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73 Cards in this Set

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Salicylate overdose blood gas...

Respiratory alkalosis early coupled by metabolic acidosis layer (woman with mental health history presents short of breath)

VSD treatment


COPD + cirrhosis

Alpha antitrypsin

Commonest pneumonia in HIV +ve but stable Pt

Strep pneumoniae

Papillary muscle rupture post MI


2^ hyperPTH Ca level?


3* hyperPTH Ca++ level?


Drugs that cause tardive dyskinesia


Folatic acid dose for pregnant epileptics


Small dimpled spots


Unexplained loss of motor or sensory function

Conversion disorder

Essential diagnosed if it hasn’t been long enough to be PTSD

Acute Stress Reaction

Drug that causes diabetes insipidus


Causes of neonatal hypoglycaemia

GDM, eclampsia, maternal drug use

Poor feeding, SGA, respiratory distress

Superior mesenteric artery supplies?

Major duodenal papilla to proximal 2/3 of transverse colon

Inferior mesenteric artery supply?

Hindgut: distal 1/3 of transverse colon to rectum

Pancreatitis complications




Pancreatic cancer

Kidney failure

Breathing problems


UC histology

crypt abscesses (The typical histologic findings of ulcerative colitis include expansion of chronic inflammation in the mucosa and, in active cases, the presence of acute inflammation. In mildly active cases, there is an acute cryptitis that progresses to crypt abscesses in moderately active cases)

treatment of ascites

low salt diet


(paracentesis if severe)

(liver transplant if refractory)

ECG arteries and regions


V5-V6, I, aVL


V1-V4 = LAD (anterior / septal)

V5-V6, I, aVL = LCx (lateral)

II, III, aVF = RCA (inferior)

Pads Asthma 2nd Step

> 5 LABA

< 5 LTRA

Haemachromatosis Inx

HIGH ferritin AND high transferrin

Genetic testing

Electrolyte abnormalities in dialysis

HIGH: potassium & magnesium

LOW: sodium & calcium

Stages of labour

1st = contractions - 10cm

2nd = 10cm - baby

3rd = baby - placenta.

Phases of 1st stage

Latent = 0 - 3cm (0.5cm/hr, irregular)

Active = 3 - 7cm (1cm/hour, regular)

Transition = 7cm - 10cm (1cm/hr, strong and regular contractions)

Failure to progress

1st stage = <2cm / 4hrs or slowing progression if multiparous

2nd stage = 2hrs if nulliparous / 1hr if multiparous

3rd = > 30m of active management / >60m of physiological management

Parietal lobe lesion

inferior homonymous quadrantanopia

sensory inattention


astereognosis (tactile agnosia)

Gerstmann's syndrome (dominant parietal lesion): alexia, acalculia, finger agnosia and right-left disorientation

Occipital lobe lesion

homonymous hemianopia (with macula sparing)

cortical blindness

visual agnosia

Temporal lobe

Wernicke's (receptive) dysphasia: word substitution, neologisms

superior homonymous quadrantanopia

auditory agnosia

prosopagnosia (difficulty recognising faces)

Frontal lobe

Broca's (expressive) dysphasia: laboured, halting speech




inability to generate a list

Cerebellum lesion

midline lesions: gait and truncal ataxia

hemisphere lesions: intention tremor, past pointing, dysdiadokinesis, nystagmus

CT Head w/in 1hr if

GCS <13 (arrival) / <15 (2 hrs)

?open / ?depressed fracture

? basal skull fracture (‘panda' eyes, csf leakage)

Focal deficit / seizure

Vomited > once

Acute limb ischaemia

sudden decrease in arterial blood flow to a limb that threatens its viability

6 Ps

Pain / Pallor

Pulseless / Perishingly cold

Paraesthesia / Paralysis

Critical Limb Ischaemia

the end-stage of peripheral arterial disease, where there is an inadequate supply of blood to a limb to allow it to function normally at rest

Section 135 (emergency)

Police can forcibly enter your home

Section 136 (emergency)

police detain you at a place of safety (hospital/police station)

Section 5(4) (emergency)

nurse can detain you for 6 hours

Section 5(2) (emergency)

doctors can detain you for 72 hours

Section 2 (NON-emergency)

detained for 28 days

Section 3 (NON-emergency)

Admitted for treatment (up to 6 months)


eversion exposes columnar epithelium leading to a central area of velvety redness surrounding external os

Cervical cancer

focally ulcerated


friable necrotic mass

bleeds easily on touch

Benzo overdose Mx


Aspirin overdose

Sodium bicarbonate

Day before surgery insulin

usual dose given (except long-acting, dose reduced by 20 %)

Day OF surgery insulin

long-acting continued at 80 %

all other stopped until patient eating / drinking

Urinary incontinence from prolapse


• Physiotherapy (pelvic floor exercises)

• Weight loss

• Lifestyle changes for associated stress incontinence, such as reduced caffeine intake and incontinence pads

• Treatment of related symptoms, such as treating stress incontinence with anticholinergic mediations

• Vaginal oestrogen cream



Ascites management

low salt diet


(paracentesis if severe)

(liver transplant if refractory)

Down's syndrome bowel obstruction

Duodenal atresia

Child in GP: fatigue, bruising, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy


What to do in GP with Pads ? Leukaemia

Urgent blood test and blood film & review in 48hs

Nec Fac Sx






Nec Fac Ex

Poorly defined erythema with pain extending beyond margins

Tense oedema / bullae

Creptius / offensive ‘dishwater’ discharge

Nec Fac Mx

Broad IV Abx

Urgent surgical debridement

What tumour causes Horner's syndrome?


Randomized controlled trials

the effect of the treatment is often compared with "no treatment"

Cohort studies

determine how often a certain disease occurs

Case-control studies

compare people who have a certain medical condition with people who do not

Cross-sectional studies

A representative group of people – usually a random sample – are interviewed or examined in order to find out their opinions or facts

Qualitative studies

what it is like for people to live with a certain disease


conductive loss heard in same ear

sensorineural loss heard on opposite


AC>BC = normal (or sensorineural loss)

BC>AC = conductive hearing loss

Budd-Chiari Syndrome

hepatic VEIN thrombosis (blocking outflow of blood)

@ w/ hyper-coagulable states

leads to acute hepatitis

classic triad: abdo pain, hepatomegaly, ascites

Mild consolidation on CXR

Apyrexial but SOB

Long term Abx for SLE

Hypo Na

Dx & Mx?

Legionella Pneuma


How to Dx glaucoma?

Tanometry (measures intraocular pressure)

Newborn test for deafness?

Automated Auditory Brainstem Response

#NOF Ex...

Shortened & externally rotated

HLA B27 @ (eg Ank Spon.) red eye

Iritis (same as anterior uveitis)

PSC antibodies

(aren’t very helpful in diagnosis but they can indicate where there is an autoimmune element to the disease that may respond to immunosuppression)

p-ANCA (antineutrophil cytoplasmic) up to 94%

ANA (antinuclear) up to 77%

aCL (anticardiolipin) up to 63%

PBC antibodies

(forms part of the diagnostic criteria)

AMA (anti-mitochondrial) *most specific*

ANA (anti-nuclear) present in 35% of Pts

Peripheral Neuropathy from poor country

B12 deficiency

CF Tests

Newborn blood spot testing (performed on all children shortly after birth) - picks up most cases (looks for raised IRT - immunoreactive trypsinogen)

Sweat test (GOLD standard) - testing for the chloride concentration (>60 is Dx)

Genetic testing for CFTR gene - can be performed during pregnancy (amniocentesis / chorionic villous sampling) or as blood test after birth

Section 2

Admitted for ASSESSMENT (up to 28 days)