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43 Cards in this Set

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Create, Read, Update and Destroy items for a resource

What is a class?

classes are a blue-print for constructing computer models for real or virtual objects - classes hold data, have methods that interact with that data, and are used to instantiate objects

5 types of Ruby Variables, how declared?

Global Variable - $global_variable

Instance Variable - @instance_variable

Class Variable - @@class_variable

Local Variable - lowercase letter or _

Constants - Begin with an uppercase letter. Constants defined within a class / module can be accessed from within that class / module, defined outside a class or module accessed globally

Ruby Pseudo-Variables - what, which

special variables that have the appearance of local variables but behave like constants

self: The receiver object of the current method.true: Value representing true.

false: Value representing false.

nil: Value representing undefined.

__FILE__: The name of the current source file.__LINE__: The current line number in the source file.

Ruby Basic Literals (3)

Integer Numbers: -2^30 to 2^30-1 or -2^62 to 2^62-1 (fixnum or bignum)

Floating Numbers: objects of class Float

String Literals:

Integer Number Formats

optional leading sign, an optional base indicator (0 for octal, 0x for hex, or 0b for binary), followed by a string of digits in the appropriate base0xff #Hexadecimal0b1011 # Binary

Floating Point Formats (4)

123.4 # floating point value

1.0e6 # scientific notation

4E20 # dot not required

4e+20 # sign before exponential

HTTP Protocol Verbs


PUT (update)

POST (create)


Generate URL from Route Name

(name)_url: generates a full (absolute) URL including the protocol and server

ex. http://localhost:3000/articles/

(name)_path: creates a URL relative to site root

ex. /articles/

Add parameter to end:


ex. article_path(3) gives articles/3

REST Actions

Triggered by a request verb and the path

-index: Listing resources

-show: Displaying a single resource

-destroy: Deleting a single resource

-new and create: Creating a new resource

-edit and update: Changing a single resource

Request Path Format in Rails (Parameters, formats, optional)


colon (:) words name the data in that position

access data as params[:id]

() show optional part

ex. (.:format), params[:format]


Routes: Member Action

A member action will work on just a single resource, as opposed to the collection

resources :articles do

member do

put 'publish'



Routes: Collection Action

A collection action will work as a custom action on a collection of resources

resources :articles do

collection do

put 'publish_all'



Nested Resources

Nest resources inside another resources block

resources :articles do

resources :comments


Match Routes (non REST)

resources :sessions

match '/login' => 'sessions#new', as: 'login'

match '/logout' => 'sessions#destroy', as: 'logout'

:as parameter gives name for route

Root Route (and helper)

root to: "articles#index"

Make sure public/index.html is deleted

root_path helper method

Redirection Routes (What? Syntax?)

Redirect to a new path (ex. change posts to articles)

match "/posts/:id" => redirect("/articles/%{id}")


a language that gets compiled to JavaScript

makes use of the powerful features of JavaScript without learning the less known features of JavaScript by adding “syntactic sugar” to JavaScript

string interpolation

full_name = "#{first_name} McFly"

Only works with double quotes (for Rails or CoffeeScript)

JavaScript Object

var myObject = {

sayHello : function() {



myName : 'Rebecca'


myObject.sayHello(); // logs 'hello'

console.log(myObject.myName); // logs 'Rebecca'

JavaScript Primitive Data Types (5)

String: represents sequence of characters e.g. "hello"

Number: represents numeric values e.g. 100

Boolean: represents boolean value either false or true

Undefined: represents undefined value

Null: represents null i.e. no value at all

JavaScript Non-Primitive Data Types (3)

Object: represents instance through which we can access members

Array: represents group of similar values

RegExp: represents regular expression

JavaScript Truthy vs. False


undefined, NaN, null, 0, "", and the keyword false


All else is truthy

Ruby: and vs && operators

and is the same as && but with lower precedence. They both use short-circuit evaluation.

and has lower precedence than =, which is why

test_var = true and false

would equal true

Ruby Truthy Values

Nil/ null: False

Undefined: Does not exist

Boolean: True/False

Number: True

String: True

Object: True

Ruby nil? blank? empty? methods

nil? defined on all Objects, it only returns true on the nil singleton.

blank? defined on all objects too, it returns true if the object also responds to empty? and is empty, or is a false type value (!object is always true).

empty? defined on several collection objects, and is true if it has no elements. It is also defined on String.

Ruby function definition (and valid calls)

times_two 5


times_two (5)

the space makes ruby think (5) is an expression, and evaluated it as such. No space is like normal args in any other language

Stabby Lambda

foo2 = lambda { |arg| arg*2 }

foo2 = ->(arg) { arg*2 }


Proc vs. Lambda (declare, calling, differences)


test_proc = Proc.new { |n| n+3 }

test_lambda = lambda { |n| n + 3 }

test_lambda2 = ->(n) {n + 3}


multiply = Proc.new { |x, y| x * y }

multiply.call(4, 3)

multiply[4, 3]


Using an explicit return in a Proc object created with Proc.new (but not lambda) will cause the calling method to return that value.

Proc does not care about number of arguments, will create a null value if not enough args. Lambda will throw exception if number of args not correct.

Ruby: p vs puts

p foo # puts foo.inspect, i.e. it prints the value of inspect instead of to_s, which is more suitable for debugging (because you can e.g. tell the difference between 1, "1" and "2\b1"

(Almost) Everything in Ruby is an Object

Every Ruby statement or expression evaluates to a single object

Class Definition: Evaluate to last expression inside

method definition: alwaysevaluate to nil (different than the return value)

Conditionals: Evaluate to result of condition, unless no condition is true, or no case statement matched then nil.

Ruby Self

Is class object inside class itself

Singleton Class

Ruby classes are actually objects instantiated from the Class class

Create constructor Method

Method Definition:
class Language

def initialize(name, creator)

@name = name

@creator = creator



calling to create new object:

ruby = Language.new("Ruby", "Yukihiro Matsumoto")

Ruby Access Control

Public Methods: Public methods can be called by anyone. Methods are public by default except for initialize, which is always private.

Private Methods: Private methods cannot be accessed, or even viewed from outside the class. Only the class methods can access private members.

Protected Methods: A protected method can be invoked only by objects of the defining class and its subclasses. Access is kept within the family.

Create getter/setter methods rails? Separately?

attr_accessor :my_var # Create both getter and setter methods

attr_reader :my_var # Create getter method

attr_writer :my_var # Create setter method

def age



attr_writer :age

def age=(value)

@age = value


Equality (4 comparison operators) and applications for different classes

== generic "equality"

Object: true only if obj and other are same

String: true if strings match

Numeric: Will convert across numeric types (1 == 1.0)

=== case equality

Object: Same as calling ==, but overridden by descendants to provide meaningful semantics

.eql? checks value and type

For example, 1 == 1.0 evaluates to true, whereas 1.eql?(1.0) evaluates to false

Object: True if obj and other refer to same hash key.

String: Same length and content

.equal? Compares the identity of two objects; i.e., returns true iff both operands have the same object id (i.e., if they both refer to the same object)

Convert to string or number

Convert to string:

3.to_s # "3"

Convert to float:

3.to_f # 3.0

"3.4f".to_f # 3.4

"ff3.4f".to_f # 0.0

Convert to int:

3.4.to_i # 3 (truncates)

"3.4".to_i # 3

Modules (Benefits, Mixin Keywords)



Mixins - allow for "multiple inheritance"

Mixin Keywords:

require 'other_file' # Import other file with module

def ClassWithMixin

include OtherClassOne

include OtherClassTwo


Super in Ruby

Allow overridden methods in Ruby to do something in addition to what super class did

super will call the same method, but as defined in the super class and give you the result

can pass arguments as well

def initialize(breed, name)


@name = name


singleton class

When you add a method to a specific object Ruby inserts a new anonymous class 
into the inheritance hierarchy as a container to hold these types of 

When you add a method to a specific object Ruby inserts a new anonymous class into the inheritance hierarchy as a container to hold these types of methods

Singleton Class

class << foobar

a singleton class is being opened for the object to the right of those symbols

Dynamically Vs. Static Type

Strongly Vs. Weakly Typed

A dynamically typed language is a language where the type of a variable can be altered at any time. (It is a string, now it is a Fixnum, now it is a Time object, etc.)

A statically typed language is the opposite. (Decide what x is once for all and don’t change your mind!)

A strongly typed language is a language that is being strict about what you can do with your typed variables. (Don’t mix them… or I will throw you an error in the face!)

A weakly typed language is the opposite. (Do what you want with your different types. Mix them all! We’ll see what happens!)