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39 Cards in this Set

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Drug interaction if given Metyrapone and Aminoglutethimide together
Iatrogenic adrenal insufficiency
Major side effect in males of spironolactone
Gynecomastia; competitive antagonist at androgen receptors (inhibits CYP450 too)
Eplerenone MOA
Selective aldosterone antagonist (no andorgen receptor antagonism)
Alternative use for spironolactone (not hypoeraldosteronism)
Treatment for female hirsutism due to androgen receptor antagonism)
Phenoxybenzamine MOA
Irreversible non-competitive alpha adrenergic receptor inhibitor (blocks catecholamines, reduces HTN in pheochromocytoma)
Propranolol MOA
Non-selective competitive beta adrenergic antagonist (block catecholamines, reduces tachycardia)
Sequence for pheochromocytoma Tx prior to surgery
Alpha-adrenergic (phenoxybenzamine) prior to beta-adrenergic (propranolol) antagonist to avoid B2-mediated vasodilation inhibition leading to hypertensive crisis.
Test for adrenal insufficiency (not Metyrapone)
Cosyntropin; ACTH analogue
Iobenguane (mIGB), radiolabeled molecule like noradrenaline (iodine-123) (specific for pheochromocytoma)
Tx for Hypervitaminosis D
Decrease Ca2+ / Vit D intake; loop diuretic (furosemide)
Effect on thyroid of amiodarone
Both hypo and hyperthyroidism
1st line Tx- hypothyroidism
Levothyroxine (Levo)- T4
Drugs reducing conversion T4 -> T3
Inhibit 5' deiodinase: propranolol (beta blockers), corticosteroids, aminoglutethemide (comp. selective mineralo), antiarrhythmic amiodarone
Liotrix MOA
Mix T3/T4 if pt can't convert T4 -> T3
Emergency hypothyroid Tx
Ex) myxedema coma. Liothyronine- T3, rapid onset, short duration, highly potent (not for long-term use)
AE of Liothyronine
Cardiotoxicity, increased risk of arrhythmia, insomnia, anxiety
Iodine Salt MOA
Hyperthyroid- inhibits TH synthesis/release, decreased vascularity of thyroid
Thiomide MOA
Inhibit peroxidase (organification), inhibit iodotyrosine coupling, inhibit 5'-deiodinase (propylthiouracil/PTU, methimazole)
PTU vs. Methimazole
PTU (short acting, less potent, rapid acting) vs. Methimazole (10x potent, long duration)
Contraindication of PTU in children
Hepatotoxicity (hepatocellular necrosis), prefer lower risk Methimazole
AE of Thioamides
GI, macropapular rash, hypothyroid symptoms, hepatitis (children), lupus-like syndrome, agranulocytosis
Tx of Thyroid Storm
Propranolol (beta blocker- CV, anxiety, T4->T3 conversion), IV PTU (rapid), hydrocortisone (reduce T4->T3), supportive therapy for fever
Postoperative radioablation for thyroid tumor is indicated when:
1. distant mets; 2. gross extrathyroidal extension; 3. >4cm tumors
DM2 treatment if A1c over 10?
Essure ®
Tubal occlusion device placed into fallopian tubes via hysteroscopy
Copper T IUD
Polyethylene w/ copper causes immune response and hostile environment preventing fertilization
Risks of Copper IUD
Perforation, expulsion, increased risk of infection during 1st month
Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System MOA
Thickens cervical mucus (inhibits sperm motility/function), endometrial atrophy prevents fertilization
Risks of Levonorgestrel IUS
Perforation, expulsion, infection (1st month), unpredictable bleeding, progestin-mediated (breast tenderness, mood, acne, headache), follicular ovarian cysts
IUD/IUS Contraindications
Pelvic infection, purulent cervicitis, UAB, malignancy, uterine distortion, pelvic TB
Implant (Nexplanon) MOA
Etonorgestrel, 3 years, bleeding/amenorrhea common
Treatment for Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Drospirenone (spironolactone derived), anti-androgenic, exerts progestational and antimineralocorticoid effects by inhibiting and binding androgens to its receptors
Progesterone OC MOA
Alters fallopian tube peristalsis, cervical mucus thickens, atrophic endometrium
OrthoEvra patch MOA
Avoids 1st pass, VTE risk
NuvaRing MOA
Flexible, AE= coital problems, expulsion, vaginal discharge
Progestin-Only OC
"mini-pill", norethindrone or norgestrel, suppresses ovulation/thickens mucus; CONSISTENT use critical (miss by 3 hrs, use back-up protection)
Depo-Provera shot
Depot medroxprogesterone acetate (DMPA); convenient; AE= weight gain, irregular bleeding, bone mineral density
Risk of frequent spermicide use
increased HIV risk
Plan B / Ulipristal MOA
Inhibit or delay ovulation (causes a lot of nausea)