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34 Cards in this Set

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What are the 5 major schools of psychotherapy?

1. Family systems

2. Psychodynamic

3. Cognitive Behavioral

4. Humanistic/Existential

5. Post Modern

What are the four family systems types of therapy?

1. Extended family therapy (Bowen)

2. Structural family therapy (Minuchin)

3. Strategic family therapy (Hayley, Madanes, the Milan Group, MRI brief family therapy model)

4. Experiential/communications family therapy (Satir)

What are main concepts in family systems?

-All systems tend toward homeostasis

-Interpersonal interactions; change in any one part affects all other parts of system

-Within an interpersonal system there is always communication

-Resolving interpersonal problems is goal

What is overall goal in Extended family systems theory?

-Increase differentiation of self or the ability to separate thoughts from feelings

-Self-differentiation within the context of the family

What is the main idea or primary concept for extended family systems theory?

Extends family system beyond nuclear family- multigenerational

What is the unit of focus and suggested length of tx for extended family systems?

-Current and extended family therapy

-Long/short term

What is the therapists role in extended family systems?

De-triangulated coaching. Supervisor

What is the process of insight in extended family systems?

Insight gained through rationale/cognitive processes leading to differentiation and understanding of family of origin

How are maladaptive behaviors viewed in extended family systems theory?

Result of multi-generational transmission process where progressively lower levels of differentiation are transmitted from one generation to the next

What is differentiation of self in extended family systems?

-The ability to separate feeling and thinking

-Undifferentiated people cannot think rationally, can't separate their own form other's feelings

-Differentiation is process of freeing oneself from one's family, realizing one's own contribution of issues in family instead of blaming others, and being able to emotionally relate to other members

What are 'triangles' in extended family systems?

-Dyads are seen as inherently unstable due to people vacillating between closeness and distance in dyads

-When dyad is stressed, they triangulate a third party to get involved

-Person with least differentiation of self, most vulnerable, most likely to get triangled

What is 'family projection process' in extended family systems?

Process why which emotional processes are passed form one generation to the next.

Child that receives the projection will have difficulties differentiating

What is 'emotional cutoff' in extended family systems?

Separation by emotional or physical distance from the family of origin.

People who cut off from their original families are more likely to repeat the same patterns in their own relationships

What is the main idea/concepts for Experiential/communications theory?

-Primary concept is self esteem; innate and results are from communication and early experiences child receives from parent

-Based on belief that individuals move naturally towards growth and health. And have all the resources they need to grow

-Symptoms are a result of imbalance in the system that blocks growth process

What is the unit of focus/length of tx for experiential/communications theory?

Family unit of focus

Long term/short term

What is therapist's role in experiential/communications theory?

Active facilitator of communication and growth

Promotes spontaneity, creativity, autonomy, and ability to play

Teaches and coaches

What is the view of maladaptive behaviors in experiential/communications theory?

Dysfunctional behaviors are conceptualized as resulting from failure to fulfill one's potential for growth

What are the goals for experiential/communications theory?

Raise self-esteem, improve communication, growth, identify family roles and how they promote symptoms

What is the main concept for Structural family therapy?

-Directive, change oriented

-Concerned with symptoms in terms of family systems dynamics

-Assumes if you change the structure of the family, the family's symptoms will be alleviated

What is the unit of focus/length of therapy for structural family therapy?

Nuclear family only

Short/brief term

What is the therapist's role in structural family therapy?

Active director of therpy

Promoter of change in family strucutre

Creates situations that force adaptive change

What is mimesis?

-Structural family therapy


-Therapist uses this to accommodate for a family's style/tempo/affective range

-Therapist joins the family by imitating the style or content of it's communication

What is the process of change/insight for structural family therapy?

Behavioral change is based on action

Action precedes understanding

What is the view of maladaptive behavior in structural family therapy?

Result of an inflexible family structure that prohibits the family from adapting

What are goals of structural family therapy?

-Restructure the family

-Promote clear family heirarcy

-Change behavior and transactional patterns

What are main ideas for strategic family therapy?

-Relationships are characterized by a struggle for power to see who will define the relationship

-3 main models: MRI, Haley and Madanes, the Milan Model

What is the unit of focus/lenght of tx for strategic family therapy?

-Participants of the problem

-Short/brief term

What is circular questioning?

-Strategic family therapy

-questions designed to help family members identify differences in their perspectives in order to increase their understaning of what is happening so they can come up with their own solutions

What is prescribing the symptom?

-Strategic family therapy

-Forces teh person to give up the symptom or admit that it is under voluntary control

What is double bind communication

-Strategic family therapy concept

-A set of contradictory or logically inconsistent communications from a person along with the expectation that the receiver will not comment on the inconsistency (i.e. mother saying "i love you" while pushing child off her lap)

What is therapist's role in strategic family therapy?

Active, take-charge role

Power based

What is the process of change/insight for strategic family therapy?

Alleviate symptoms through altering family's transactions and organization

Insight considered counterproductive as it increases resistance

How does strategic family therapy view maladaptive behaviors?

-Focus on how communication is used to increase one's control in a relationship

-Symptom is seen as a tactic used by one person and are repeated sequences of behaviors and patterns of communication that maintain a probelmatic and maladaptive balance

What are goals for strategic family therapy?

Change occurs thorugh action-oriented directives and paradoxical interventions by the therapist

Interventions change behaviors that maintain maladaptive behaviors