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51 Cards in this Set

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Where does anything to do with oxidation occur?


Where does FA oxidation occur


Where does FA synthesis occur


Where does AA catabolism occur

In the cystol and mitochondria

What is an allosteric enzyme

binds to a site other then the active site and result in change of shape of the enzyme

After _ days can the brain adapt to ketone


The brain consume _ amount of glucose per day at resting

60 %

The liver stores __ of glycoen


What does the brain,retina and rbi have in common

lack mitochondria

What are the four paths of G-6-P

Glucose, Glycogen, Pentose Phosphate and F-6-P

What are the four phases of Pyruvate

Latic acid, alanine,ethanol and TCA

five phases for acetyl coA


Three phases for OAA

Citrate, malate and PEP

Where does the electron transport chain take place?


Three rates for sprinter,marathon and iron


A sprinter produces what?

Latic acid

what is hexokinase km?


What is Hexokinase inhibited by

its product G-6-P

what inhibits and activates PFK-1?

ATP AND Citrate inhibt

AMP ADP and Fructose-2-6-biphospahte activate it.

What does Fructose -2-3 biP do?

It activates PFK-1 producing Fructose 1-6 biphosospte for glycoclosys and inhibits FBPase-1 to produce fructose 6 -phosphate for GNG

What inhibits and activates Pyruvate Kinase

ATP, acetyl co A and long chain fatty acids inhibit and Fructose-1-6BP activate it.

What percent of glycogen does the muscle store and what are it fuel sources


FA,glucose and KB

How much energy does adipose store?


What does the liver prefer over glucose?

a-ketoacids derive from degradation of AA



(1) 518 protein kinases (PKs);
(2) 150 protein phosphatases (PPs); (3) 1000s of auxiliary proteins involved in regulation of PKs & PPs

• Human genome codes for:-

What two things does glucagon activate


GGL stands for


Glucagon inhibts

Glycoloysis and glycogenesis (GG)

Name the pathway for glucagon

Glucagon is relaxed when glucose level is below 3.5. It is a 29 aa relaxed from the alpha pancreas cells and a 10 to the 10 concentration. It binds to the glucagon receptor which goes through an conformation change to relase it on the inner memebrain. It then activate G-protein (GTP switched on and Beta and lamb subunit dissociate). this then activated Adenylate Cyclase (AC) which activate camp. camp-dpk s PKA allosterically & when activated PKA phosphorylates several protein targets on Ser/Thr residues

Five targets of Glucagon

Activate Glycogen Phosphrolyation

Inhibts Glycogen Synthase

Inhibts PFK-1

Inhibts L-PK Pyruvate Kinase

Activates PEPCK via Creb protein in nuclues

PFK-2 is inactivated and FBPase-2 activated when a Ser residue in the regulatory domain is phosphorylated by PKA

what does PFK-2 is inactivated and FBPase-2 activated cause

PFK-1 which reduces glycolysis

Adrenaline (Epinephrine) synthesised from ?

tyrosine in 4 steps via dopamine intermediate

Adrenaline (and Noradrenaline) are synthesized in & secreted from the _______ of the adrenal gland located above the kidney.


Adrenaline and Noradreanline are ________


Noradrenaline is the main neurotransmitter of the

sympathetic nerves of the ____________

cardiovascular system.

Adrenaline receptor is called

-adrenergic receptor

beta -adrenergic receptor hitscamp just like glucagon but which is more sensitive


in liver adrelanline stimulates

gluconeogenesis & glycogenolysis

in muscle however it stimulates

glycolysis and glycogenolysis

Adrenaline stimulates glycogenolysis and glycolysis in muscle so that ATP can be produced quickly for energy for

flight or fight

Why is Muscle PK not phosoorlayed

it lacks the serene resiude

Which serene does liver PK have

seirne 12

explain the neuronal signalling

action potential rekases ch, ash receptor hit SR realises ca which increase Glycogen phosphorylase causing mustase enzyme from g-1-p to g-6-p producing 3 tap and lactic acid.

describe inulin

Insulin is a 51 am select from pancreas beta cells.

wo chains (A and B) linked by two –S–S– bonds

• Synthesized as preproinsulin in pancreas

• Pre‐peptide (signal) and C‐peptide cleaved to yield active insulin hormone

Describe Insulin pathway

Glucose Fedstate above 9 mm. Promotes up take via Glut 2 in the beta cells of the pancreas. Triggering the relase of insulin (once c peptide cleaved one and ab chain liked by two sulphur form) insulin realised has 10 to 10 (o.1nm) relaxed in blood stream. Receptor conformational change auto phosrorplation of beta subunit on tyrosine. activates IRS1 which p grb2 that enter nucleus initiates a response through MAP kinase pathway increasing protein transcription then synthesis. Irs-1 takes PI--3K is P and becomes active. When the p pip2 which activates pp3 10 to onus 8 molar. pip3 senses vesicles containing glut 4 transport promo totes diffusion and up regulation of glucose uptake. bouncer allow glucose in. pip3 p gsk3 and inactivates it and promotes glycogen synthase stimulating glycogen production.

Name 5 key factors in insulin

IRS-1, GRB2, P1-3K, PIP3, GSK-3.

Mammalian glucose transporters have 1____transmembrane helices


insulin____glycongen phosphate



Type I is caused by autoimmune destruction of insulin secreting pancreatic  cells; Type II is prevalent in obese middle-aged people and may be genetic

_______ is also known as Insulin- Resistance Syndrome or Syndrome X

Metabolic syndrome