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40 Cards in this Set

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Levator ani and Coccygeus
What two muscles make up the pelvic diaphragm?
Superior Transverse Axis
Around what axis of the sacrum does respiratory motion occur?
What level is the super transverse axis of the sacrum at?
During inhalation, what direction does the sacral base move?
Superior Transverse Axis
Around what axis of the sacrum does Craniosacral (inherent) motion occur?
During craniosacral flexion, what direction does the sacrum move?
What is another name for the posterior movement of the sacral base?
During cransiosacral extension, what direction does the sacrum move?
Nutation (Nod forward)
What is another name for anterior movement of the sacral base?
Middle Transverse Axis
Around what axis of the sacrum does postural motion occur?
DRIP (Dynamic, Respiratory, Inherent/Innominate, Postural)
What are the 4 physiologic axes of the sacrum and innominates?
Sacral Oblique Axes
Around what sacral axes does dynamic motion occur during ambulation?
Opposite oblique axis
When weight bearing on one leg, which oblique axis is engaged?
Inferior Transverse Axis
Around which sacral axis does innominate rotation occur?
What level is the inferior transverse axis at?
What level is the middle transverse axis at?
Positive Standing Flexion Test
In innominate dysfunction, the side of the dysfunction is on the side of what?
Tight Quadriceps
What is the cause of anterior innominate somatic dysfunction?
Tight Hamstrings
What is the cause of posterior innominate somatic dysfunction?
Ipsilateral fall or missed step
What are the 2 most common causes of superior innominate shear?
Trauma or Tight Rectus Abdominus
What are the 2 most common causes of superior pubic shear?
Trauma or Tight Adductors
What are the 2 most common causes of inferior pubic shear?
Iliosacral Dysfunction
Standing Flexion Test indicates what?
Sacroiliac Dysfunction
Seated Flexion Test indicates what?
Superior Pole
Sacral oblique axes are named for what?
Same Side
When L5 is sidebent, which sacral oblique axis is engaged?
Opposite Side
When L5 is rotated, which direction is the sacrum rotated?
Opposite Oblique Axis
When a positive seated flexion test is found, which side is the oblique axis engaged?
Forward Torsion (or unilateral flexion)
Negative spring test indicates which type of torsion?
Backward Torsion (or unilateral extension)
Positive spring test indicates which type of torsion?
Same Side
In a forward torsion, rotation is on which side compared to the axis?
Opposite Side
In a backward torsion, rotation is on which side compared to the axis?
Bilateral Sacral Flexion
What is the most common dysfunction of the sacrum in post-partum patients?
L5 (Sacral dysfunction will often resolve with treatment of L5)
If L5 and Sacral dysfunction are both present (as is usually the case), which should be treated first?
L1 or L2 (flexed, sidebent and rotated to the same side as the iliopsoas contracture)
A psoas syndrome will often cause dysfunction where?
Ilium, Ischium, Pubis
What three bones make up the innominate?
By what age doees teh innominate usually fuse?
Sacrospinous Ligament
What ligament divides the greater and lesser sciatic foramen?
Iliolumbar Ligament
What is usually the first ligament to become painful in lumbosacral decompensation?
Anterior, Posterior, and Interosseous
What are the true pelvic ligaments (sacroiliac ligaments)?