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52 Cards in this Set

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Class EKG finding in atrial flutter.
"Sawtooth " P waves
Definition of unstable angina.
Angina is new, is worsening, or occurs at rest.
Antihypertensive for a dibetic patient with proteinuria.
ACEI (ACE Inhibitor)
Beck's triad for cardiac tamponade.
1. Hypotension LINEBREAK 2. Distant heart sounds LINEBREAK 3. JVD
Drugs that slow AV node transmission.
Beta-blockers LINEBREAK Digoxin LINEBREAK Calcium channel blockers
Hypercholesterolemia treatment that causes flushing & pruritis.
Murmur from hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM).
Systolic ejection murmur LINEBREAK best at LUSB LINEBREAK increases with Valsalva maneuver, standing, or leaning forward.
Murmur from aortic insufficiency.
Diastolic "decrescendo," high-pitched, blowing murmur LINEBREAK best at RUSB LINEBREAK best heard sitting up LINEBREAK increases with decreased preload (handgrip maneuver).
Murmur from aortic stenosis.
Systolic "crescendo/decrescendo" murmur LINEBREAK radiates to the neck LINEBREAK increases with increased preload (Valsalva maneuver).
Murmur from mitral regurgitation.
Holosystolic murmur LINEBREAK radiates to the axillae or carotids LINEBREAK "blowing"
Murmur from mitral stenosis.
Diastolic, mid to late, low-pitched murmur LINEBREAK best at apex LINEBREAK "rumbling"
Treatment for atrial fibrillation.
cardiovert LINEBREAK rate control (CCB or B-Blocker) LINEBREAK anticoagulation if any RFs
Treatment for ventricular fibrillation.
Immediate cardioversion
Autoimmune complication occuring 2-4 weeks post-MI.
Dressler's syndrome: fever, pericarditis, increased ESR
IV drug use with JVD & holosystolic murmur at the left sternal border. Treatment?
Treat existing heart failure & replace tricuspid valve
Diagnostic test for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Echocardiogram (showing thickening left ventricular wall & outflow obstruction)
A fall in systolic BP of > 10 mmHg w/ inspiration.
Pulsus paradoxus (seen in cardiac tamponade)
Classic ECG findings in pericarditis.
Low-voltage, diffuse ST segment elevation
Definition of hypertension.
BP > 140/90 on three separate occasions two weeks apart.
Treatment option for HTN caused by Renal artery stenosis.
treats underlying disease
Treatment option for HTN caused by coarctation of the aorta.
treats underlying disease
Treatment option for HTN caused by pheochromocytoma.
treats underlying disease
Treatment option for HTN caused by conn's syndrome.
treats underlying disease
Treatment option for HTN caused by unilateral renal parenchymal disease.
treats underlying disease
Treatment option for HTN caused by hyperthyroidism.
treats underlying disease
Treatment option for HTN caused by Hyperparathyroidism.
treats underlying disease
Treatment option for HTN caused by Cushing's syndrome.
treats underlying disease
Name eight surgically correctable causes of hypertension.
Renal artery stenosis LINEBREAK Coarctation of the aorta LINEBREAK Pheochromocytoma LINEBREAK Conn's syndrome LINEBREAK Cushing's syndrome LINEBREAK Unilateral renal parenchymal disease LINEBREAK Hyperthyroidism LINEBREAK Hyperparathyroidism
Evaluation of a pulsatile abdominal mass & bruit.
Abdominal ultrasound & CT
Indications for surgical repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm.
> 5.5 cm, rapidly enlarging, symptomatic, or ruptured
Treatment for acute coronary syndrome.
Morphine LINEBREAK O2 LINEBREAK Sublingual nitroglycerin LINEBREAK ASA LINEBREAK IV beta-blockers LINEBREAK Heparin
What is the metabolic syndrome?
abdominal obesity LINEBREAK high triglycerides LINEBREAK low HDL LINEBREAK HTN LINEBREAK insulin resistance LINEBREAK prothrombic or proinflammatory states
A 50-year-old man w/ angina can exercise to 85% of maximum predicted heart rate. Appropriate diagnostic test?
Exercise stress treadmill w/ECG
A 65-year-old woman with left bundle branch block & severe osteoarthritis has unstable angina. Appropriate diagnostic test?
Pharmacologic stress test (e.g., dobutamine echo)
Target LDL in a patient with Diabetes.
< 70
Signs of active ischemia during stress testing.
Angina, ST-segment changes on ECG, or decreased BP
ECG findings suggesting MI.
ST-segment elevation (depression means ischemia) LINEBREAK flattened T waves LINEBREAK Q waves
Coronary territory of an inferior MI.
Coronary territory of a posterior MI.
left circumflex/oblique, RCA/marginal
Coronary territory of a Setpal MI.
Coronary territory of an Anterior Wall MI.
A young patient has angina at rest w/ ST-segment elevation. Cardiac enzymes are normal. Likely diagnosis?
Prinzmetal's angina
Common symptoms associated with silent MIs.
CHF, shock, & altered mental status
The diagnostic test for pulmonary embolism.
V/Q scan (spiral CT)
An agent that reverses the effect of heparin.
The coagulation parameter affected by warfarin.
A young patient w/ a family history of sudden death collapses & dies while exercising.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Endocarditis prophalaxis regimens.
Oral surgery: amoxicillin LINEBREAK GI or GU procedures: ampicillin & dentamicin before & amoxicillin after
The 6 P's of ischemia due to peripheral vascular disease.
Pain LINEBREAK Pallor LINEBREAK Pulselessness LINEBREAK Paralysis LINEBREAK Parathesia LINEBREAK Poikilothermia
Virchow's triad.
1. Stasis LINEBREAK 2. Hypercoagulability LINEBREAK 3. Endothelial damage
The most common cause of HTN in young women.
The most common cause of HTN in young men.
Excessive EtOH