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49 Cards in this Set

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Period during which the conceptus is most likely to develop a major congenital malformation:
During the embryonic period
(wks 3-8)
What forms the neural tube?

What does the neural tube form?
the lateral edges of the neural plate

large brain (cephalically) & the spinal cord (caudally)
The neural folds are temporarily incomplete where
At the cranial and caudal neurotropes (close at day 25 and day 27)

*eventually fuse to form neural tube
What cells separated from the junction of the neural tube and surface ectoderm
Neural crest cells
When do the first somites appear
Day 20

*from paraxial mesoderm (occipital region caudally)
When does bone marrow become the definitive blood-forming organ?
After the seventh month of gestation
Formation of the placenta begins at the morula stage & the blastocyt consists of what ?
inner cell mass (embryoblast)
^(will form embryo proper)
& outer cell mass (trophoblast)
^(will form fetal placenta)
During the 2nd week of development the trophoblast differentiates into what 2 layers?
synctiotrophoblast (outer multinucleated layer)
cytotrophoblast (inner cellular)

*eventually cytotrophoblast grows together w synctiotrophoblast
What is the decidua reaction?
endometrial cells around the conceptus become loaded with glycogen and lipids and the tissue becomes edematous
Lacunae appear w/i the synctiotrophoblast as it invades the sinusoids of the endometrium, what does this establish?
uteroplacental circulation
The chorionic cavity develops w/i the extraembryonic mesoderm as the ______________ is pinched off
secondary yolk sac
The chorion remains attached to the amnion & yolk sac via the ___________
connecting stalk
The trophoblast continues to develop during the 3rd week w/ formation of the __________________
outer cytotrophoblast shell
Once villi form, the fetal and maternal circulation are only separated by what?
"placental barrier"
(fetal capillary endothelium & synctiotrophoblast)
What 2 components form the placenta?
chorion frondosum (fetal portion)
decidua basalis (maternal component)
What are the important functions of the placenta?
-exchange of gases
-exchange of nutrients & electrolytes
-transmission of maternal antibodies
-production of hormones
Ectoderm germ layer gives rise to what?
CNS, PNS, sensory epithelium of the eye, nose, ear and epidermis of the skin, hair, nails and subcutaneous glands, pituitary gland and tooth enamel
Where dpes the conotruncal septum of the hear come from?
Neural crest cells
What else do the neural crest cells make (derivatives)?
Spinal and sensory ganlia of cranial nerves V, VII, IX, X, autonomic ganglia, adrenal medula, schwann cells, connective tissues of the anterior part of the skull and meninges, melanocytes, c cells of the thyroid gland
What are the three parts of mesoderm?
Paraxial, intermediate and lateral plate
What does the sclerotome form?
cartilage and bone of the axial skeleton, including vertebral column

*epimeric & hypomeric are skeletal-muscle forming regions
What does the dorasl dermatome form?
Forms the dermis of the skin
What does the intermediate mesoderm form?
Urogenital structures
Lateral plate mesoderm diveds into what two layers?
somatic/parietal and the splanchnic visceral layer
The two layers formed by the mesoderm are separated by what?
intraembryonic cavity
Where does blood vessel formation occur?
in mesoderm near yolk sac at 3 weeks then from lateral plate mesoderm
What organ becomes the major hematopoietic organ of the fetus by week 6?

What does it do?

sends stem cells to colonize bone marrow (definitive blood-forming organ)
What are the three parts of the gastrointestinal tract?
Cephalic foregut (buccopharyngeal to liver, the hindut (tail) and midgut (connected to yolk sac by the viteline duct)
Where does the respiratory system come from?
Lung bud….an outgrowth, respiratory diverticulum from the ventral wall of the foregut
What else does the endodermal germ layer contribute to?
Urinary bladder, urethra, thyroid and parathyroid glands, liver and pancreas, tonsils, thymus,llining of typanic cavity and auditory tube
What do the synctiotrophoblasts do?
erode the endometrium
How is the uteroplacental circulation established?
Lacunae in the synctiotrophoblast invade capillaries and make sinusoids and the flow of maternal blood forms
Excess Amnionic fluid is called?

What might this lead to?

-anencephaly or intestinal atresia which prevent swallowing & absorption respectively
Deficient amnionic fluid?

What might this lead to?

-renal agenesis or amnion rupture, resulting in clubfoot or lung hypoplasia
What contributes to the umbilical cord coming out of the umbilical ring?
Connecting stalk and the vitelline duct
What are the two types of bone formation?
Intramembranous abd endochondral
Where do the intervevertebral discs form in the sclerotome?
Between the the cephalic and caudal halves
The formation of the CNS begins w/ the development of the ___________
neural plate
As part of face & anterior neck formation, neural crest cells migrate into _________________ & form CT
pharyngeal arches
During the embryonic period of development the age of the embryo is expressed by what?
the number of somites
Each somite divides into;
a ventromedial __________
a dorsomedial ___________
a dorsolateral ___________
and a dorsal ____________
sclerotome (ventromedial)
dorsomedial (epimeric)
dorsolateral (hypomeric)
dermatome (dorsal)
The intraembryonic cavity, lined by mesothelial/serous membrane, is later partitioned to form ________, __________, & _________ in the adult
pericardial, pleural, and paritoneal cavity
The endodermal germ layer has the ______________ as its main derivative, due to the lateral cephalocaudal folding of the trilaminar germ disc
GI tract
The fetal period (wk 9-birth), lasts from gestation until ___________ after fertilization or ____________ after last menstrual period

*main time of growth & functional maturation
266 days (38 wks)
280 days (40 wks)
When are primary ossification centers present?
by 12th week
What hormone does the synctiptrophobast secrete, during the first 2 months to maintain the corpus luteum?
human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
What hormones do the placenta produce by the 4th month?
-progesterone, maintains pregnancy w/o corpus luteum
-estrogen, stimulates uterine growth & mammory development
Occasionally strips of amnion tear away to form amniotic bands. What defect can this lead to?
constriction or amputation of an extremity, or part of fetus
What are the main functions of amniotic fluid?
-shock absorption
-prevents embryonic adhesion to amnion
-allow fetal movement
-allow fetal growth
-provides barrier to infection
*may be collected & analyzed for amniocentesis