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73 Cards in this Set

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Characteristic of Herpes zoster lesions
Clustered skin vesicles Classic presentation is grouped vesicles on erythematous base along a dermatome. B/c they follow nerve pathways the lesions do not cross the body's midline
Melanomas are
pigmented malignant lesions that originate in the melanin-producing cells of the epidermis. Highly metastatic
Basal cell carcinomas metastasis
Rare, although underlying tissue destruction can progress to include vital structures.
Squamous cell carcinomas are malignant neoplasms of the what? Characterized by?
Epidermis, local invasion and potential for metastasis
what characteristic of malignant melanoma would be documented in clients record after assessment
Irregularly shaped pigmented papule or plaque with a red, white or blue color.
Basal cell appears how?
pearly papule with a central crater and a rolled, waxy border.
Squamous cell carcinoma appears how?
firm nodular leasion that is topped with a crust or a central area of ulceration.
Actinic keratosis is…
a premalignant lesion
Actinic keratosis appears as?
Small macule or papule with a dry, rough, adherent yellow or brown scale.
Appearance of frostbite in hand
White or blue skin color and skin that is hard, cold and insensitive to touch. As thwaning occurs, so does flushing of the skin, the development of blisters or blebs or tissue edema
In someone who develops frostbite, how long does it take for gangrene to develop if it does?
9-15 days
Stage 2 pressure ulcer is described as
Partial-thickness skin loss of epidermis or dermis. Superficial, and may look like an abrasion, blister, or shallow crater.
Stage 1 pressure ulcer is described as
Reddened area but skin still intact
In stage 3 pressure ulcer it is seen as?
A deep, crater like apperance
In stage 4 the pressure ulcer develops what?
Nurse would note upon inspection if scabies disorder is present
Multiple straight or wavy threadlike lines noted beneath the skin
Process of Scabies
The skin lesions are caused by the female, which burrows beneath the skin and lays its eggs. The eggs hatch in few days and baby mites make their way to the skin surface where they mate and complete life cycle.
Precautions institued during care of client with scabies
Wear gown and gloves, transmited by skin on skin contact
Burn injury with suspected inhalation injury, will receive what kind of oxygen delivery?
100% O2 via tight fitting non rebreather face mask until carboxyhemoglobin level falls below 15%. Oropharynx inspected for evidence of erythema, blisters and ulerations. Need for endotracheal intubation also assessed.
Post Burns to face/chest, has hoarse cough, sputum with black flecks, eyelashes/eyebrows singed and eyelids swollen: Indicates?
Inhalation injury, the burn has prob caused laryngeal edema which has occluded the airway. Hx of flame burn to face, hoarseness, cough, carbonaceous sputum, facial edema color change.
Anticipated outcome of escharotomy procedure
Return of distal pulses
Escharotomies are performed to…
Alleviate the compartment syndrome that can occur when edema forms under nondistensible eschar in a circumferential burn. Will not affect the formation of edema or granulation tissue. Bleeding considered complication.
Leg position appropriate for circumferential burns
Elevation above the level of heart. May compromise circulation. Elevating reduces dependent edema formation.
In adult the hourly urine volume should be
Instructions for discharged client with grafting of burn injuries
Wear warm clothing, wash with mild soap rinsing throroughly and patting skin dry with clean towel, avoid sunburns and sunlight, avoid products containing perfume alcohol or lanolin because they irritate newly healed skin
Person at greatest risk for integumentary disorder and second greatest
outdoor construction worker b/c of sun, unusual cold, or other conditions that damage skin. Older adult b/c of immobility and lack of nutrition.
Under Wood's light what areas are associated with certain skin infections.
Areas of blue-green or red fluorescence
Care instructions for client with dry skin and pruritus
Humidifier during winter, drink 3000ml unless contra, avoid alochol and caffeine. Avoid rubbying alcohol, astringents or other drying agents to skin, One bath, warm water mild soap, followed by app of emoillient to prevent evap of water
Cellulitis is described as
A skin infection into the deep dermis and sub q fat.
Cellulitis is usually caused by
Streptococcus pyogenes
Cellulitis appears usually as
Red erythema, without sharp boarders and spreads widely through tissue spaces. Skin is erythematous,edematous, tender and sometimes nodular.
Erysipelas is
an acute, superficial, rapidly spreading inflammation of the dermis and lymphatics
What should nurse anticipate being prescribed for client with acute cellulitis?
Warm compresses to affected area
Diagnosing of Herpes Zoster is done by
Culture of the lesion
Hallmark sign characteristic of pemphigus is
Nikolsky's sign
Nikolysky's sign is
when the epidermis can be rubbed off by sligh friction or injury.
Homans sign is a sign of
Thrombosis in the leg, is discomfort in the calf on dorsiflexion of the foot.
Chvostek's sign is seen in what and is described as
Tetany, a spasm of the facial muscles elicited by tapping the facial nerve in the region of the parotid gland.
Trousseau's sign is a sign for what in which
Tetany, carpal spasm can be elicited by compressing the upper arm and causing ischemia to the nerves distally.
Cause of Acne
Exacerbations of Acne caused by?
Hormonal changes in menstrual cycle, heat, oily skin. Not chocolate, nuts, fatty foods not related.
Instruction to include for a patient coming in a week later for skin test
DC prescribed antihistamine and systemic corticosteroids 2 days before test
Instructions for patch testing
Keep site dry at all times, discourage sweating activiteis, don't reapply patch if off, Remove loose patch for reapp later, Initial reading 2 days after and final 2-5 days later.
Characteristic of Lyme Disease Stage 2
Neurological defects and cardiac conduction defects, including bell's palsy and paraylsis (not usually permanent)
Characteristic of Lyme Disease Stage 1
Skin Rash
Characteristic of Lyme Disease Stage 3
Joint enlargments and arthralgias
Client bitten by tick wants tested for LD can he have it?
Must wait 4-6 weeks to test for
Karposi's sarcoma lesions in AIDS described as
red, dark blue or purple macules on lower legs that change into plaques. Large plaques ulcerate or open and drain. Spread by metastasis thru upper body then face and oral mucosa, can also spread to lymphatic system, lungs, GI tract.
Late diseas of Karposi sarcoma results in
swelling and pain in lower extrem, penis, scrotum or face
Diagnosis of karposi sarcoma is made by
Punch biopsy of cutaneous lesions and biiopsy of pulmonary and GI lesions.
Puts at greater risk for karposi sarcoma
Decreased Immune system.
What does nurse wear when bathing client with Cutaneous kposi's sarcoma
Gown Gloves
Paronchia is viewed on clients skin as
Infection around nail, red shiny skin often associated with painful swelling.
Paronchia freq result form
trauma,picking at nail, or disorders such as dermatitis
Often paronchia becomes secondarily infeted with what? Leading to
bacteria or fungus leading to nail involvement
Instructions for impetigo
Throuough handwashing, separting laundry, and separate washing of client's dishes are required b/c is contagious as long as lesions present.
What is prescribed for frostbite of toes
Rapid and continual rewarming of toes in warm water bath until flushing of the skin occurs
How long should frostbite toes be warmed?
15-20 minutes
Isotetinoin (Accutane) is prescribed for
severe cystic acne
Accutane side effects include
elevated triglycerides, skin dryness, eye discomfrot such as dryness and burning, and cheilitis (lip inflammation)
What supplements are stoped when using Accutane
Vit A
Following raditaion what could cause chest and neck areas to be red that are painful
Superficial injury to tissue from the radiation.
Can enhance penetration of topical corticosteroid therapy to client with psoriasis by
applying warm moist heat and occlusive outter wrap. If large area involved may be limited to12 hours per day b/c of systemic se's
SE related to Amoxicillin
Vaginal Discharge
Causitive factors of exacerbation of Psoriasis
Emotioanl distress, trauma, systemic illness, seasonal changes, hormonal changes
Heterograft is
Skin from another species
Carbon monoxide levels of 5-10% result in
Impaired visual acuity
Carbon monoxide levels of 11-20% result in
flushing and headahce
Carbon monoxide levels of 21-30% result in
Nausea and impaired dexterity
Carbon Monoxide levels of 31-40% result in
Vomiting, dizziness and syncope
Carbon Monoxide levels of 41-50% result in
tachypnea and tachycardia
Carbon Monoxide Levels greater than 50%
Coma and Death
By which route should meds be given if possible in a client with severe burns
IV b/c oral medications are not absorbed well b/c GI tract slows with burn shock or paralytic ileus. Parenteral routes are avoided b/c absorption may be poor or erratic due to fluid shifts