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12 Cards in this Set

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Sciatic Nerve
Tibial portion: anterior L4-S3
Common peroneal portion: posterior L4-S2
Runs under piriformis, through greater sciatic foramen
Motor innervation to knee flexors & ALL muscles in leg & foot
Superior Gluteal Nerve
Posterior division L4-S1
Runs superior to piriformis through greater sciatic foramen between gluteus medius & minimus
Motor innervation gluteus medius & minimus & tensor fascia latae
Inferior Gluteal Nerve
Posterior division L5-S2
Runs through greater sciatic foramen inferior to piriformis, deep to gluteus maximus & superficial to sciatic nerve
Motor innervation gluteus maximus
Quadratus Femoris Nerve
Also innervates superior gemillus
Anterior division L4-S1
Runs through the greater sciatic foramen inferior to the piriformis muscle
Motor innervation to those 2 muscles
Obterator Internus Nerve
Also innervates inferior gemillus
Anterior division L5-S2
Runs through greater sciatic foramen inferior to piriformis the loops back to reenter pelvis through lesser sciatic foramen
Motor innervation to obterator interus & superior gemellus
Pudendal Nerve
Anterior division S2-S4
Runs through the greater sciatic foramen inferior to the piriformis muscle then loops back to enter perineum through lesser sciatic foramen to enter pudendal canal
Motor innervation to perineum muscles & primary sensory innervation to genitalia
Coccygeal & Levator Ani Nerve
Anterior division S3-S4
Motor innervation to these 2 muscles
Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
Anterior division S2-S3
Posterior division S1-S2
Runs through the greater sciatic foramen inferior to the piriformis muscle, lies alongside the sciatic nerve
Sensory innervation to skin of back of thigh & to skin of lower & lateral butt (gluteal branch) & perineum (perineal branch)
Perforating branches of cutaneous nerve
Posterior division S2-S3
Pierces sacrotuberal ligament; sensory innervation to skin of medial part of butt fold
Piriformis Nerve
Posterior division S1-S2
Motor innervation piriformis
Pelvic Splanchnic Nerve
Anterior division S2-S4
travels to inferior hypogastric plexus
Perineal branch
Anterior division S4
Descends through coccygeus then runs anterior to external sphincter ani
motor innervation to this muscle & sensory innervation to overlying skin