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40 Cards in this Set

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What initiates wound healing? What are the 4 phases?
Platelets initiate wound healing.

4 phases = Inflammatory, Debridment, Repair, and maturation
Animal specific starch (carbohydrate) that can be split into glucose quickly to supply energy to muscles and tissues rapidly when sugar is in immediat demand. Glycogen in the body is stored in the liver and muscle tissue.

Consumption of excess carbs results in its storage as glycogen or converted to fat
Essential fatty acids
Fatty acids that cannot be synthesized and must be obtained from diet alone. It is polysaturated, long chained fatty acid that is necessary for normal body functions, along with playing roles in kidney and reproductive functions, cell membrane formation, and prostaglandin production.
Essential amino acids
Amino acids that arestructures that the body can not synthesize and must be included in the animals diet (taurine)
Water content in moist, semi-moist and dry foods
Moist - 70 - 83%

Semi-moist = 25 - 35% moisture

Dry = 3 - 11% moisture
Puppy/kitten nutrition
Feed on milk for about the 1st 4 weeks.

Should be weighed to ensure they are getting enough nutrition, average growth rate of 2-4g a day.

Orphaned puppies/kittens should be fed a milk replacement formula every 2-4 hours.

Weaning occurs around 6-8 weeks
Feeding post parturition
Placed on growth/lactating formula when pregnant. After parturition, needs rise to 50% the first week and by 200-400% by the fourth week of lactation
Treatment of obesity
Considered obese when 15 - 20% above normal body weight.

Goal: 1-2% weight loss/ week over 6-8 months. NO CRASH DIETS

Increase excersize and feed with a calorie restricted diet
RER Calculations
Resting Energy requirement

>5kg = 30 x kg + 70 kcal =

<5kg = 60 x kg + 70 kcal =

There are 1.5 kcals in 1 ml recovery diet.
Illness energy requirements

Hospitalized = RER x 1.2
Sx/Truama = RER x 1.5
Cancer/Sepsis = RER x 1.7
Burns = RER x 2.0
Total parenteral nutrition. Contains all nutrients body needs to survive. Administration of TPN is done through a central venous or peripheral catheter using strict sterile technique
Continuous feeding - Enteral feeding
Typically done with PEG (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy) and j tubes
Assisted feeding - Enteral feeding
Syringe feeding to boost caloric intake in the patient that is still eating but not enough
Repeated bolus - Enteral feeding
Used for pharyngostomy, esophagostomy.

orogastric and nasogastric tubes used
Checking placement of orogastric tube
Palpate the tube in the neck, 2 firm structures should be palpable

Smell the end of the tube for gastric odors

Blow into the tube while another person listens for gurgling

Infuse 5 ml of sterile saline and observe for a cough. Coughing indicates incorrect placement.
Feeding schedules for enteral feeding
Start with a small amount and progressively work up to a full amount.

Ex = Day one - 1/3 food into 2/3 water
Day two - 2/3 food into 1/3 water
Day three - full food amount

Food is blened and divided into portions and fed q 4-8 hrs
Gastronomy tube feeding
Tube goes into the stomach. Veterinarian places.

Indicated for long term feeding in patients that are vomiting, have resp disease, pancreatitis, anorexia or after sx or trauma of the esphagus.

Vet will place this in patient that is in R lat recumbency, as an actual surgical procedure will need to be done!

Patient fed a liquid diet, but you will wait 12 hrs after placing before geeding

If less than 16 weeks in, you can simply remove, if greater than 16 weeks, more complicated.

Hole allowed to heal by second intention (on it's own)
PEG tube
Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastronomy tube. Only tube that involves an endoscope.
Esophagostomy feeding tube
AKA E-tube

Indicated for short term feeding where disease or injury is cranial to the pharynx.

Requires anesthesia

Indicated for anorexic, oral sx, or trauma or cancer patients. Use caution in vomiting or patients with respiratory disease

14 F or larger tube used Common procedure in cats
Orogastic placement
Canine - nares to the last rib, felines - nares to the 10 - 11th rib.
Canine = Nares to the 6-9th rib, felines nares to the 7th - 8th rib
Nasoesophageal tube placement
The distance between the nares to the distal esophagus 8-9th rib
Esophagostomy tube
midcervical esophagus on L side of neck to the 7th rib
Second intention
Contraction and epitheliaztion. Wounds heals w/o surgical closure
Third intention healing
Secondary closure

Closure after 3 - 5 days, when granulation tissue has already developed. Severely contaminated traumatized wounds and requries a lot od debridement
Signs of impending birth (canine)
Relaxing of abdominal and pelvic muscles

Drop in rectal temp (caused by drop in progesterone) to 98 - 99 F

Restless nesting behavior
Stage one of parturition (canine)
6-12 hurs, up to 36

Uterine contractions begin, restless, pain, digging, shivering, vomiting, refusal to eat, dialated cervix, pups rotating into presenting position
Potential problems during partruition
Green-black discharge but no puppy w/in 4-6 hrs (miconium)

No contractions since sac broke

Weak and infrequent contractions for more than 4 hours

Strong contractions with regular abdominal straining for 30 min

More than 2-4 hrs have passed since the last pup
Stage 2 of parturition
3-12 hrs, up to 24 hrs

Temp returns to normal

1st pup enteres the pelvic canal

Noticable uterine contractions

Clear discharge

Pups should follow in 1-4 hrs
Our role once pup is born - Human intervention
Intervene only if the bitch is not licking the pup to remove the sac and stimulate breathing.

Use your fingers to break open sac

Clear the airway with a bulb syringe

Rub w/ a towel

Cut the cord and tie with suture

ID and weight the puppy

Return to mom to begin nursing
Stage 3 of parturition
Expulstion of the placenta

Usually 15 minutes after the birth of 1-3 pups.

Green-black vaginal discharge is normal for up to 3 weeks
Abnormal parturition for canines
More than 4 hours between the delivery of each puppy

More than 30 minutes of strong contractions

Abnormal parturition for felines
More than 30 minutes of severe labor with no kittens

Labor following delivery of all kittens with no afterbirth
Resuscitation of puppies
Immediately check for vital signs, then if not good...

Perform ABC's
Clear airway - suction (gently), administer drugs, acupuncture, toe pinch, and aggressively rub them!


Check mentation

Can apply acupuncute with a 25g or less needle on the bottom of the nose to stimulate respirations
Neonate exam - Head, ears, nose and oral cavity
Check for malformations of the skull, stenotic nares and cleft palate (usually euthanized for cleft palate)

External ear canals open between 6-14 days after birth and should be enterely open at 17 days

Nose = patency of nostrils and presence of fluid
Neonate exam - Thorax
Check thoracic wall to make sure chest cavity is not deformed

Ausculate chest:

HR = 220 bpm and RR = 15-35 Brpm
Neonate exam - abdomin
Palpate to ensure liver is normal size
Neonate exam - skin and umbilicus
Inspect for wounds and herniations. Check hydration and condition of foot pads
Neonate exam - Limbs, tail, anus and genitalia
Look for deformities, absence of long bones and condition of joints
Orphan nursing care of neonates
Unable to control their body temp so keep outside tem at 86-90 f, and lower it over the next 3 weeks to 75 F.

Fed commercially prepped formula via nipple bottle, dosing syringe or tube - 5fr for <300 g, 8-10 fr for >300g

Be sure to stimulate defecation after each feeding (can defecate on their own at 3 weeks)