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51 Cards in this Set

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palliative (n.)
something that relieves symptoms without curing disease
synonyms: remedy
paradox (n.)
a statement that seems self-contradictory, but expresses truth
synonyms: contradiction, puzzle
paragon (n.)
a model or pattern of excellence
synonyms: epitome, ideal
parody (n.)
a humorous imitation of somethng serious
synonyms: imitation, satire
partisan (adj.)
influenced or controlled by a certain group
synonyms: biased
patronizing (adj.)
an offensively condescending manner
synonyms: condescending
pedantic (adj.)
having a narrow focus on small details of a subject
synonyms: bookish, academic
pedestrian (adj.)
lacking in imagination or discussion
synonyms: dull, commonplace
penchant (n.)
a strong inclination or liking
synonyms: tendency
pensive (adj.)
dreamily thoughtful
synonyms: contemplative
perfidy (n.)
deliberate breach of trust
synonyms: faithlessness, treachery
perfunctory (adj.)
performed merely as a routine
synonyms: hasty, superficial
pernicious (adj.)
causing harm or ruin
synonyms: harmful
perplex (v.)
to puzzle or bewilder
synonyms: confuse
perusal (n.)
a survey or reading
synonyms: study, survey
pessimist (n.)
one who expects a negative outcome
synonyms: complainer, cynic
picayune (adj.)
trivial; of little value
synonyms: petty, paltry
pious (adj.)
having a spirit of reverence for God
synonyms: religious
placid (adj.)
pleasantly calm or peaceful
synonyms: unruffled
plagiarism (n.)
using another's work as one's own
synonyms: counterfeiting, copying
plasticity (n.)
capable of being molded or shaped
synonyms: flexibility
plausible (adj.)
appearing truthful or reasonable
synonyms: reasonable, likely
pliant (adj.)
bending readily
synonyms: flexible
plurality (n.)
majority, great number
synonyms: majority
polarize (v.)
to divide into opposites
synonyms: separate
polemical (adj.)
involving dispute or controversy
synonyms: controversial, quarrelsome
pompous (adj.)
characterized by a display of importance
synonyms: arrogant, pretentious
populist (adj.)
supportive of the rights and power of the people
synonyms: democratic
portend (v.)
to indicate in advance
synonyms: foreshadow
potentate (n.)
a person who possesses great power, a ruler
synonyms: leader, ruler
pragmatic (adj.)
synonyms: realistic, sensible
precarious (adj.)
dependent upon the will of another, unsure
synonyms: unstable
precursor (n.)
a person or thing that precedes
synonyms: forerunner, predecessor
predecessor (n.)
someone who precedes another in a position, office, etc.
synonyms: forerunner, precursor
presumption (n.)
assumption or supposition
synonyms: belief, assumption
pretension (n.)
having an attitude of dignity or importance
synonyms: conceit, affectation
prevalent (adj.)
synonyms: accepted, common
pristine (adj.)
pure, uncorrupted
synonyms: unsullied
procrastinate (v.)
to defer action
synonyms: delay
prodigious (adj.)
extraordinary in size, amount, or degree
synonyms: huge, enormous
profound (adj.)
going beyond what is external or obvious
synonyms: deep, extreme
prolific (adj.)
producng abundantly
synonyms: productive
promising (adj.)
likely to develop positively
synonyms: likely, hopeful
prophetic (adj.)
having the abilities of a prophet, to predict what will happen
synonyms: predictive, prescient
proponent (n.)
a person who argues in favor of something
synonyms: advocate
prosaic (adj.)
commonplace or dull
synonyms: unimaginative
prosperity (n.)
wealth, monetary gain
synonyms: wealth
provident (adj.)
providing carefully for the future
synonyms: prepared, shrewd
provincial (adj.)
belonging to a particular area
synonyms: local, narrow
provoke (v.)
to anger or enrage
synonyms: aggravate
prudent (adj.)
wise or judicious in practice
synonyms: wise