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52 Cards in this Set

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Define free radicals
Unstable chemical compounds with a single unpaired electron in their outer orbital
Describe how ionizing radiation produces free radicals
Produces hydroxyl FRs
Describe how damaged mitochondria produce free radicals
Produce superoxide FRs
Describe how high concentrations of O2 produce free radicals
1. Produces superoxide and hydroxyl FRs
2. Produces hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
-A reactive oxygen species that produces hydroxyl and peroxide FRs
Describe how oxidase reactions produce free radicals
1. NADPH oxidase in the neutrophil and monocyte cell membrane
a. Myeloperoxidase in the phagolysosome combines hydrogen peroxide with chloride to form bleach (hypochlorous acid)
2. Xanthine oxidase acting upon xanthine (degradation product of ATP)
-Produces superoxide FRs
Describe how drugs can produce free radicals
-e.g. acetaminophen
-Converted to acetaminophen FRs in the liver
Describe how CCl4 leads to production of free radicals
Converted to CCl3 FRs in the liver
Describe how cigarette smoke leads to production of free radicals
1. Produces quinone/hydroquinone FRs produced from tar
2. Produces NO, a FR gas
-NO reacts with other reactive species to produce additional FRs
Describe how pollution leads to free radical production
Nitrogen dioxide in car exhaust and ozone produce nitrate FRs
Describe how metals (eg iron, copper) produce free radicals
Produce hydroxyl FRs (called the Fenton reaction)
Describe how NO produces free radicals
FR gas that is produced by macrophages and endothelial cells
Describe how the intima of elastic and muscular arteries produces free radicals
1. Small dense subtypes of LDL enter the intima and are oxidized by FRs produced by macrophages, smooth muscle cells, and endothelial cells

2. Oxidized LDL contributes to formation of fatty streaks, which are progenitors of fibrous caps, the pathognomonic lesion of atherosclerosis
Describe how free radicals attack a molecule and "steal" its election
1. The attacked molecule becomes a FR that begins a chain reaction leading to cell death
2. FRs primarily target nucleic acids and membrane molecules
a. FRs produce DNA fragmentation and dissolution
b. FRs initiate lipid peroxidation of polyunsaturated lipids in cell and mitochondrial membranes
i. Lipid FRs combine with molecular O2
ii. Increases membrane permeability leading to increased cytosol Ca concentration
3. FR damage accumulates with age; important in the aging process
Describe the neutralizers of FRs
1. Superoxide dismutase
2. Glutathione peroxidase
3. Catalase
4. Vitamins
5. Selenium
Describe superoxide dismutases
1. Neutralize FRs
2. Converts superoxide free radicals to peroxide and O2
Describe glutathione peroxidase
1. Enhances glutathione, GSH
2. Located in the pentose phosphate pathway
3. Neutralizes H2O2 and acetaminophen FRs
Describe catalase
1. Present in peroxisomes
2. Degrades peroxide into O2 and water
Describe vitamins as antioxidants
1. Antioxidants neutralize FRs by donating one of their own electrons
a. Stops the electron stealing of FRs
b. Antioxidants remain stable and do not become a FR
2. Vitamin E (fat soluble vitamin)
a. Prevents lipid peroxidastion in cell membranes
b. Neutralizes oxidized LDL
3. Vitamin C (water-soluble vitamin)
a. Neutralizes FRs produces by pollutants and cigarette smoke
-Smokers have decreased levels of vitamin C because they are used up in neutralizing FRs derived from cigarette smoke
b. Best neutralizer of FRs
Describe selenium
Neutralizes FRs in the cytosol
Describe acetaminophen FRs
1. May cause diffuse chemical hepatitis
a. Liver cell necrosis initially occurs around the central veins (zone III)
i. Can occur at nontoxic levels in alcoholics
ii. Produces transient decrease in functional factor VII
-Prolongs the prothrombin time
b. Treatment with N-acetylcystine
-Increases synthesis of glutathione for neutralization of drug FRs
2. May cause renal papillary necrosis
-Necrosis occurs in association with the use of NSAIDs
Describe carbon tetrachloride free radicals
Produce liver cell necrosis with fatty change
Describe ischemia/reperfusion injury in acute MI
1. Occurs with restoration of blood flow to ischemic myocardium
2. Intracellular iron produces hydroxyl FRs, which damage parenchymal cells
-Examples of injury: cirrhosis, exocrine.endocrine pancreatic dysfunction
Describe copper overload (Wilson's disease)
1. Inability to excrete copper into bile
2. Copper excess in hepatocytes increases production of hydroxyl FRs
-Damage to hepatocytes produces cirrhosis
Describe injury to mitochondria
1. Release of cytochrome C from injured mitochondria
-Initiates apoptosis by activating caspases in the cytosol
2. Injurious agents include alcohol, salicylates, and increased cytosolic Ca
-Salicylates and alcohol produce megamitochondtria with destruction of the cristae
Describe smooth ER injury and the induction of enzymes of the liver cytochrome P450 system
1. May be caused by : Alcohol, barbiturates, phenytoin
2. Causes SER hyperplasia
-Increased drug detoxification with lower-than-expected therapeutic drug levels
Describe smooth ER injury and the inhibition of enzymes of the cytochrome P450 system
1. May be caused by
a. Protein receptor blockers (eg omeprazole)
b. Macrolides (eg erythromycin)
c. Histamine blockers (eg cimetidine)
2. Results in decreased drug detoxificiation
-Decreased drug detoxification with higher-than expected therapeutic drug levels
Describe how enzymes enter lysosomes
1. Hydrolytic enzymes synthesized by the RER are transported to the Golgi apparatus for post-translational modification
2. Modification involves attaching phospate to mannose residues on hydrolytic enzymes to produce mannose-6-phosphate
3. Marked enzymes attach to specific M6P receptors on the Golgi membrane
4. Vesicles containing the receptor-bound lysosomal enzymes pinch off the Golgi to form primary lysosomes in the cytosol
5. Fusion of addition vesicles to the primary lysosome further increases their content of hydrolytic enzymes
6. Small vesicles containing only the receptors pinch off primary lysosomes and return to the Golgi apparatus to bind more marked lysosomal enzymes so the cycle can repeat itself
Describe the function of lysosomes
1. Fusion with phagocytic vacuoles containing bacteria
-These lysosomes are designated secondary or phagolysosomes
2. Destruction of cell organells (autophagy)
3. Degradation of complex substrates (eg sphingolipids, glycosaminoglycans)
Describe Inclusion I disease
-Rare inherited condition
-There is a defect in post-translational modification of lysosomal enzymes in the Golgi membrane
-Mannose residues on newly syntehsized lysosomal enzyumes comring fromt he RER are not phosphorylated because of a deficiency of phosphotransferase
-Without M6P to direct the enzymes to lysosomes, vesicles that pinch off the golgi membrane empty into the extracellular space there the enzymes are degraded in the blood stream
-Undigested substrates (eg carbs, lipids, proteins) accumulate as large inclusion in the cytosol
Describe the symptoms of Inclusion I disease
-Psychomotor retardation
-Early death
Describe lysosomal storage diseases
1. Characterized by deficiency of lysosomal enzymes involves in degradation of complex substrates
2. Incompletely degraded complex substrates accumulate in lysosomes
Describe Gaucher's disease
Deficiency of glucocerebrosidase causes accumulation of glucocerebrosides in the lysosomes
Describe Ppmpe's disease
Deficiency of alpha-1,4--glucosidase causes an accumulation of glycogen in the lysosome
Describe Chediak-Higashi syndrome
-Autosomal recessive
-Defect in lysosomal transport proteins that affects the synthesis, maintenance, and storage of secretory granules in various cells (lysosomes in leukocytes, azurophilic granules in neutrophils, dense bodies in platelets)
-Granules in these cells tend to fuse together to become megagranules
-There is a defect in microtubule function in neutrophils and monocytes that prevents the fusion of lysosomes with phagosomes to produce phagolysosomes
-This produces a bactericidal defect, in particular, there is increases susceptibility to developing S. aureus infections
-Microtubular dysfunction also produces defects in chemotaxis which further exacerbates the susceptibility to infection
Describe the normal functions of the cytoskeleton
1. Network of protein filaments in the cytosol
-Maintains shape of the cell and, in some cases, motility of the cell
2. Composed of microtubules, actin filaments, intermediate filamens
3. Microtubiles are polymers composed of the protein tubulin
4. Actin thick and thin filaments are involved in the contractile process
5. Intermediate filaments are important in the integration of cell organelles
Describe what can cause defects in synthesis of tubulin in the G2 phase of the cell cycle
Describe the mitotic spindle defects in the M phase of the cell cycle
1. Vinca alkaloids and colchicine bind to tubulin in microtubules
-Interferes with the assembly of the mitotic spindle
2. Paclitaxel enhances tubulin polymerization
-Interferes with disassembly of the mitotic spindle
Describe intermediate filament defects
1. Ubiquitin, a stress protein, binds to damaged intermediate filaments
-Marks them for degradation in proteasomes and lysosomes in the cytosol

2. Mallory bodies
-Damaged ("ubiquinated") cytokeratin intermediate filaments in hepatocytes in alcoholic liver disease
3. Lewy bodies
a. Damaged neurofilaments in idiopathic Parkinson's disease
b. Eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusions in degenerating substnatia nigra neurons
Describe rigor mortix
Myosin heads become locked to actin filaments as a result of lack of ATP
Describe intracellular bilirubin accumulations
-Kernicterus: fat-soluble unconjugated bilirubin derived from Rh hemolytic disease of newborn
-Bilirubin enters basal ganglia nuclei of brain, causing permanent damage
Describe intracellular cholesterol accumulations
-Xantehlasma: yellow plaque on eyelid; cholesterol in macrophages

-Atherosclerosis: Cholesterol-laden smooth muscle cells and macrophages (foam cells); components of fibrofatty plaques.
Describe intracellular glycogen accumulations
Diabetes mellitus: Increased glycogen in proximal renal tubule cells (cells are insensitive to insulin and become overloaded with glycogen)

Von Gierke's glycogenosis: Deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate; glycogen excess in hepatocytes and renal tubule cells
Describe intracellular hematin accumulations
Melena: when blood is exposed to gastic acid, Hb is converted to a black pigment called hematin, which is responsible for black, tarry stools called melena, a sign of an upper GI bleed
Describe intracellular hemosiderin and ferritin accumulations in iron overload disorders
-eg Hemochromatosis
-Excess hemosiderin (breakdown product of ferritin) deposition in parenchymal cells, leading to FR damage and organ dysfunction (eg cirrhosis)
-Increase in serum ferritin
Describe intracellular hemosiderin and ferritin accumulations in pulmonary congestion
-In L sided heart failure there is pulmonary hemorrhage with phagocytosis of RBCs by alveolar macrophages.
-Hemosiderin is the breakdown product of RBC degradation in the macrophage (called "heart failure" cells)
-Responsible for rusty colored sputum
Describe intracellular hemosiderin and ferritin accumulations in iron deficinecy
Decrease in ferritin and hemosiderin
Describe intracellular hemosiderin and ferritin accumulations in anemia of chronic disease
Increase in ferritin and hemosiderin
Describe intracellular melanin accumulations
Addison's disease: destruction of the adrenal cortex; hypocortisolism leads to an increase in ACTH (melanocyte-stimulating properties) causing excess synthesis of melanin and diffuse pigmentation of the skin and mucosal membranes
Describe intracellular protein accumulations
Amyloid: derives from different properties (eg light chains, amyloid precursor proteins). Stains red with Congo red and when polarized has apple green birefringence
Describe intracellular triglyceride accumulations
Fatty liver: triglyceride in hepatocytes pushes the nucleus to the periphery
Describe intracellular anthracotic pigment accumulations
Coal worker's pneumoconiosis: phagocytosis of black anthracotic pigment (coal dust) by alveolar macrophages ("dust cells")
Describe intracellular lead accumulations
Lead poisoning: Lead deposits in nuclei of proximal renal tubular cells (acid-fast inclusion) contribute to nephrotoxic changes in the proximal tubule