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45 Cards in this Set

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Name the 3 muscle systems of epaxial muscles
General innervation of epaxial muscles
dorsal brs. of cervical, thoracic and lumbar spinal nerves
Main actions of epaxial muscles
extensors of vertebral column

lateral movements when acting on one side
Most lateral and ventral epaxial system

name components

lumborum and thoracis
actions of iliocostalis

general O and I
fixation of vertebral column
lateral movement

ilium and C7
Which system is located medially to iliocostalis?

Name components
longissimus system

thoracis et lumborum
(maybe atlantis)
general O and I of longissimus system
ilium to head
Strongest muscle of the trunk in lumbar and thoracic regions

Main actions
longissimus thoracis et lumborum

extension and fixation of the vertebral column
What does longissimus thoracis et lumborum fuse with in lumbar region?
iliocostalis lumborum
Main actions of longissimus cervicis
extend the neck
unilaterally raises the neck obliquely (turns to one side)
Main actions of longissimus capitis
extension of atlanto-occipital joint, head and neck
What are the main components of the transversospinalis system
semispinalis capitis (biventer and complexus)
rectus capitis dorsalis
obliquus capitis cranialis and caudalis
spinalis et semispinalis thoracis et cervicis
mulifidus, rotatores, interspinalis, intertransversarii
What is the strongest muscle of the neck?
Actions of splenius
extend and raise the head and neck
unilaterally draws the head and neck laterally
Separating the semispinalis muscles reveals what?
the nucchal ligament
Actions of semispinalis
raises the head and neck
unilaterally flexes the head and neck
What does the nucchal ligament become after T1
supraspinous ligament
Name the epaxial muscles that extend the atlanto-occipital joint
longissimus capitis
rectus capitis dorsalis
obliquus capitis cranialis
Which muscle causes rotation of the atlas on the axis and fixes the atlanto-axial joint?
obliquus capitis caudalis
What is the action of spinalis et semispinalis thoracis et cervicis
fix the thoracic vertebral column and raise the neck
Deep epaxial muscles of transversospinalis
Epaxial dorsal tail muscles
dorsomedial sacrocaudalis
dorsolateral sacrocaudalis
dorsal caudal intertransversarius
dorsal lateral flexor of the tail?
dorsal caudal intertransverarius
Epaxial ventral tail muscles
ventromedial sacrocaudalis
ventrolateral sacrocaudalis
ventral caudal intertransverarius
ventral lateral flexor of the tail?
ventral caudal inyertransversarius
Additional tail muscles
levator ani
Name 2 branches of the 2nd cervical spinal nerve
great auricular
transverse cervical
Great auricular
sensory from neck, ear, caudal part of head
transverse cervical
sensory from cranioventral part of neck
Which nerves pass through omotransversarius?
C3 and C4
3rd, 4th, and 5th ventral brs of cervical spinal nerves
motor to neck muscles
sensory from the skin
boundaries of jugular groove
What forms the external jugular v?
maxillary and linguofacial veins
What does the venous hyoid arch connect in dogs? in cats?
dogs- right and left lingual veins
cats-right and left lingofacial veins
What is the main blood supply to the neck face and head?
common carotid a.
Components of the carotid sheath
common carotid a.
internal jugular v.
vagosympathetic trunk
tracheal lymphatic ducts
Components of vagosympathetic trunk
vagus n,
sympathetic trunk
What does the vagus n. carry?
parasympathetic and sensory fibers from head to neck, thorax, and abdomen
Is the esophagus or trachea more dorsal?
What is cranial to the trachea?
What are the 2 main components of the trachea?
cartilage rings
trachealis muscle
What gland is located lateral to the trachea and caudal to the larynx?
thyroid gland
What thyroid problems are cats and dogs prone to?

Where can cats' thyroid glands be found?
all along the trachea
What gland had 2 sets, 1 internal and 1 external?
parathyroid gland