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32 Cards in this Set

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What structures make up the hippocampal formation?

What is the fxn?
dentate gyrus
hippocampus proper

memory & learning
The hippocampus is continuous w/ the ______________ through the subiculum
parahipocammpal gyrus
The limbic cortex is typically __________ & ___________
paleocortex (3-5 layers) & archicortex
What are the main borders of the hippocampal formation?
-hippocampal sulcus (grove btwn parahippocampal gyrus/subiculum & dentate gyri)
-choroid fissure
-inferior horn of lateral ventricle
-hippocampal sulcus (grove btwn parahippocampal gyrus/subiculum & dentate gyri)
-choroid fissure
-inferior horn of lateral ventricle
The hippocampus proper (cornu ammonis, CA) is a 3 layered cortex, divided into 4 regions (CA1-4) based on what?
differential sensitivity to oxygen deprivation & corticosteroids
& involvment in memory circuitry
The ______________ lies btwn the hippocampus & subiculum & receives major input from entorhinal cortex
dentate gyrus
The subiculum forms a transition area btwn the parohippocampal gyrus & the ________________

What originates from the subiculum?
hippocampus proper CA regions

projections from the hippocampal formation to the mammillary bodies
The hippocampal formation has efferent projections to the ____________ via the fornix
The fornix is formed from the _________ as it leaves the hippocampus
mamillary bodies

(fimbria = collection of nerve fibers from alveus)
The fornix forms 2 major projections from the hippocampus & subiculum to where?
precomissural projection to septal area & hypothalamus
postcomissural projection to mammilary bodies
The hippocampal formation has afferent connections from the ______________, ______________, & ____________ (also via fornix)

These afferents work together to incorporate _______
etorhinal cortex (olfactory info),
parahippocampal gyrus (visual & sensory info), &
basal forebrain (septal area, hypothalamus, amygdala)

Most of the afferent connects TO the hippocampus also recieve efferent info FROM hippocampus
Efferent output from the hippocampus to __________ is associated w/ cortical activation, motivation, & autonomic components of memory & behavior & generation of theta rhythm
PREcommisural areas

(septal area, ant hypothalamus, nucleus accumbens, substantia innominata, medial frontal cortex)
Efferent output from the hippocampus to the ________________ is associated w/ declarative memory
medial mammillary nuc (Papez circuit)-->
POSTcommisural areas
Other efferent arise from the subiculum & include ______________ (feeding behavior) & _______________ (memory assoc)
ventromedial nuc of hypothalamus (feeding)

lateral dorsal nuc of thalamus (memory assoc w/ cingulate gyrus)
Describe the circuit of Papez
begins- entorhinal cortex (parahippocampal gyrus)-->
projects tohippocampus (subiculum)-->
projects to mammilary bodies-->
project to the anterior nuclei of the thalamus--> project to cingulate gyrus (via the internal capsule)-->
**cingulate gyrus then projects back to entorhinal area (via cingulum bundle)
Cingualte cortex distributes info into & out of ___________
Papez’s circuit
Papezis circuit is related to __________

Where does the circuit distribute info?
behavioral motivation

distributes primarily to prefrontal & premotor areas & visual auditory & somatosenaory association cortex.
What is the main descending pathway from Papez's circuit?
mammilotegmental fasciculus

(goes to reticular formation & raphe nuc)
The ________ is in the anterior medial temporal lobe. It uses visceral & somatic sensory inputs to coordinate emotional responses to pleasurable, fearful & visceral stimuli.
amygdaloid complex

(mostly sympathetic autonomic & fear responses)
What are the 2 primary nuclear groups of the amygdala?
1. corticomedial group- primary connections w/ olfactory bulbs
2. basolateral group- connects w/ broader regions (corticomedial group, entorhinal cortex, septal area)
The ___________ group plays a role in autonomic reg of visceral stimuli associated w/ reproduction, feeding, & survival (olfactory funxtion)
corticomedial group

(via brainstem, hypothalamus, & thalamus connections)
Corticomedial group connects w/ ____________--> rewarding nature of behavior, and w/ ____________--> motor behavior

What is the major connection?
nucleus accumbens (reward)

caudate & putamen (motor)

septal nuclei via stria terminalis
The _____________ group plays a role in a wide range of somatosensory, visual, & visceral functions

This group contains ________ neurons
basolateral group

GABA neurons
(GABA agonists reduces anxiety)
The basolateral group connects to the hypothalamus, substantia innominata, & septal nuclei via the __________________ pathway

These projections are involved in what?
ventral amygdalofugal pathway

involved in integration of autonomic & cortical info into the affective aspects of memory & behavior (aggression, fear)
The ___________ sends diffuse cholinergic projections to cerebral cortex as part of reticular arousal (emotional stimuli)
substantial innominata (basal nucleus, includes Nuc of Meynert))
The substantia innominata also is involved in _________________ via brainstem, locus ceruleus, raphe
cortical activation

**degeneration assoc w/ alzheimers
What pathway links the septal nuclei w/ the habenular nuclei, interpeduncular nucleus, & brainstem tegmentum autonomic nuclei?
stria medullaris thalami
Connections btwn habenular nuclei & globus pallidus linkes the ______________ w/ motor expression of autonomic related behavior (facial expressions, laughing, crying)
septal nuclei
The most important function of septal area connections is in regulation of ________ & ________
visceral reactions & behaviors
Septal area has cholinergic neurons that project to _____ & _______

what does this contribute to?
hippocampus & amygdala

theta rhythm & memory formation
The ________-
-lies at the jxn of the caudate & putamen
-receives input from the amygdala, hippocampus, & dopaminergic nuclei (substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area)
-projects to hypothalamus, brainstem & globus pallidus
nucleus accumbens
What does the nucleus accumbens contribute to? (fxn)

Via what kind of receptors?
rewarding nature of behaviors (addiction)

endogenous opiod receptors (may be assoc w/ addiction & OCD)