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47 Cards in this Set

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¿Qué tal?
Greeting(how are you?)
Buenos días.
Good morning.
Buenas tardes.
Good afternoon.
Buenos noches.
Good evening/ Good night.
Hasta luego.
Goodbye (If you will see the person later.)
Hasta pronto.
Goodbye (If you will see the person soon)
Hasta la vista.
Goodbye (Until I see you)
Nos vemos.
Goodbye (We'll see each other)
Hasta mañana.
Goodbye (If you won't see the person until tomorrow)
¿Cómo estás?
To ask a friend how they are; How are you?
Estoy bien.
To say you are well; I am well.
Estoy mal.
To say you are bad; I am bad.
Estoy muy mal.
To say you are really bad; I am really bad.
Estoy muy bien.
To say you are really well; I am very well.
Estoy más o menos.
To say you are so so/ alright; I am so so.
¿De dónde eres?
To ask where a friend is from (where they were born); Where are you from?
¿Cómo te llamas?
To ask for someone's name; What is your name?
¿Dónde vives?
To ask where a friend lives; Where do you live?
Vivo en...
To tell someone where you live; I live in...
Soy de...
To tell someone where you are from (where you were born); I am from...
Me llamo...
To tell someone what your name is; My name is...
¿Cómo está Ud.?
To ask an adult how they are; How are you? (this is for the formal "you")
¿De dónde es Ud.?
To ask an adult where they are from (where they were born); Where are you from?
¿Dónde vive Ud.?
To ask an adult where they live; Where do you live?
¿Cómo se llama Ud.?
To ask an adult what their name is; What is your name?
el señor
the man
la señora
the woman
la señorita
the young woman
el amigo
the friend(boy)
la amiga
the friend(girl)
mi amigo
my friend(boy)
mi amiga
my friend(girl)
el niño
the boy
la niña
the girl
los amigos
the friends
¿Cómo está _____?
To ask how another person is; How is he/she?
¿De dónde es _____?
To ask someone where another person is from; Where is _____ from?
¿Dónde vive _____?
To ask someone where another person lives; Where does _____ live?
¿Cómo se llama _____?
To ask what another person's name is; What is _____'s name?
La señora se llama...
To tell what another person's name is; The woman is named...
Mi amigo se de...
To tell where another person is from; My friend is from...
El señor vive en...
To tell where another person lives; The man lives in...
El niño está...
To tell how another person is; The boy is...(fine, bad, ect.)
Se llama...
His/Her name is...