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63 Cards in this Set

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Candace's candidness overwhelmed her business colleaugues, who were not used to such honesty
::Completely honest, straightforward
::inference; guesswork
(die DAK tik)
your learning so much your gonna die
Christine accepted her award with the most effusive speech in school history: she cried, she hugged ppl, she blew kisses to the audience, and then she cried some more.
::Showing excessive emotion; overflowing
::a mild, indirect, or vague term substituting for a harsh, blunt, or offensive term
Think detectives. Bad cop good cop. Dark room with a bright light. Questioning the suspect intensively and or giving him "physical encouragemen" wink wink
::to infer or estimate by extending or projecting known information
think Hannah after a week of not sleeping and no coffee. She just said something---didnt make any sense....
::lacking cohesion or connection
Is your comment about my pretty eyes insinuating that my new hairstyle is awful? What? Yellow, green, red, and purple dont go together anymore?
::to imply or communicate stealthily
Its like if squirrels could talk and they took some coffee and you were trying to have a conversation with it but it would just talk about all its furry squirrel problems...squirrels are food not friends....
::very talkative
His lessons are all over the place and never make any sense. He's as lucid as a muddy river in which all the neighboring farms and industries dump their raw sewage and old dead cows into....water anyone?
::easily understood; clear

(RET uh rik)
its that class that crazy teacher teaches. Her elequent speechs entertain students of all kinds!
::the art of using language effectively and persuasively

Since she's danced her whole life, sydnee's acumen locates the flaws where you only see perfection.
::quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgment or insight

An adroit ballon-animal maker, the hippo soon became very respected in the Black Market
::dexterous; deft

The private investigator had long suspected my dog; before long, he ascertained that Fluffy was indeed the murderer.
::to find out, as thrugh investigation or experimentation
::shrewd, clever

Circle has circumspect manner when he inspects his surrounding when entering the dangerous triangle neighborhoods. He just might have his diameter ruptured by a flying pentagon...
::careful; prudent; discreet
(dis SEM uh nayt)

think dandelions. and as the wind blows each seed turns into flying magical unicorns!
::to scatter widely,as in sowing seed
(er yuh DISH un)

Professor Rudy's eruditon was such that she could answer any question her students put to her.
::deep, extensive learning
(puh DAN tik)

Pedro's pedantic tendencies prompted him to remind us constantly of all the grammatical rules we were breaking.
::excessively concerned w/book learning and formal rules

Persephone's perspicaious mind had solved so many cases that the popular private investagor was able to retire.
::shrewd; clear-sighted

Never one for wild and unrealistic schemes, Matt took a pragmatic approach to research.
Bobby Fisher's precocious intellect made him one of the world's best chess players before he oculd even drive.
::exhibiting unusually early intellectual aptitude or maturity
Hamilton was the world's most prolific author; it is estimated he wrote the equivalent of one thousand novels.
::very productive; producing great qualities
(pro SPEK tus)
Before writing my thesis, I had to submit a detailed prospectus to the department for approval.
::formal proposal
Josh's rudimentary golf skills were easily overpowered by Tiger Wood's amazing performance on the green
::basic; elementary; in the earliest stages of development
::to make or become better, more bearable, or more satisfactory; improve

Abby found her professor's lecture on non-Euclidian geometry abstruse; she dounted anyone else in the class understood either.
::difficult to understand
::emotionally hardened; unfeeling
(kon vo LOO tid)
The directions were so convoluted that we became hopelessly lost.
::intricate; complex
::a puzzle, mystery, or riddle

The ancient poet's handwriting was so inscrutable, that even the most prominent Latin scholars could not read the manuscript.
::difficult to fathom or understand; impentrable
inclined to keep silent; reserved

Mr. Estado was well known for his staid demeanor; he stayed calm even when everyone else celebrated the team's amazing victory.
::unemotional; serious

The dusty archive inclueds an arcane treasure trove of nautical charts from the Age of Discovery.
known or understood by only a few
to absorb or become absorbed; to make or become similar
independence; self-determination

Inga was surprisingly cosmopolitan considering that she never left her tiny hometown in Norway.
worldly;widely sophisticated
Derivative (n)

Special Victims Unit and Criminal Intent are derivatives of the original Law and Order drama series.
something that comes from another source

Esme's play is extremely esoteric; someone not raised in Estonia would find it difficult to follow
intended for or understood by only a small group

Geoff committed the gaffe of telling his date that he'd gone out with her sister the night before
a clumsy social error

She had many idiosyncrasies, one of which was washing her socks in the dishwasher.
characteristic peculiar to an individual or group
Insular (IN suh ler)

The family was so insular that no one else could get near them.
isolated; narrow or provincial

My father held an orthodox view of baseball; he believed that the field should be outside and made of real grass.
adhering to the traditional and established, especially in religion

An omnipotent potentate is a person to be reckoned with; great power in the hands of a great leader is a powerful combination.
one who has the power and postion to rule over others; monarch
to scold, rebuke, or harshly criticize

In recent years the FCC has cenured networks for the provocative antics of Super Bowl halftime acts; what goes on during the game, however, usually escapes the organization's notice
to issue official blame
to condemn openly

Our neighbors were quite reclusive, hardly ever emerging from behind the closed doors of their home.
seeking or preferring seclusion or isolation
to retire from; ive up or abandon
to give up (a title, for example), especially by formal announcement

The vituperative speech was so cruel that the members left felling completely abused.
marked by harshly abusive condemnation

The archeologist cercumscribed the excavation area on the map
to draw a circle around; to restrict
Contiguous (kun TIG yoo us)

The continental US consists of 48 contiguous states.
sharing an edge or boundary; touching

After arguing endlessly with them for weeks, Connie swithced to a more conciliatory tone with her parents once prom season arrived.
appeasing; soothing; showing willingness to reconcile
capable of being believed; plausible

Xena was exonerated of all charges.
to free from blame

The videotape of the robbery provide incontrovertible evidence against the suspect--he was obviously guilty.
indisputable; not open to question
Indict (in DITE)

President Nixon's aides were indicted during the Watergate scandal.
to officially charge with wrongdoing or a crime
Litigious (luh TIJ us)

Letitia was a litigious girl; at one point, she tried to sue her dog.
prone to engage in lawsuits
Partisan (adj.)
devoted to or biased in support of a party, group, or cause

The judges at the Olympics must score each athlete's performance with parity; such impartial treatment is hard since one always wants to root for one's own country.
equality, as in amount, status, or value (antonym: disparity)
Recitude (REK ti tood)

Thanks to his unerring sense of fairness and justice, Viktor was a model of moral rectitude; his hometown even erected a statue in his honor
moral uprightness; righteousness

Cassie was remiss in fulfilling her Miss America duties; she didn't even come close to ending world hunger.
lax in attending to duty; negligent