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100 Cards in this Set

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ingratitude n
Insensibility to kindness.
ingredient n.
inherence n.
The state of being permanently existing in something.
inherent adj
inhibit v.
to hold back or in
inhospitable adj.
not disposed to entertain strangers gratuitously
inhuman adj.
inhume v.
To place in the earth, as a dead body
inimical adj
iniquity n
gross wrong or injustice
initiate v.
To perform the first act or rite
inject v.
To introduce, as a fluid, by injection
injunction n.
inkling n.
a hint
inland adj.
remote from the sea
inlet n.
A small body of water leading into a larger.
inmost adj.
deepest within
innocuous adj
innovate v.
to introduce or strive to introduce new things
innuendo n.
innumerable adj.
inoffensive adj
Causing nothing displeasing or disturbing.
inopportune adj.
Unsuitable or inconvenient, especially as to time
inquire v.
to ask information about
inquisition n.
a court or tribunal for examination and punishment of heretics
inquisitive adj.
Given to questioning, especially out of curiosity
inquisitor n.
one who makes an investigation
inroad n.
forcible encroachment or trespass
insatibale adj.
that desires or craves immoderatley or unapppeasably
inscribe v.
to enter in a book, or on a list, roll, or document, by writing
innumerable adj.
inoffensive adj
Causing nothing displeasing or disturbing.
inopportune adj.
Unsuitable or inconvenient, especially as to time
inquire v.
to ask information about
inquisition n.
a court or tribunal for examination and punishment of heretics
inquisitive adj.
Given to questioning, especially out of curiosity
inquisitor n.
one who makes an investigation
inroad n.
forcible encroachment or trespass
insatibale adj.
that desires or craves immoderatley or unapppeasably
inscribe v.
to enter in a book, or on a list, roll, or document, by writing
inscrutable adj
inpenetrably mysterious or profound
insecure adj.
not assured of safety
insensible adj.
insentient adj.
lacking the power of feeling or perceiving
inseparable adj.
that can not be separated
insidious adj.
working ill by slow and stealthy means
insight n.
intllectual discernment
insignificance n.
lack or import or of importance
insignificant adj.
without importance, force, or influence
insinuate v.
to imply
insipid adj.
insistence n.
insistent adj.
insolence n.
pride or haughtiness exhibited in contemptuous and overbearing treatment of others
insolent adj.
insomnia n.
inspector n.
an official appointed to examine or oversee any matter of public interest or importance
instance n.
a single occurrence or happening of a given kind
instant n.
a very brief portion of time
instantaneous adj.
done without perceptible lapse of time
instigate v
to provoke
instigator n.
one who incites to evil
instill v
to infuse
instructive ad.
conveying knowledge
insufficiency n.
insufficient adj.
inadequate for some need, purpose, or use
insular adj.
pertaining to an island
insulate v.
to place in a detached state or situation
insuperable adj.
insuppressible adj
Incapable of being concealed
instigate v
to provoke
instigator n.
one who incites to evil
instill v
to infuse
instructive ad.
conveying knowledge
insufficiency n.
insufficient adj.
inadequate for some need, purpose, or use
insular adj.
pertaining to an island
insulate v.
to place in a detached state or situation
insuperable adj.
insuppressible adj
Incapable of being concealed
insurgence n.
insurgent n.
One who takes part in forcible opposition to the constituted authorities of a place
insurrection n.
The state of being in active resistance to authority
intangible adj.
Not perceptible to the touch.
integrity n.
Uprightness of character and soundness of moral principle
intellect n.
the faculty of perception or thought
intellectual adj
Characterized by intelligence.
intelligence n
Capacity to know or understand.
intelligible adj
intemperance n.
Immoderate action or indulgence, as of the appetites
intension n.
The act of stringing or stretching, or state of being strained
intensive adj.
Adding emphasis or force
intention n.
That upon which the mind is set.
interact v.
To act reciprocally.
intercede v.
to mediate between persons
intercept v.
to interrupt the course of
intercession n
entreaty in behalf of others
intercessor n.
a mediator
interdict n.
authoritive act of prohbition
interim n.
time between aacts or periods