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61 Cards in this Set

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gender pay gap

difference in pay between men and women in our society

corporate pyramid order

stockholders elect BOD

BOD elects top officers

top officers elect employees

Has the Equal Pay Act been effective?


quid pro quo

when submission to sexual activity is required to get or keep a job

hostile environment

a situation where sexually offensive conduct is pervasive in a workplace, making work extremely difficult for an affected individual
two leading approaches to business involvement in the legal/political environment

1. proactive (active involvement)-managerial ideology

2. reactive (wait for something to happen and then react)-traditional ideology

grassroots lobbying

when the company seeks to go over the head of the politicians to get the public to put pressure on them to do as the company desires.

When were Political Action Committees(PAC) created?

after Watergate

What strategy would the AACSB advocate to deal with legal/political environment?

proactive strategy


phrase associated with Japan's Kanban System

Is the United States high context or low context?

low context

Ugly American

When an American goes into a foreign country expecting/telling people to act the way Americans act

Cultural imperialism

everyone country should be like your country

law of comparative advantage

idea that it is more effective to specialize in what you do best,rather than trying to do everything

-economic underpinning to the globalization concept

Cultural Relativism

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

Multinational Company

company that not only sells its products in other countries; but has factories, headquarters, offices, etc...in other countries

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

A law passed in 1977 at the end of the Social Activism Period; applies to all companies in stock exchange

original name for WTO


first law prohibiting workplace discrimination

The Equal Pay Act

federal agency charged with enforcing workplace discrimination laws


proactive and reactive strategies deal with what?

legal/political environment

tort law is primarily made up from

state common law

Ford Edsel disaster

marketing disaster

synonym for ethics


basis of socialism

The concept that people will be motivated to contribute to community service and the public sector rather than to work out of mere self-interest

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

bottom - physiological needs

safety and security



top - self-actualization

Archie Carols pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility

bottom - financial responsibility

legal responsibility

responsibility to be ethical

top - social responsibility

elements of macroenvironment of business

economic, social, legal/political, technological, and international environments


The creation of networks of human interaction that span worldwide distances



"Eat,drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die"

Fredrich Nietzsche


-"man and superman"

Precipitating events in the annals of American business


-The Tylenol crisis

Laura Nash

Thearticle, "Ethics Without the Sermon"


The greatest good for the greatest number



another name for market capitalism

traditional ideology

Originator of Fiscal Policy

John Maynard Keynes

reasons for government regulation in business



-historically mostly economic, but since 1960's they became largely social

successors of Progressives and Populists

Ross Perot and Ralph Nader

ways capitalism differs from socialism and communism

capitalism has emphasis on the individual and individual responsibility.

Milton Freedman

stood up against the corporate social responsibilityconcept.

reason why the industrial revolution was so revolutionary

explosion of output that resulted from factories, machines, and the division of labor

Story of Sir Thomas More

setout in the play and movie, "A Man for All Seasons," illustrates thelengths some people will go to because of their principles


-ended Social Activism Period

- President Carter

The Smoot-Hawley Act

passedduring the Great Depression to protect our companies from foreign competition


government owns all of the means of production

Who advocated supply-side economics?

Ronald Reagan

Labor unions currently represent how much of the private sector work force?

around 6%

Author of The Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith

supply-sideeconomics called for:

balanced budgets, reduced regulation of business, and lower taxes (primarily for business); didn't accomplish them all

event that drove business schools to begin focusing on the macro-environment of business


Joseph Schumpeter

believed capitalism was good because of what he called creativedestruction.

Where did TheIndustrial Revolution begin?


Is business a Traditional profession?


Laissez-faire capitalism

an economic philosophy that rejects government intervention in markets


those who have been successful should help those who areless fortunate.

social responsibility of business

That business should make money without harming society, and should affirmatively try to make society better


the idea that ethics and morality are irrelevant; just follow legal standard belief that business ethics were different from traditional ethics


belief that every place is like your home country

categorical imperative

"don't do anything that you would not want everyone else to do"

3 leading branches of ethics

Egoism, Utilitarianism, Principles