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22 Cards in this Set

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11th amendment
sets original jurisdiction for suits against states in state courts (if you want to sue Ohio you have to do it in state courts)
12th amendment
says that the electoral votes for one president and one vice president. Before this they voted for 2 different presidents. 2nd place got to be vice pres.
13th amendment
ends slavery. allows for forced labor for punishment of crimes. armed forces duty (drafted) and jury duty.
14th amendment
Articulates due process and equal protection clauses. Applies the bill of rights to all of the states according to subsequent Supreme Court cases.
equal protection clause (14th amendment)
prohibits discrimination of citizens. does not allow for unreasonable distinction among people.
due process (14th amendment)
requires that the government not act arbitrarily. The police are required to follow a certain set of rules in order to deprive someone of life, liberty, or property.
14th amendment cont.
creates 2 manners in which a person can be considered a citizen: jus soli and jus sanguinis
jus soli (14th amendment)
The law of the soil. If you were born here, you're a citizen.
jus sanguinis (14th amendment)
The law of blood. If your parents are American, you can be too.
15th amendment
gives the right to vote to black men
16th amendment
initiates the federal income tax
17th amendment
Allows for the direct election of US Senators. Previously was done by state legislature. Another example of how the government did not trust the people in matters of government (electoral college).
18th amendment
Prohibition. Makes illegal the sale, possession, use, or production of beverage alcohol. Started as the "Temperance Movement" and The Womens' Christian Temperance Union. Westerville Anti-Saloon League. Dedicated to removing alcohol from society since women were being abandoned and beaten more than ever.
19th amendment
Sufferage for women. Second major womens' rights movement. Women had right to vote in west (Pioneer women had a different role in democracy. Wyoming gave women sufferage in 1868.)
20th amendment
Established the 20th of January for presidental inauguration. House breaks electoral college.
21st amendment
repeals prohibition.
22nd amendment
Limits the president to 2 terms especially in light of FDR (4 terms '33-'45)
23rd amendment
gives Washington 3 electoral votes. DC is a federal administered city.
24th amendment
Removes poll taxes, a requirement to pay before one could vote. Civil Rights issue; only African-Americans were required to pay.
25th amendment
Vice president becomes president if president cannot fulfill his/her duties(like death, resignation, or incapacitation.)
26th amendment
Gives 18 year olds sufferage. If 18 year olds were dying for political reasons, they should be allowed to participate. Done as a student movement in response to war in Vietnam.
27th amendment
Requires that congressional pay raises be effected in the congress subsequent to vote for raises. A member in Congress has to get re-elected to recieve the raise.