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40 Cards in this Set

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What is forgiveness?

Showing grace or mercy and pardoning others for what they have done.

What is reconciliation?

A sacrament in the Catholic Church. Where individuals or groups restore friendly relations after conflict or disagreement.

What is war?

Fighting among nations to resolve issues between them

What is peace?

An absence of conflict which leads to happiness and harmony

What is justice?

Bringing about what is right and fair, according to the law or making up for a wrong that has been comitted

Name 4 causes of war and conflict





Name 4 effects of war and conflict

Loss of money if you lose




How is peace linked to justice?

You cannot accomplish peace when there is injustice because if people are treated unfairly then this can lead to war and that is the opposite of peace.

Why is peace after a war often hard to accomplish?

Because there is so much resentment in a war that it is hard to let go of all that hate for those who have made you suffer. And this can often lead to more wars.

What did the prophet Asaiah look forward to?

He looked forward for a time when God would bring about peace and justice. When there would be no more fighting and He would settle all the arguments and disputes.

How can justice be linked to war?

A plea for Justice is often the cause of war as if people are not treated fairly and equality is not established then conflict can break out.

What does the quote "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled" (Matthew 5:6) mean?

It means thats those who have suffered from injustice and inequality will soon be granted that very thing.

What do Christians believe about forgiveness?

Christians believe that forgiveness is key to living peacefully and harmoniously. This does not mean to not take action to right a wrong but once the wrong is righted, forgiveness should follow.

Actions to establish peace and justice should follow forgiveness as if this doesn't happen it is likely these will not be achieved and problems will occur.

How does God set an example for forgiveness??

God sets an example for forgiveness as he offers forgiveness to anyone who asks for it in faith. Also when Peter asked Jesus how often you should forgive, Jesus replied, "77 Times." This signifies the never ending amount of forgiveness we should grant. When he does on the cross he even asked God himself to forgive those who had crucified him because "they did not know what they were doing." (Luke 23:34)

What happened in March 2013?

In March 2013 French Foreign Minister said (whilst taking about conflict between France and Mali) that France was in the process of winning the war but they also have to win the peace and that requires many acts to help democracy and development. This shows how reconciliation is much bigger than apologising. It is acting and showing and making an effort to resolve a relationship.

How is Forgiveness and Reconciliation linked?

You cannot have reconciliation without forgiveness as you cannot resolve a friendship or relationship when you have not forgiven the other and are still holding a grudge.

What is the apartheid?

The apartheid was the separation of people based on their colour. It was put in place by white people and resulted in poor treatment over the black people especially. Anyone who wasn't white would have a curfew and any indian, mixed race, black person would have to carry and ID everywhere. It was also not illegal for a white person to kill a black person. Education for the black people ended at 13 and certain building and buses were only for white people. This went on for 50 years.

Name 5 challenges to achieving reconciliation after the Apartheid:

1) cruelty inflicted on black people by white people so hard to forgive

2) Sadness

3) Hate and resentment

4) Betrayal to human kind

5) No trust in place

What was the truth and reconciliation commission? Why was it needed?

The commission was a organisation that enabled white and black people to resolve their problems and relationships between each other. It enabled white people to ask for forgiveness and justice for black people to now be treated fairly. Also it was needed in South Africa because of it wasn't introduced and the Apartheid hadn't ended the fighting might still be going on and there'd be no justice or peace. It gave people of all colour to have a say and it brought people of all people together.

What is Greed? Give an example

It is a selfish desire for something. An example is the Russian takeover of the Crimea in March 2014 which appears to be a lust for power.

What did Christians say about Greed and what did Islam say?

The Bible said that money and greed is the roots and reason for meanness and evil. The Qu'ran said that people who are selfish, greedy are not liked for God.

What is Self Defence? Give an example

Self Defence is the act of preventing harm from yourself or others. An example of this is when in WW11 Britain fights to defend itself against the Nazis as well as defeat a massive threat to the whole of Europe.

What did the Bible and the Qur'an say - about self defence?

The Bible says "Blessed are the Peacemakers" which does not imply whether to fight back but mainl just implies that the people who create peace are "blessed". It may mean in some situations to fight back to create peace but in a fair way.

The Qur'an says that if it is definitely suitable to attack do it but do it in the right and fair way.

What is retailiation? Give an example

Retaliation is deliberately harming someone as a response to them harming you. An example of this is when in 9/11/2001 Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four passenger aircraft and two were flown into the World Trade Centre in New York. The U.S. and UK began military action on Afghanistan where they believed they were giving shelter for the terrorists.

What did Christianity and Islam say about Retaliation?

The Bible says,"if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also" (Jesus) this means that if someone harms you do not fight back but be the bigger person. Do not escalate the conflict. Whereas Islam says that if someone harms you then you should fight back as they have wronged you. And God will help you retaliate.

What is the Just War Theory? Why was it created?

It is a set of rules made by St Thomas Aquinas to make war more just (fair). He was a very important early Christian thinker (Theologian). He believed that too many and they were all for the wrong reasons so he introduced this set of rules called the 'Just War Theory'

What are the 6 rules in the Just War Theory? And name a problem for each

1) there must be a just reason to got to war e.g. self defence

What do we mean by just (Iraq, WMDs)

2) The war must be started by the leader of the country or state.

What is your leader is corrupt or crazy (Donald Trump)

3) War must be to establish good and correct evuk.

Whose good and evil are we talking about?

4) War must be the last resort- all other attempts for communication have failed.

People don't play fair in war

5) There must be a good chance of success

Doesn't everyone think they can win a war?

6) Minimum force should be applied- number of civilians deaths minimized as far as possible.

Doesn't work in modern war

What is Pacifism?

It is the belief of people who refuse take part in any form of war or violence.

Who are the Quakers?

The Quakers are a Christian denominations who are against all use of violence and war. They believe that Christianity and Jesus's tecahings are incompatible with violence. It started with the work of George Fox in the seventeenth cnetury.

How do the Quakers try to overcome war?

They believe that the way to overcome war is to appeal to the "something of God" in Everyone and to not threaten them. They believe that love, co-operation, non-violent, laughter, imagination, telling the truth are all weapons that do not destroy but heal.

What have the Quakers done?

1) They have joined protests against nuclear and all other weapons

2) they have worked for disarmament and oppose the arms trade

3) They have representatives at the United Nations to encourage nations to talk and learn from each other.

What is a conscientious objector?

A person who refuses to serve in the armed forces on the grounds of conscience.

Who was Desmond Does?

Desmond Doss was a Christian man who fought on the islands of Guam, Leyte (Philippines) and Okinawa as a medic. He wanted to be known as a conscientious co-operator. He tried to follow the Christian principle "life is sacred" and refused to carry a gun or any other weapon. Although his fellow medics and soldiers alike viewed him as a liability as he did not carry a weapon he was awarded the Congretional medal of honour by President Truman.

Who were the allies trying to take Guam from?

The Japanese forces

What religious commandment was Desmond Does trying not to break?

"Thou shall not kill"

What did the soldiers do when Desmond was praying at night?

They threw boots at him

As well as the Americans who else did Desmond try to save?

The native Guam people and Japanese soldiers

On which island was Hacksaw Ridge and what happened there?

Okinawa. This was the only way up into Guam and it was a massively steep hill with Japanese soldiers hiding in holes inside it. It was a death trap. After many failed attempts Desmond decided to drag a rope net up the ridge to help the troops get up. Desmond spent 12 hours trying to get the soldiers off Hacksaw Ridge because he knew the Japanese tortured them at night. He saved 75 men.

Why was taking the island of Guam so dangerous?

They were heavily armed, well trained, committed, strong defence systems and it was virtually impregnable

Why did many medics take off their red cross?

So they could fit in with the infantry men as the Japanese targeted medics as an attempt to lower the morale of the other soldiers.