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26 Cards in this Set

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Uterine myomas, prolapse, and endometriosis are all possible indications for what surgical tx?
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is a dx of ______.

Define Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
exclusion; have to exclude all the other potential causes of menstrual dz.

Abnormal uterine bleeding not related to pregnancy, pelvic pathology, or systemic disease
What causes the breakdown of the endometrium if pregnancy does not occur?
drop in E2 and P --> waves of vasoconstriction --> ischemia --> tissue breakdown --> coagulation --> hemostasis
The Anovulatory woman is always in which stage?

What can happen to the endometrium of such a woman?

Consequently, bleeding in these women is ____ and often quite ____.
follicular stage b/c she's exposed only to E2 all the time.

Grow to an abnormal height
Become vascular and fragile, lacking stromal support
Endometrial shedding is focal, asynchronous, variable
- no organized vasconstriction as in the normal cycle

Irregular, often quite severe/heavy.
What is the most important tool for dx'ing menstrual dz?
good menstrual hx.
Pt presents, having always had 4 menstrual periods per year. They're variable in timing and often quite heavy. Can you make a dx w/o objective assessment?
yes, this is extremely characteristic of anovulation.
correctly timed serum progesterone >3ng/mL is dx of what?

Is serial transvaginal US needed?

In this context, what is endometrial biopsy used for?
confirms ovulation.

not really.

Can help rule out hypertrophy, etc... can also confirm anovulation/ovulation.
Should empirical hormonal tx be used to tx suspected anovulation?
only if you can confirm anovulation!
What is more important re: risk of endometrial carcinoma - duration of unopposed E tx, or age?
duration of unopposed E2 tx.
On endometrial biopsy, if you see a plasma cell infiltrate in the endometrial stroma, what should you think?
chronic endometritis
What are the primary indications (2) for imaging use in dx of menstrual dz?
(1) suspected anatomic cause
(2) failed medical management
What menstrual hx in the pt (3) might suggest an anatomic cause that would make imaging a good idea?
1) Regular monthly cycles complicated by inter-menstrual bleeding
2) Regular monthly cycles that have become heavy or prolonged
3) Abnormal bleeding despite evidence of ovulation
what is the normal thickness of the endometrium on US?
5-12mm = normal.
What is sonohysterography? Advantages?
inject normal saline into uterus cavity --> US.

Greater sensitivity.
What is the definitive method of intrauterine cavitary dx?
- this is generally reserved for what these days?
- reserved for the tx of lesions w/i the cavity.
How do you tx anovulatory bleeding when there is NO suspicion of anatomical abnormality?
- is contraception required?
cyclic progestin.
- no, so long as you're SURE that they're anovulatory, not oligoovulatory
If you tx oligoovulatory bleeding with progestin along with some estrogen, do you need concurrent contraception?
- should this be used with a suspicion of anatomical abnormality?
- no.
Anovulatory states are associated with acute, heavy bleeding. How do we tx that?
attain hemodynamic stability (IV fluids, Transfusion, curettage).

consider biopsy


Medical tx --> high dose progestin --> taper down into maintenance
How do we tx the endometrial attenuation/denudation sometimes seen w/ anovulatory bleeding?
Estrogen and Progestin on a cycle.
How can you tx "breakthrough" bleeding?
w/ hormonal contraception
a progestin only "minipill"
or depot medroxyprogesterone acetate
Why are we so concerned w/ tx'ing anovulatory bleeding - what can it turn into?
endometrial hyperplasia/neoplasia.
How do we tx endometrial hyperplasia WITHOUT cytologic atypia?

- refractory?
cyclic progestin or OCP; repeat biopsy if abnormal bleeding occurs

megestrol acetate
repeat biopsy to confirm resolution
--> hysterectomy for refractory dz
How do we tx ectopic preg?
salpinostomy (opening a fallopian tube)

salpingectomy (removal of a fallopian tube)

How do we tx an incomplete/inevitable abortion?
How do we tx myomas medically?

OCP or NSAID; both of which decrease menses severity.

Myomectomy, Hysterectomy.
What is the best tx of unexplained menorrhagia (heavy menses) in a woman w/ a chronic illness?