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Counseling: Communication Guidelines
refer to book, pages 212-213 and slides..too much to write.
The brain stem
(midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata)

REVIEW don't memorize
-midbrain; controls capillary reflex, eye movement,
-brain stem-ponds: processing station & auditory pathways.
-medulla obligate: reflex centers, balance, HR, BP, respirations, coughing, swallowing, sneezing, involving regulation area.
skeletal muscle, coordination, contraction, and maintains equilibrium

(frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal lobes, the basial ganglia, amygdala and hippocampus)
- frontal: thinking, planning, central executive functions and motor execution.
-parietal lobe: senitol sensory perception, integration of visual, and information centers.
-Temporal: language function & auditory perception, long term memory & emotion.
-occipital: visual perception & processing, vasoganglion, regulation of movement.
-amygdala and hippocampus, emotions, learning, memory, & basic drives.
neurotransmitter involved in a wide variety of behaviors & emotions including pleasure.
-excessive transmission in schizophrenia.
- a largely inhibitory neurotransmitter.

-Distributed widely throughout the CNS
-implicated in sleep and eating disorders
-Low levels has also been linked to extreme anxiety
MRI & CT shows in schizophrenia
Through MRI or CT it is possible to ID gross anatomical changes in the brain: increased posterior ventricles=loss of brain tissue
-In schizophrenia, cortical atrophy is detected, so there is an enlargement of the posterior ventricles.
PET shows in schizophrenia
-injected radioactive tracer travels to the brain and concentrates in area of high activity

-shows differing bain activity is and shows intensity of the activity & differing areas from the normal brain
Standard (First-Generation) Antipsychotic Drugs
-Traditional Antipsychotics
Act as antagonists to these receptors:
 --->Acetylcholine (muscarinic receptors)
---> Norepinephrine (a1 receptors)
---> Histamine (H1 receptors)
**also a dopamine antagonists**
-Traditional Antipsychotics

Action for schizo
targets positive symptoms of schizophrenia b/c they dopamine antagonists-blocks dopamine (remember excess for schizo)

No effect on negative symptoms, so used less often
-Traditional Antipsychotics

Less expensive
-Traditional Antipsychotics

-Do not treat negative symptoms. (w/drawn, lack of feeling, pleasure, interest. not motivated in ADLs)
-block of dopamine receptors in motor area cause extrapyramidal side effects (EPSs) as well anticholinergic effects, retarded Indonesian,
extrapyramidal side effects (EPSs)
Three of the most common EPS s/e are:
-acute dystonia=acute sustained contraction of muscles usually head & neck
-akathisia=psychomotor restlessness evident as pacing or fidgeting, pronounced & distressing to pt
-pseudoparkinsonism= parkinsons symp: tremors, reduced accessory movements, shuffling gait, stiff, drooling, masked expression, "pin rolling"
(EPS) Type of dystonia's mentioned
-Occulogyric-eyes are locked upward, painful

-Torticollis neck muscles contracting involuntarily side to side (recording says head to side?)
what can help lessen extrapyramidal side effects (EPSs)
-reduce dose amount
-adding anti-Parkinson meds, esp centrally acting meds like: trihexyphenidyl (artane) & benztrophine & amantadine hydrochloride (Benadryl)
-Most pt will develop tolerance after a few months
Serious EPS that sows up later
Tardive dyskinesia (TD): shows up months-yrs after
-Face: protruding and rolling tounge, spastic facial distortion, smacking movements. grimincing
-Limbs: Choreic (rapid, purposeless), Athetoid (slow, complex)
-Trunk:neck & shoulder movements, dramatic hip jerks, rocking
Tardive dyskinesia how common

20% >2 yrs

-D/C of drug rarely relieves symptoms
-best to catch early, will worsen w/ time
-changes in appearance, provide support
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome


Severe EPS, rare, can be fatal (renal failure, cardiac)
 -can occur 1st week but often occurs later, rapid progress over 2-3 days.

-early detection is the key. d/c med tx symptoms
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
-Hyperpyrexia: cardinal feature-temp over 103
- Autonomic dysfunction; htn, tachycardia, diaphoresis, incontinence, elevated vitals, UR
-delirium, stupor, coma
-Severe extrapyramidal symptoms
Other negative side effect of block of dopamine receptors
increase pituitary secretion of prolactin causing amenorrhea (no period), Galactorrhea (milk flow) gynecomastia in men (man boobies)
Anticholinergic Symptom
many tradiontional Antipsycs also block mucus secretentic receptors in internal organs, causing
-Dry Mouth
- blurred vision (usually abates in 1-2 weeks
-Urinary retention -constipation
-photo-sensitivity -sexual dysfunction
Anticholinergic toxicity
-non reactive puplis -dry mucus membranes
-reduced or absent peristalsis (smooth muscle move)
-unstable vitals
-seizures -urinary retention

-Traditional: Other common Side Effects
constipation, hypotension, ortho-hypon, increased appetite insomnia, sedation, UR, weight gain
-Traditional Antipsychotics

Low Potency

-high sedation + high ACH + low EPSs
-high acetylcholine (acts as neurotransmitter) affect
-low risk for extrapyamidal symptoms

-*Chlopromazine (Thorazine), Thioridazine (Mellarill)*
There are medium potency
*loxapine (Loxitane), perphenazine (Trilafon)* Molindone (Trilafon)
-Traditional Antipsychotics

High potency =

low sedation + low ACH + high EPSs
-low acetylcholine (acts as a neurotransmitter) affect
-high risk for extrapyamidal symptoms

-*Haldol (haloperidol)*, *fluphenazine (Prolixin)*, Pimozide (Orap), triflupoperazine
-Traditional Antipsychotics
Long acting
Haldol Decanoate and Prolixin Decanoate: these "decanoates" are long acting

don’t have to take the medications every day, it helps with med adherence
-A-typical, or a newer antipsychotic
-Serotonin-dopamine antagonists  (5-HT2A)
-bind to dopamine receptors in the alembic system, therefore we do see motor side effects such as Tardive dyskinesia which is irreversible
-target negative and positive symptoms
-A-typical, or a newer antipsychotic Advantages
-fewer to no EPS, and other motor side effects
-target negative symptoms of psychosis as well as positive symptoms
-tx mood disorders: bipolar, depression and anxiety
-decreases suicidal behavior.
-A-typical, or a newer antipsychotic disadvantages
-weight gain, can happen in all, but more so.
-Metabolic abnormalities: need to monitor blood sugars & related metabolic changes
-serious side effects depending on med
-more expensive
A-Typcials Begin to work
1 Week but takes seceral months to reach max effect

Brief dose on benzodiazepine may be given to help pt maintain control during that time
Common A-typical
-Airpiprazole (Abilify) -Quetiapine (Seroquel)
-Clozapine (Clozaril) -Ziprasidone (Geodone)
-Paliperidone (invegal) -Asenapine (Saphris)
-Risperidone (Risperdal)
-Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
-A-typical Clozaril
-risk for agranulocytosis: monitoring the CBC closely
-other s/e= connvulsions/sezier , myocarditis
-anticonvulsive may be given as a preventative measure & cardiac status & labs monitored
-A-typical Risperidone
May cause EPS at higher doses
observing for a side effect known as neuromalignant syndrome
convulsions, myocarditis, other side effects. Monitoring the CBC, maybe based on the risk, anticonvulsive may be a preventative measure and also looking at the cardiac status and all the labs related to that.
Metabolic disturbances weight gain higher w/
Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
Clozapine (Clozaril)
Sedation higher w/
Quetiapine (Seroquel)
Clozapine (Clozaril)
Asenapine (Saphris)
Differences in drug responses among ethnic groups

-Lithium: Greater toxicity in African Amer than whites
-Haloperidol: Same dose, but plasma concentrations 50% higher in Asians than in whites
-Clozapine: Life-threatening s/e agranulocytosis, more prevalent in Ashkenazi Jews than others