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60 Cards in this Set

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cacophony (n.)
harsh,loud,discordant sounds
synonyms: dissonace,discord
calculated (adj.)
carefully thought out or planned
synonyms: considered, studied
camaraderie (n.)
a spirit of friendliness or good-fellowship
synonyms: comradeship, companionability
candid (adj.)
frank, open, honest in speech
synonyms: honest, open
cantankerous (adj.)
disageeable to deal with
synonyms: contentious, peevish
capitulate (v.)
to give up resistance
synonyms: surrender
capricious (adj.)
subject to or led by within
synonyms: erratic, whimsical
captivate (v.)
to attract or hold the intrest of
synonyms: enthrall, mesmerize
catalyst (n.)
something that causes an enent or a change
synonyms: impetus
cathartic (adj.)
emotionally purging
synonyms: cleansing
caustic (adj.)
severely critical or sarcastic
synonyms: harsh
cavalier (adj.)
showing arrogant disregard
synonyms: dismissive
cerebral (adj.)
pertaining to the brain or intellect
synonyms: intellectual
charisma (n.)
personal magnetism or charm
synonyms: charm, appeal
chronicle (v.)
a record or history
synonyms: history, account
circumscribe (v.)
to draw a line around or enclose
synonyms: encircle, delineate
cite (v.)
to reference as a authourity
synonyms: reference, quote
clandestine (adj.)
done with secrecy or concealment
synonyms: secret
coerce (v.)
use of force or intimidation to get results
synonyms: intimidation, persuasion
coherent (adj.)
logically connected or consistent
synonyms: clear
cohesive (adj.)
united, integrated, or unified
synonyms: integrated
collaboration (n.)
the act of working together
synonyms: teamwork
colleague (n.)
an associate
synonyms: coworker
commend (v.)
to present as worthy of notice or praise
synonyms: recommend
commerce (n.)
business; buying and selling
synonyms: industry, trade
compatible (adj.)
capable of living in harmony
synonyms: harmonious, fitting
compelling (adj.)
having a powerful or irresistible effect
synonyms: impelling, urging
complacement (adj.)
pleased with oneself
synonyms: self-satisfied
complement (v.)
something that completes or makes perfect
synonyms: enhancement
compliant (adj.)
complying or yielding in a submissive way
synonyms: submissive
comprehensive (adj.)
of large scope
synonyms: inclusive, complete
compromised (v.)
to make vulnerable
synonyms: exposed, revealed
concede (v.)
to acknowledge as true or prosper
synonyms: admit, give in
concise (adj.)
expressing much in a few words
synonyms: brief
condescending (adj.)
looking down upon someone or something
synonyms: patronizing, disdainful
conformist (n.)
a person who follows a group without questioning
synonyms: follower
conjecture (n.)
an opinion or theory that is unproven
synonyms: guesswork
connoisseur (n.)
a person with expert knowledge or taste
synonyms: expert, buff
conscientious (adj.)
careful, painstaking
synonyms: thorouh, careful
consecration (n.)
dedication to the service or worship of a god
synonyms: dedication, glorification
constraint (n.)
limitation or restriction
synonyms: limitation
contemporary (adj.)
of the present time period
synonyms: modern
contempt (n.)
to regard something as worthless
synonyms: disdain, scorn
contentious (adj.)
tending to argument or conflict
synonyms: quarrelsome
context (n.)
the facts or situation surrounding a person or thing
synonyms: circumstance, situation
contrite (adj.)
showing sincere remorse
synonyms: apolegetic
contrive (v.)
to plan or scheme
synonyms: devise, invent
conventional (adj.)
conforming to accepted standards
synonyms: proper, accepted
convey (v.)
to bring or communicate
synonyms: express
convoluted (adj.)
intricately involved
synonyms: complicated, complex
copious (adj.)
large in quantity or number
synonyms: plentiful
cosmopolitan (adj.)
at home in all the world; sophisticated
synonyms: worldly, cultured
credible (adj.)
worty of belief or confidence
synonyms: believable
credulous (adj.)
willing to believe or trust too readily
synonyms: gullible
critique (n.)
detailed evaluation or review
synonyms: analysis, review
cryptic (adj.)
mysterious or abiguous in meaning
synonyms: puzzling
culpable (adj.)
deserving blame
synonyms: blameworthy, guilty
cultivate (v.)
to develop through education or training
synonyms: acquire
curt (adj.)
rudely briefor abrupt in speech or manner
synonyms: brusque, abrupt
cynical (adj.)
distrusting the motives of others
synonyms: jaded