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15 Cards in this Set

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Key Figures

1. Ivan Pavlov

2. B.F Skinner

3. John Watson

4. Joseph Wolpe

5. Edward Thorndike

4 Main Types of BH Theory

1. Applied Behavior Analysis

2. Neuro-Behavior Stimulus


3. Social Learning Theory

4. Cognitive Behavior


Treatment Techniques

1. Social Skills Training

2. Assertiveness Training

3. Self-Control Exercise

- Progressive Relaxation

- Biofeedback

4. Performance Based

- Behavior modification

program used in the



Client commitment to change w/ conditioning creates behavior and emotional responses

Used to explain and treat phobia, anxieties and aberrant Behavior

Behavior Therapy

Environment give two types of situations to determine behavior for individual: Positive or negative

Learning occurs with + or - reinforcement

Operant /Classical Condtioning Techniques

1. Premack Conditioning

2. Assertiveness Training

3. Automatic Training

4. Baseline Biofeedback

e.g. EMG,EEG, Temperature

5. Experimental w/ peter

6. Flooding of Implosive Therapy

7. Law of Effect

8. Jackson Method

9. Explains Personality development

10. Ivan Pavlov

- Classical Conditioning

- Antecedent play role in learned behavior


Conditioning response fades over time as a conditioning stimulus is repeated w/o unconditioned natural stimulus

Counter Conditioning

Conditioned stimulus is paired with another stimulus to evoke a response contrary to that made by natural stimulus

Behavior Pioneers

1. John Watson

2. Joseph Wolpe

John Watson

1st American Behaviorist

Contented that conditioning has the power to mold people's behavior

He treated clients with phobias with Classical Conditioning

Joseph Wolpe

Applied Classical Conditioning Theory to Psychotherapy, originating Reciprocal Inhibition and Systematic Desenitization

Operant Conditioning Theory

1. Consequences rather than Antecedent (event) causes

2. People learn by experience reinforcement (encouraging recurrence) or punishment (discouraging reoccurrence) following their behavior

B.F. Skinner

Four(4) Intermittent Reinforcement Schedules

1. Fixed Interval

- Reinforcement is repeated at time intervals

2. Variable Interval

- Reinforcement interval

changes ( e.g every 2 sec

then after 7 sec, then after

4 sec etc)

3. Fixed Ratio

- Reinforcement happens at

a fixed response interval

4. Variable Ratio

- Reinforcement happens at

a rate tied to number of


Token Economy

Rewards desired behavior with tokens such as poker chips, stars, and scrip that can be saved and traded for another reinforcement like movie and restaurant.

Other Salient Technique of Operant Condtioning


Used to encourage specific behavior by rewarding action that come close to desired BH

Other Salient Technique of Operant Condtioning