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121 Cards in this Set

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Fond of drinking
bide v
To await.
biennial n
A plant that produces leaves and roots the first year and flowers and fruit the second
bier n.
A horizontal framework with two handles at each end for carrying a corpse to the grave
bigamist n
One who has two spouses at the same time
bigamy n
The crime of marrying any other person while having a legal spouse living
bight n
A slightly receding bay between headlands, formed by a long curve of a coast-line
bilateral adj.
bilingual adj.
Speaking two languages.
biograph n.
A bibliographical sketch or notice
biography n
A written account of one's life, actions, and character
biology n.
The science of life or living organisms
biped n.
An animal having two feet
birthright n
A privilege or possession into which one is born
bitterness n.
Acridity, as to the taste
blase adj
Sated with pleasure
blaspheme v
To indulge in profane oaths
blatant adj.
Noisily or offensively loud or clamorous.
blaze n.
A vivid glowing flame.
blazon v.
To make widely or generally known.
bleak adj.
blemish n
A mark that mars beauty
blithe adj.
blithesome adj
blockade n
The shutting up of a town, a frontier, or a line of coast by hostile forces.
boatswain n
A subordinate officer of a vessel, who has general charge of the rigging, anchors, etc
bodice n
A women's ornamental corset-shaped laced waist
bodily adj.
boisterous adj.
Unchecked merriment or animal spirits.
bole n
The trunk or body of a tree
bolero n.
A Spanish dance, illustrative of the passion of love, accompanied by caste nets and singing
boll n
A round pod or seed-capsule, as a flax or cotton
bolster v
To support, as something wrong
bomb n
A hollow projectile containing an explosive material.
bombard v.
To assail with any missile or with abusive speech
bombardier n.
A person who has charge of mortars, bombs, and shells.
bombast n
Inflated or extravagant language, especially on unimportant subjects
boorish adj
bore v.
To weary by tediousness or dullness
borough n.
An incorporated village or town
botanical adj
Connected with the study or cultivation of plants
botanize v
To study plant-life.
botany n.
The science that treats of plants
bountiful adj.
Showing abundance
Bowdlerize v.
To expurgate in editing (a literary composition) by omitting words or passages
bowler n
In cricket, the player who delivers the ball
boycott v.
To place the products or merchandise of under a ban
brae n
braggart n
A vain boaster.
brandish v.
To wave, shake, or flourish triumphantly or defiantly, as a sword or spear.
bravado n.
An aggressive display of boldness
bravo interj
Well done.
bray n.
A loud harsh sound, as the cry of an ass or the blast of a horn
braze v.
To make of or ornament with brass.
brazier n
An open pan or basin for holding live coals
breach n.
The violation of official duty, lawful right, or a legal obligation
breaker n.
One who trains horses, dogs, etc.
brethren n. pl.
Members of a brotherhood, gild, profession, association, or the like.
brevity n.
Shortness of duration
bric-a-brac n.
Objects of curiosity or for decoration
bridle n
The head-harness of a horse consisting of a head-stall, a bit, and the reins
brigade n.
A body of troops consisting of two or more regiments
brigadier n
General officer who commands a brigade, ranking between a colonel and a major-general.
brigand n.
One who lives by robbery and plunder
brimstone n
brine n
Water saturated with salt
bristle n.
f. One of the coarse, stiff hairs of swine: used in brush-making, etc.
bridle n
The head-harness of a horse consisting of a head-stall, a bit, and the reins
brigade n.
A body of troops consisting of two or more regiments
brigadier n
General officer who commands a brigade, ranking between a colonel and a major-general.
brigand n.
One who lives by robbery and plunder
brimstone n
brine n
Water saturated with salt
bristle n.
f. One of the coarse, stiff hairs of swine: used in brush-making, etc.
Britannia n.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain
Briticism n
A word, idiom, or phrase characteristic of Great Britain or the British
brittle adj.
broach v
To mention, for the first time.
broadcast adj.
. Disseminated far and wide
brogan n
A coarse, heavy shoe
brogue n.
Any dialectic pronunciation of English, especially that of the Irish people.
brokerage n.
The business of making sales and purchases for a commission; a broker
bromine n.
A dark reddish-brown, non-metallic liquid element with a suffocating odor
bronchitis n
Inflammation of the bronchial tubes.
bronchus n.
Either of the two subdivisions of the trachea conveying air into the lungs.
brooch n
An article of jewelry fastened by a hinged pin and hook on the underside
brotherhood n.
Spiritual or social fellowship or solidarity.
browbeat v.
To overwhelm, or attempt to do so, by stern, haughty, or rude address or manner
brusque adj.
Somewhat rough or rude in manner or speech.
buffoon n
A clown.
buffoonery n.
Low drollery, coarse jokes, etc
bulbous adj.
Of, or pertaining to, or like a bulb.
bullock n.
An ox.
bulrush n
Any one of various tall rush-like plants growing in damp ground or water
bulwark n
Anything that gives security or defense.
bumper n
A cup or glass filled to the brim, especially one to be drunk as a toast or health.
bumptious adj.
Full of offensive and aggressive self-conceit.
browbeat v.
To overwhelm, or attempt to do so, by stern, haughty, or rude address or manner
brusque adj.
Somewhat rough or rude in manner or speech.
buffoon n
A clown.
buffoonery n.
Low drollery, coarse jokes, etc
bulbous adj.
Of, or pertaining to, or like a bulb.
bullock n.
An ox.
bulrush n
Any one of various tall rush-like plants growing in damp ground or water
bulwark n
Anything that gives security or defense.
bumper n
A cup or glass filled to the brim, especially one to be drunk as a toast or health.
bumptious adj.
Full of offensive and aggressive self-conceit.
bungle v.
To execute clumsily.
buoyancy n.
. Power or tendency to float on or in a liquid or gas.
buoyant adj
Having the power or tendency to float or keep afloat
bureau n.
A chest of drawers for clothing, etc.
bureaucracy n.
Government by departments of men transacting particular branches of public business
burgess n
In colonial times, a member of the lower house of the legislature of Maryland or Virginia
burgher n
An inhabitant, citizen or freeman of a borough burgh, or corporate town
burnish v.
To make brilliant or shining
bursar n
A treasurer.
bustle v.
To hurry.
butt v.
To strike with or as with the head, or horns.
butte n.
A conspicuous hill, low mountain, or natural turret, generally isolated.
buttress n.
Any support or prop.
by-law n
A rule or law adopted by an association, a corporation, or the like.