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22 Cards in this Set

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Kogda mne ispolnilos’ tri goda
(when I turned three years old)
roditeli na den’ roždenija
(my parents on my birthday gave me)
podarili mne krasnyj trehkolësnyj velosiped
(a red three-wheeled bicycle)
Ja, konečno, byla očen’ rada
(I, naturally, was very happy)
Ja srazu sela na velosiped
(I immediately got on it)
i poehala po komnate
(and started riding it in the room)
èto bylo sovsem ne trudno
(which was not at all difficult)
No, doehav do konca komnaty
(but, having reached the end of the room)
ne smogla razvernut’sja
(I couldn't turn around)
Prišlos’ slezat’ s velosipeda
(I had to get off the bicycle)
i razvoračivat’ ego rukami
(and turn it around with my hands)
Pomnju, čto papa očen’ smejalsja
(I remember my father laughing hard)
nabljudaja moi dejstvija
(watching my actions)
S teh por ja často hodila guljat’ vo dvor s velosipedom
(Since then, often I went for a walk in the yard with the bike)
èto bylo tak zdorovo — ehat’
(it was so cool - to go)
a ne idti peškom
(not to walk)
Papa obmotal mne velosiped belymi šnurkami
(my father wrapped the bicycle with white laces)
i velosiped stal sovsem krasivym
(and the bicycle became completely beautiful)
takogo bol’še ni-u-kogo-ne bylo
(a more-so no one had)
Ja katalas’ na nëm neskol’ko let
(I rode it for several years)
poka ne vyrosla
(until I grew up [while not grown])
A potom na ètom velosipede katalsja moj mladšij brat
(and then on this bike rides my younger brother)