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63 Cards in this Set

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Bulwark, (Bull Wurk), Noun,
link: Bull
link sentence: Bulls work building a Bulwurk.
A defensive wall; something serving as a principle defense.
Quebec City is the only city in North America with a Bulwark entirely around it.
Defensive players are Bulwarks players on the field.
Augment (awg MENT) verb
Link: Cement
Link Sentence: How not to Augment a driveway with cement.
To make or become greater.
The king attempted to Augment his army by going into villages and drafting men into service.
I practice basketball to Augment my skills.
Incongruous (in KAHN grew us) Adj.
Link: in congress
Link sentence: The new Alaskan senator's presence in congress was Incongruous.
Not appropriate, unsuited to the surroundings; not fitting in
Ed appeared Incongruous wearing his tuxedo on an old fashioned hayride.
The man appeared Incongruous wearing pajamas on the bus.
Gossamer (Goss uh mer)
Link: Customer
Link Sentence: The spider's Gossamer captured many unhappy customers.
Delicate floating cobwebs; a sheer gauzy fabric; something delicate, light, flimsy.
The bride wore a white silk wedding dress. A Gossamer of fine Italian lace gently touched her face.
Succinct (sek SINGKY) Adj.
Link: SINK
Link Sentence: Virginia was a Succinct when Ernie forgot to fix his Sink.
Brief and to the point; concise and terse
When Joe was called upon, he Succinctly paraphrased what the teacher had just explained.
Tantalize (TAN tal ize) V.
Link: Santa's lies
Link Sentence: Santa's Lies Tantalize.
To excite by exposing something desirable while keeping it out of reach.
The Tantalizing aroma of the bread made us all very hungry.
Languid (LANG gwid) Adj.
Link: Squid
Link Sentence: A languid Squid
Lacking energy; weak; showing little interest in anything
After his bout with the Flu, Joe was Languid and unable to work out for over a week.
Benighted (be NI tid) Adj.
Link Sentence: A Benighted Knight.
Being in a state of intellectual darkness; ignorant; unenlightened
Many Benighted became unlighted during the renaissance.
Exalt (ig ZAWLT) V.
Link: Salt
Link Sentence: Everyone Exalted the salt as king of the condiments.
To raise high; glorify
The fireman was Exalted by the press for saving the child from a burning building.
Dire (DIRE)
Link: Fire
Link Sentence: A Dire Fire
The Fire was very Dire.
Kindle (KIN dl) V.
Link: Candle
Link Sentence: Patrick found a unique way to Kindle Candles.
To cause to burn or ignite; to arouse or inspire.
Because Christine once had a feeling for him, Joe thought sending flowers might again kindle her affections.
Myriad (MIR ee ud) N.
Link: Mirror Add
Link Sentence: Many Mirrors Add a Myriad of reflections
An extremely large numbers George was a hypochondriac, weighted down by Myriad concerns about his health
Rhetoric (RET or ik) N.
Link: Rent-A-Wreck
Link sentence: A salesman Rent-A-WRECK RHETORIC.
The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively; over-elaborate language
A persones use of Rhetoric can indicate much about that persons character.
Latent (LAYT nt) Adj.
Link: Lay Tent
Link sentence: Never Lay your Tent on a Latent volcano
Laying hidden or underdeveloped; potential
Trent had a Latent talent as a singer which he didn't discover until he was in his 50's.
Trenchant (Tren chunt) Adj.
Link: Trench Ant
Link Sentence: A Trenchant mouth is characteristic of the famous Madagascar Trench Ant.
Cutting, incisive, having a sharp point, caustic, sarcastic
Julia had a Trenchant tongue and was always putting her friends down behind their backs.
Jaunt (jawnt) N.
Link: Haunt
Link Sentence: A Jaunt Haunt
A short pleasure trip
My parents are always talking Jaunts in their new motor homes
Vertigo (vur tuh GO) N.
Link: Where to go
Link Sentence: When test pilot developed a bad case of vertigo, he did not know where to go.
The sensation of dizziness
Charles was acrophobic and even suffered from Vertigo while standing on a stool, replacing the lights in the kitchen.
Impede (im PEED)V.
Link: Speed
Link Sentence: The job of a highway patrolman is to Impede speeding motorist .
To obstruct or interfere with; to delay
He was only my uncle, but he always told me no matter what, not to let anyone Impede my ambition to go to medical school
Scrutinize (SKROOT uh nyze) V.
Link: Screw Eyes
Link Sentence: U.S customs officials have Screw Eyes when they Scrutinize baggage.
To look very carefully; To examine
Newspaper proof readers Scrutinize an entire newspapers each day
Specter (SPEK ter) N.
Link: Spectacles
Link Sentence: A Specter with Spectacles.
A ghost or phantom
As the lights came up on stage, a Specter seemed to materialize from no where
Paradox (PAIR uh dauks)
Link: Bears or Ducks
Link Sentences: The "are we Bears or Ducks" Paradox.
A statement that seems true but at the same time seems to also have an opposite truth
Dr. Jekyll was often a Paradox; as soon as you began to understand him, he became Mr. Hyde.
Wax (waks) V.
Synonymes: Extend, Grow, Lengthen, Enlarge, Dilate.
To increase in extent, quantity, power,etc.
To increase in the extent of its illuminated portion before the full moon.
To grow or become.
Wane (wain) V.
Link: Rain
Link Sentence: Snowmen Wane in the Rain.
To decrease gradually
With a Waining of air in his air tank, the diver knew he had to return to the surface.
Copious (Co pious) Adj.
Link Sentence: Copious Cops devour donuts, waiting for some excitement.
Large in quantity or number; abundant; plentiful; copious amounts of food
As you read Cold Mountain, you must make Copious annotations.
Perspicacious Adj.
Link: Perspiration
Link Sentence: Annotation the novel, Perry's perspiration increased while concentration on Perspicacious reading.
Having incredible mental discernment.
If one examines political cartoons perspicuously the artist's message is quite clear.
Marauder (muh RAWD er) Adj.
Link: Ma Raider
Link Sentence: The fiercest Marauders are Ma Raiders.
Raider; Intruder
During the civil war, Marauding bands of confederate guerrillas raided union supply lines in the midwest.
Cower (KOW ur) V.
Link: Cow
Link Sentence: Bessie, the Cowering Cow, never could stand the sight of her own milk.
Cringe from fear; to shrink away
When sheriff Wild Bill Hickok entered the last chance saloon, the villains Cowered in fear.
Aloof (uh LOOF) Adj.
Link: Roof
Link Sentence: Snowball, the cat, was so Aloof when guests came she hid on the roof.
distant, reserved in manner; uninvolved
Most everyone thought Theodore Aloof when actually he was only very shy.
Shod (Shod) V.
He shod the house
To protect or arm at point
"To this accompaniment, the poorly shod of Inman's party climbed over the wall to yank the boots off the dead"(Frazier 13).
Daguerreotype (da guerre o type) N.
The artist mad aDaguerreotype
an obsolete photographic process, invented in 1839, in which a picture made on a silver surface sensitized with iodine was developed by exposure to mercury vapor.
Forbearance (for BAYR ans) N.
Link:Fore Parents
Link Sentence:Four Parents exhibiting Forbearance.
Teachers must Forbear when they deal with unruly students.
Cerebral (suh REE brul) Adj.
Link: Cereal
Link Sentence: Eat you Cereal so you will grow up and be Cereal like you father.
Of or relating to the brain; an intellectual person
Dr. Clark was to Cerebral to be a boy scout leader. Instead of saying,"pitch your tents over by the cliff," he would confuse everyone with his big words and say,"construct the canvas shelters in the proximity of the promontory.
Lament (la MINT) V.
Link: Cement
Link Sentence: We Lament that joe buried in Cement.
To express sorrow or regret; to mourn
The song "Cowboy's Lament," is a ballad about the lonely life of those who drive cattle for a living.
Cacophony (kuh KAFH uh nee) N.
Link: Cough
Link Sentence: A Cacophony of Coughing.
Harsh sounds
A Cacophony isn't noise alone, it is disturbing noise such as when people shout out all at once.
Quietude (kwi i TUDE) N.
Link: Quiet Dude
Link Sentence: Dad was a Quiet Duse who sought for Quietude.
Calm; Tranquil; Peaceful
Gene and Chris chose their property for the air of Quietude and peace that pervaded the area.
Connoisseur (kahn uh SUR) N.
Link: King of Sewer
Link Sentence: The King of the Sewer is a Connoisseur of garbage.
an expert, particularly in matters of art and taste
My uncle is a Connoisseur of fine wines.
Evoke (EE voke) V.
Link: Coke
Link Sentence: Sometimes a song, a picture, even a Coke can Evoke the most poignant of youthful memories.
To summon forth, call to mind, awake or produce, suggest.
A clap of thunder and a flash of lightning over the old castle Evoked dark spirits for the villagers who remembered the night of the headless ghost.
Cupidity (kyoo PID ih tee) N.
Link: Cupid
Link Sentence:Cupid with Cupidity
Excessive greed, especially for money
The thief's Cupidity was exceeded only by his ignorance.
Ubiquitous (yoo BIK woh tus) Adj.
Link Big As Us
Link Sentence: When your as Big As Us you feel Ubiquitous
The quality of being everywhere(or seeming to) at the same time
Computers used to be rare, but today are more Ubiquitous than typewriters.
Link: Detroit
Link Sentence: The auto workers in Detroit are Adroit at manufacturing automobiles.
Many fourth graders are more Adroit on the computer than their parents.
Fetter (Fet ur) V.
Link: Feather
Link Sentence: A Fettered Feather
To restrain; To hamper
The prisoners were Fettered by Shackles on their ankles.
Exonerate(ig ZON er ate) V.
Link: Hid Honor Was Late
Link Sentence: His Honor Was to Late to Exonerate the innocent prisoner.
To free from accession or blame; to free from a responsibility or task.
When he was released from jail, he finally felt Exonerated for his crime.
Mores (Mawe ayz) N.
Link: More A's
Link Sentence: Our educational Mores have it that More A's a student makes, the better their education.
Cultural Standerds; Moral Attitudes
According to Chinese Mores, it is considered polite to belch at the table as a gesture of appreciation.
Doldrums (n) (DOHL drums)
Link: Doll Drums
Link Sentence: All covered with dust, the Doll Drums were in the Doldrums
A period or condition of depression or inactivity
Ever since Jackie's dog died, the little fellow has not touched his toys, moping around day after day in the Doldrums.
Throng (throng) N.
Link: Song
Link Sentence: The Throng broke into Song.
A large group of people gathered closely together
When the pope visited the U.S, an admiring Throng gathered at every major city.
Emulate (IM u late) V.
Link: Imitate
Link Sentence: Jimmy Emulates his dad by Imitating him.
To attempt to equal or surpass, especially through imitation.
Most people Emulate those they most Admire.
Incite (en SIGHT) V.
Link: Fight
Link Sentence: The pitcher's bean ball Incited the batter to Fight
To arouse to action.
Waving a stick a Jerry's dog only Incites him and increases the chance he will bite you.
Austere (aw STEER) Adj.
Link: Steer
Link Sentence: An Austere Steer is no fun at a party.
Stern, as in manner, without excess unadorned, severely simple and plain
The Austerity of life in the village was understandable. Many were jobless and evidence of poverty was everywhere.
Palpable (PAL pah bul) Adj.
Link: Pal The Bull
Link sentence: Our Pal, The Bull, is Paulable
Capable of being touched or felt
The answer is as Palpable as the nose on your face.
Misanthropy (MIS an thruh pee) N.
Link: Miss Anthropy
Link Sentence: Miss Anthropy was a Misanthropy.
Hatred of Mankind
A more Misanthropic person you never did see. He hates everyone.
Espouse (eh SPOWZ) v.
Link: Spouse
Link Sentence: Harold's Spouse Espoused a large family.
I Espouse the idea that we eat desert before dinner.
Ethereal (i THEER ee ul) Adj.
Link: Cereal
Link Sentence: Ethereal Cereal
Very light; airy; Delicate; Heavenly
An Ethereal mist covered the hill in the morning.
Amenable (ah MEE nuh bul)Adj.
Link: Mean Bull
Link Sentence: The matador tried to be Amenable to the Mean Bull
Agreeable, Responsible to authority, Pleasant, Willing to give in to the wishes of another.
Jack was such a classy guy, always Amenable to any reasonable solution to a problem.
Culpable (KUHL pul buhl) Adj.
Links: Culprit
Link Sentence: The Culprit is Culpable for the crime!
Worthy of blame.
Orleanna-The Poisonwood Bible- must deal with her feelings of guilt, facing how she is partly Culpable for what befalls her family
Portend (por TEND) V.
Link: Poor End
Link Sentence: His teach Portended that billy would come to a Poor End
A warn as an Omen: Forecast in Ancient
In ancient times a comet in the sky was considered a Portentous event.
Catharsis ( kuh THAR sis) N.
Link: Cats and Horses
Link Sentence: Cat and Horse Catharsis
An emotional or psychological cleaning that brings relief or renewal.
After Jeremy returned to the French World War II battlefield he had known fifty years before, he said he found the experience Catharsis.
Abate (ah BAIT) V.
Link: Bait
Link Sentence: Abated Bait
When the storm finally Abated, we resumed our family picnic.
Intrepid (in TREP id) Adj.
Link: Trip Ed
Link Sentence: Everyone considered David Intrepid after he Tripped Ed, the bully, in the cafeteria.
Fearless, Bold
The Green Berets have always been known for their Intrepidity.
Surreptitious(sur ep TISH us) Adj.
Link: Suspicious
Link Sentence: To escape from the circus, an elephant has to be Surreptitious without being Suspicious.
Done or acting in a secretive manner.
Helen surreptitiously crept around the car, hoping to get a cat out from under it.
Fraught (fraught)
Link: Caught
Link Sentence: Eric Caught a boatload in a lake Fraught with fish.
teeming with, laden, full
The freighter was Fraught with cargo.
Erudite (ER yoo dyte)
Link: Airtight
Link Sentence:Knowing that his case was Airtight, the defense attorney became confidant and Erudite.
Deeply learned, Scholarly
The extent of Dr. Smiths library is an indication of his Erudition.
Bolster (BOHL ster) V.
Link: Holster
Link Sentence: Members Bolstered each other by wearing their Holsters.
To support, as in a group, to give a boost, a large pillow
The coach saw it was time to Bolster his team, so he gave them a pep talk.
Surfeit (SUR fit)
Link: Surfers
Link Sentence: A Surfeit of Surfers is a sure path to disastrous surfboard accidents.
An amount; especially overindulgence in eating and drinking.
The beach store had a Surfeit of bathing suits and last Saturday put on a bathing suits sale.