and neutrons in this atom?

-27,000 calories

Consider 0.050 kilogram of water vapor at the boiling point. Which of the following is the amount of heat necessary to fully condense the gas? The heat of condensation is 540 calories / gram.


A normal individual XX mates with an individual who is homozygous for a recessive trait XX. Which of the following indicates the percent of Offspring who will be carriers of the recessive trait?

Germ cells

Meiosis occurs in which of the following cells

Changing; fixed

The liquid state of a substance is considered to have a ___ shape and a ___ volume. Which of the following correctly completes the sentence above?

The Sun

Which of the following Stars will provide the greatest energy for the Earth?


A researcher conducts a study to examine the effects that time spent in extracurricular involvement has on college entrance exam scores. In the study extracurricular involvement as which of the following types of variables?

Kinetic and Heat

When an automobile traveling at 60 miles per hour is brought to a rapid stop the two types of energy most involved are?