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18 Cards in this Set

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This type of text is the most commonly used in writing because it uses vivid description of details, has consistent point-of-view, and shows sequence of events.

Narrative Text

___ are the people, animals or things that act in the story


____ tells where and when the story happens.


____ the sequence of events in the story which follows the Freytag’s pyramid.


This is the beginning of the story where the author introduces where and when the story happens and the characters in the story.


This is the part where the tension or the problem starts to build up.

Rising Action / Complication

This is the heightened part of the story where the problem reaches its peak.


This is the part of the story where the story starts to be resolved.

Falling Action

This is the final part of the story where the problem is solved.


is the emotion pervading in the story. This is the atmosphere that the reader gets while reading the text. This depends on the what the readers feel.


The feeling or the emotion that the author has set in the story. This depends on what the author feels towards the setting or the character, and what the author wants the readers to feel.


A ____ is a category of art, music, or literature. The following are some popular examples of genres, along with some related sub-genres. Not only will you find literary genres, but some of the most popular music genres as well


The main idea of the story that the author wants the readers to know and usually not stated and must be inferred.


A short story usually funny from the memory of the writer.


An event in the past used or mentioned at the present to clarify or explain something.


A short glimpse of what is going to happen as the story progresses.

Flash Forward

Prolonging the time to give more details on a certain event.

Time Stretch

Exchange of conversation among the characters.
