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47 Cards in this Set

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What is sleep deprivation?

Not getting enough sleep
What is considered short term sleep deprivation?
more than 16 hrs without sleep
What is considered long term sleep deprivation?
Less than 7-8 hrs/ 24 hrs on a regular basis
What are factors that may contribute to sleep deprivation?
Poor sleep hygiene
Multiple responsibilities
Circadian rhythm alterations
What is Sleep Deprivation or Behaviorally Induced Insufficient Sleep Syndrome as defined by the ICSD-2?
Behaviorally induced insufficient syndrome occurs when an individual persistently fails to obtain the amt of sleep required to maintain normal levels of alertness and wakefulness. The individual engages in voluntary, albeit unintentional, chronic sleep deprivation
How is Sleep Deprivation or Behaviorally Induced Insufficient Sleep Syndrome treated?
1) Understand that sleep is not negotiable
2)Schedule enough time in bed per 24 hrs to get adequate sleep
3) Learn about good sleep hygiene and apply to life
What is sleep hygiene?
Behaviors that promote good sleep
What behaviors are considered to be part of having good sleep hygiene?
1) maintain regular bed and wake time
2) use bed for only sleeping and sex
3) give yourself an hr to unwind before bed
4) go to sleep when feel drowsy
5) make bedroom as comfortable as possible
6) Exercise regularly
7) Avoid heavy exercise 6 hrs before bed
8) Avoid stimulants 6 hrs before bed
9) Avoid alcohol at bedtime
What is insomnia as defined by the ICSD-2?
1) complaint not a diagnosis
2) difficulty getting to sleep
3) difficulty staying asleep
4) poor sleep quality
5) inadequate amt of sleep despite adequate opportunity
6) daytime impairment due to poor sleep
What percent of the population complains of sleep disturbance?
What is considered to be transient or short term insomnia?
1) less than 1 week or month
2) precipitated by some event
3) resolves when event is over
What is considered to be chronic insomnia?
last more than one month
What psychological or behavioral treatments are available for treating insomnia?
1) Stimulus control therapy
2) Sleep restriction therapy
3) Relaxation therapy
4) Cognitive therapy
5) Sleep hygiene education
What is Stimulus Control Therapy?
Helps a person to re-learn to associate bed with sleep and to establish a consistent sleep-wake schedule
What is Sleep Restriction Therapy?
Reduce time in bed to the amt of time pt estimates he/she is sleeping but not less than 5 hrs/night
What is Relaxation Therapy?
Techniques used to reduce body tension or intrusive thoughts that interfere with sleep
How is Cognitive Therapy used to treat insomnia?
Used to change mistaken beliefs and attitudes about sleep, insomnia, and consequences of not getting enough sleep
What prescription medications are used to keep people awake?
Used to treat narcolepsy
1) Modafinil (Provigil)
2) methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta)
3) dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine)
4) combo amphetamine salts (Adderall)
What is Modafinil (Provigil) useful in treating?
1) persistent daytime sleepiness in pts on CPAP with OSA
2) Circadian rhythm sleep disorders and shift work type
What are the side affects of prescription medications used to keep people awake?
Appetite suppression
Insomnia if taken too close to bed time.
What drugs are available to keep people awake without a prescription?
How does caffeine affect sleep?
1) Increased sleep latency
2) decreased sleep efficiency
3) decreased stage 3 and 4
What are effects of nicotine on sleep?
In active smokers who smoke at bedtime:
1) Increased sleep latency
2) frequent arousals --> reduce TST
What types of prescription medications are used to induce sleep?
Hypnotic Medications
What medications are Benzodiazepines?
1) Temazepam (Ristoril)
2) Estazolam (ProSom)
3) quazepam (Doral)
4) trazadon (Halcion)
What medications are non-benzodiaepines and what are they used for?
Short term use
1) zopidem (Ambien)
2) zaleplon (Sonata)
How do benzodiazepine medications affect sleep?
1) Shorten SL
2) Decrease WASO
3) Increase TST
4) Assc with increase in spindles
5) May reduce REM
6) Suppress SWS
How do non-benzodiazepines affect sleep?
1) shorten sleep latency
2) Zopidem: mild reduction in REM, no effect on SWS
What drugs are available without a prescription to help induce sleep?
1) Alcohol
2) Antihistamines
3) Melatonin
4) L-typtophan
5) Herbs (chamomile, valerian, marijuana)
How does Alcohol affect sleep when taken at bedtime?
1) Shorten SL
2) Increased NREM
3) Decreased REM
4) poor sleep quality
5) Reduced TST
How do antihistamines affect sleep?
may increase drowsiness
What is melatonin?
1) natural substance, made in pineal gland
2) suppressed by sunlight and rises in darkness
3) sold as a health food supplement
How does marijuana affect sleep?
1) Occasional use- minimal sleep disruption
2) regular use- suppression of Stage 3 (SWS)
What anti-depressant medication may cause sleepiness?
What types anti-depressant medication may cause insomnia?
1) Tricyclics
2) Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
What types of anti-depressant medication may cause suppression of REM sleep
1) Tricyclics
2) SSRIs
What anti-depressant medication may cause REM Sleep Behavior Disorder?
1) Venlafaxine (Effexor)
2) SSRIs
What types anti-depressant medication may cause PLMs?
1) Tricyclics
2) SSRIs
3) lithium
4) dopamine receptor antagonists
What medication may cause REMs in all stages?
fluoxetine (Prozac)
What complaints are reported by people taking antihypertensives?
1) Fatigue
2) Sedation
3) Mental Confusion
4) Insomnia
5) Depression
6) Anxiety
What complaints are reported by people taking Anti-arrhythmics?
1) Fatigue
2) Drowsiness
3) Sleepiness
4) Insomnia
5) Diminished Memory
6) Nightmares
What complaints are reported by people taking medications for high cholesterol (Anitlipemic drugs)?
1) Insomnia
2) Fatigue
3) Drowsiness
What is Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER)
Backwash of stomach acid; pain due to regurgitation or backwash of stomach contents, usually acidic, into the lining of the esophagus leading to burning of the lining of the the esophagus
What is sleep-related GER?
Patient awaken from sleep with sour taste in their mouth, complain of disrupted sleep, and awaken feeling panicked
What is esophageal pH monitoring?
1) pH measure for acidity or alkalinity of fluid
2) a thin (1/16th inch diameter) plastic tube is passed through the nose, down the throat, and into the esophagus
3) the tube is attached to a monitor that records each eps of acid reflux
How is Sleep-Related GER diagnosed?
1) PSG with continuous pH monitoring
2) Episode of acid reflux during sleep
3) Eps often assc with arousals from sleep
What is alpha intrusion?
1) Common but unexplained EEG finding
2) Alpha can be seen in stage N2 and N3
3) originally called alpha-delta sleep
4) frequency is 7-12 Hz
5) More prominent over frontal than occipital leads